#23 you have a nightmare

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You wake up, sweating and panting, tears in your eyes. Newt automatically wakes up and looks over at you with such worry in his eyes. He simply gently grabs your wrist and bring you into a hug, where you tell him the whole nightmare. And he strokes your hair, telling you it will be okay and holding you close until both of you fall asleep.

Thomas always, and I mean always, will immediately hug you to his chest, letting you cry it out. You finally stop about 7 minutes later and explain the nightmare to him. Usually about him being taken by a griever. He holds you even closer and tells you not to worry about it because he won't leave you anytime soon. And you two fall asleep, him in his back and you snuggled into his left side.

When ever you have a nightmare Minho will try and cheer you up anyway he can. He will make, or attempt to, make pancakes. With Frypans "okay" of course. But what ever he does it never fails to make you laugh and forget about the nightmare. He will kiss you on the forehead before you two go back to bed. When you two get there he will let you run your fingers through his hair, even though you mess it up.

Gally never really deals with you and nightmares. But on rare occasions you have a nightmare and he's always there. Holding you close and rubbing small circles on the back of your neck and let you cry and cry until you can't anymore. He will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and kiss all over your face, ultimately making you giggle and forget everything about your nightmare.

You and nightmares are like Gally and being nice. Not meeting every often. But when you do you usually dream about losing Alby if he's out with Minho and Thomas in the maze. You wake up, screaming and tears will be streaming down your face. Alby is already awake and comforting you. He makes sure you are alright before telling you stories of when the gladers make shanks of themselves. Making you laugh and fall asleep with a smile on your face.
I feel proud for updating. Are you guys proud? I hope so.

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