#48 what type of boyfriend he is

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Newt is always making sure you're okay. He'll sometimes just randomly pop into the room your in and hug you. Hugging your from behind usually. Then plants a kiss on your cheek and smiles at you.


Let's face it, Minho will always be a little bit of a flirt with you. Even after you two start dating. He'll randomly come up and start the pick-up lines run off of his tongue like water out of a facet.


Thomas, for your first date, took you out to a fancy Italian restaurant. There he reserved the whole place and had a small band play. Then, when you two were leaving, you commented on how you liked the blue mini French horn and he took it for you. You got band from the restaurant. Oops.

Gally and Alby:

Now, I'm not sayin' the others aren't protective of you, it's just that Alby and Gally are the most overprotective. They will always find someway to get protective of you. Weather it's overreacting to something or keeping guys away. They are right there, being the overprotective boyfriends they are.

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