Newt for @commandernewt

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•••••In this version Teresa has already gotten there.•••••

"Come on!" Minho called to me as we came closer to the doors. "I'm here! I'm here." I said catching back up with him. "Wow. You're the fastest new runner I've had so far." Minho said, with a smirk on his face. "Yet." I chuckled. "Yeah yet." I said, running toward the map room. "So how was your first day?" Minho asks, looking over my shoulder to see the map I'm making. "Great. Can't wait to go back out." I said, smiling at him, not caring if he saw me or not.

"Good job Naomi. Maybe in a couple days you could run by yourself." Minho said, while patting me on the arm. "Thanks." I was walking toward the dinning area when I heard something behind me. I turned my head, which was a mistake. I saw Gally, knife in hand, glaring at me. My mind went in shock because he had never shown any signs of anger, until now at least. "Gally." I said, before reaching down and grabbing the knife I always had with me. Through gritted teeth he said, "You did this. You did this." Gally finally lunged at me. I dodged his first attack but not his second.

Gally got on top of me, he knocked the knife out of my hand and he started to punch my face. I tried to punch back but, after hitting my fist with his a couple times I stopped. "G.... Gal..... Gally stop." I said, feeling lightheaded. "Why should I? You didn't stop hurting people." Gally growled at me through his still gritted teeth. I screamed when he stabbed me with a knife in my side. I heard shuffled footsteps come toward us as my vision blurred. Last thing I remember is Gally being pulled off my before I completely blacked out.

When I woke up I was left so stiff. I tried to sit up, even just on my elbows but that sent pain up my arms and I fell back down onto the pillow. Jeff came in and stood over me. "Hey girl. You feeling better?" He said in a mocking tone. "Haha." I said with a smile on my face. Jeff helped me sit up and told me, "Your neck had shucking bad bruises and your side where Gally stabbed you is gonna need stitches. Don't worry, I'll get you sedated and you won't feel anything. And if you do, don't scream." Jeff patted me on the back and bringing me some food.

"Hey Naomi. How are you?" Newt came in with two trays in his hands. "Good, I could be better." I said, nodding my head. "Do you know why he did that?" Newt asked, suddenly having a serious expression on his face. "All he said what that I did this to them. To us." I said, looking away from him. "Is that all he said Naomi?" Newt peered at my face. "Yes." I lied. I know what your probably thinking.'lie? Why would you?' And to that I have an answer. The gladers, especially Newt, are all sensitive about things like that and I know that if I told him Newt would just explode.

"Um can I ask you something?" Newt asks, suddenly so very shy. "Alright go ahead." I said, looking up at him with eager eyes. "There's this girl I really like and I don't really know how to ask her out. Do you think you can help me out?" Newt is now looking down at his lap, which is very different from what his usual personality is. "Okay well first you might want to look somewhat decent. Do something small and something she'll like. Maybe like having a couple gladers help. Something along that lines or you could go old school and ask her out with flowers. You know? Things she might like." I said to him, who was by now blushing a deep red all the way to the tips of his ears. "Alright thanks Naomi." Newt got up, kissed me on the forehead and left. "Have fun lovebird." I said, mocking a bow well as much as a bow I could do in bed.

Minho came in and asked me if I wanted to go to dinner to sit with everyone else and I said yes. So he put my arm over his shoulder because I still hurt from where Gally stabbed me. When we got in there I saw nothing but candles. "Get ready for the surprise of your life girl." Minho said into my ear. Then Newt comes out in some decent looking clothes and holding some flowers in his hands.

"I've been waiting a long time for this Naomi. I need to get this off me chest and I don't bloody care if you don't feel the same way. Naomi I fell in love with you the moment you came up in the box. I always loved the way your hair would come out in some waves because of the braid you keep it in all the time. I love the way you'll can hold your own against the boys. I love the way you can get Minho a run for his sass. The list just goes on and on but I'll cut it short here and ask."

"Naomi, will you be my bloody girlfriend?"

Newt looks straight in the eyes. I smile and he does, too. "Newt." I say start out. "Of course I'll be your bloody girlfriend." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. Newt's eyes widened and I chuckled at the sight. He grabbed me by the waist and spun me around until I told his to stop. "Naomi thank you so much." Newt said with a smile. "Why thank me? I didn't do anything." U said with confusion in my voice. "Yes you did. You became my girlfriend." I blushed when he said that. "Ah see that a blush I see? Aw that's so cute." Newt said, tilting my head up so we were looking into each other's eyes.

Then Newt did something I never excepted he would do. He crashed his lips onto mine. His lips and mine moved in perfect sync. When we pulled back he rested his forehead on mine. "Well..." Newt said. "Yeah well... What do we do now?" I ask. "This." He intertwined his hand with mine. "Let's go."
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry this is so late @commandernewt and hoped you liked it. Also as of now REQUESTS ARE CLOSED. I'm just too backed up on them and can't keep up with my busy schedule and this so if you have requested and imagine then you'll get it. I promise it will be up sometime within the next couple weeks. Anyway have a shucking crazy January. (I don't know why I just said that.) Well anyway have fun listening to this rant. Sorry.

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