#52 They Try on Lipstick(AU)

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When newt tried on lipstick, oh boy. He looked like Miranda Sings.
All over the lips. And a little on his teeth.

Minho and lipstick don't go together. It's like "nope!" So when he did try on lipstick he looked like a dead cat, with horrible makeup.

Let's face it. Gally looked ok. Not bad but certainly not that good. But he did look pretty decent.

Thomas looked...

FABULOUS! It was shocking at how well he did it. And how good it looked.

Alby put lipstick on like he's been doing it for years. It looked like perfection! It's like he could do it in his sleep if he had to.
Hey guys! How are you? How's you day been? I've been in my bed the whole day wrapping in warmth. 😋.
Sooooo, for now on, I'll be updating once a week. 😎.
I found these notecards I wrote preferences on and I have like 20 of them. 😎😎😎. Hehe.

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