Newt for @just-another-glader

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It was pouring.

The boys were going up stairs after the bonfire for the new greenie.

I was helping Newt up stairs. One of my hands on the small of his back and the other on the wall to steady us. Newt had an arm around my shoulders and every time he breathed I could faintly smell alcohol on his breath. Newt was even stumbling with my help. So when he went to open the door he stumbled in. Well, not so much stumbled as fell. I went over and helped him up and onto the bed. But, before he could get under the covers his hand flew over his mouth. So I grabbed the trash bin and have it to him. He vomited into it. While I ran a hand up and down his back until he stopped.

He finally got under the covers and I went and got him some water: when I came back we was just starring at the door. "What is it?" I ask, sitting down in the side of the bed. "Where did you go?" He asked, sitting up. "Got you some water." I said, handing the glass to him. He took a sip and smiled slightly. "Thanks." He said. Now it was my turn to smile. I got up to leave but he grabbed my wrist. "Don't." He said quietly. "Newt, you're going to have a killer headache in the morning. Sleep." I said.

But he ignored me and pulled me back over to him. Well, tried to. I obliged and went back over to him. HE pressed our foreheads together. A hand on the back of my neck. "Stay." He mumbled. "Please stay." I nodded. "Okay." I went and got on the other side of him. He wrapped a arm around me and snuggled me. And like that we fell asleep.

--the next morning--

I awoke to Newt still sleeping. His hair wild and he looked so cute. I softly and silently got up and went down stairs. Some of the others were awake and some weren't. Unfortunately for me, Minho was up. "Hey Kaitlyn." He said, taking a bite of an apple. "Hey Mean Hoe. How are ya?" I asked, smirking at his nickname. "Don't call that." He said, with an annoyed look. "Why shouldn't I??" I said, smiling innocently. "Because I am King and you must obey me." I looked at him with a "you have got to be kidding" look. "Sure 'King' Mean Hoe. Sure." I said. "Curse you Kaitlyn." Minho said, grinning as he did.

We heard footsteps and Newt came into view. "Hey Sleeping Beauty." Minho said, making me laugh slightly.
"Why must you be so bloody loud?" Newt asked, rubbing his forehead. "Head hurt?" I ask, knowing the answer: yes. Newt just glares at me. "Hehe." Minho said from behind me. I looked back at Newt to see him starting at me. "What?" I asked him. Newt snapped himself back into reality and shook his head.

"Oh, uh nothing Kaitlyn." Newt says quickly, blushing slight as well. "Blushing I see." I said, teasing him. "N-no I'm not!" Newt says, almost shouting it. "Yeah you are." I countered. "You're a stubborn little shank aren't you?" Newt asked. "Newt, you should know that." I said, smirking. "Fair point." He said.

Then Newt just pulls me to the deadheads without warning. "What are you doing?" I asked him, as he let go of my wrist. "What happened last night?" He asked in a hushed tone. "Why did you ask here?" I motioned to our surroundings. "Because if what I think happened I didn't want Minho to hear." Newt said, as 'a matter of fact.' "Well I helped you to bed. When I was leaving you told me to stay do I did and then I woke up." I said, not giving many details. "I-I did what?" He stuttered. "You asked my to stay." I said, wondering 'what is he getting so nervous about?' Newt stood still.

"Newt. Tell me what's wrong." I said in a small voice, almost own of a child's. Newt breathed in and started to explain. Now it was my turn to stand still. "Y-you l-love m-me?" I stuttered out. Newt shock his head slightly. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything! Just forget what I said!" Newt said quickly and looking down. "Newt..." I tilted his chin up to see his face. "Don't be sorry Newt. I uh..... I...I love you too." I said, blushing. "Y-you d-do?" Newt asked, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. I nodded and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you so much Kaitlyn."
Guys I am so so sorry for being inactive lately. Things have been wearing my out such as exams, tests, Death Note, ect. I will try and promise to update every couple weeks, maybe but nothing will be set in stone. I am sorry again. Life will calm down within the next month or so then summer will be here and I'll update more. And that's a promise I can keep.

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