#24 PDA(AU)

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Newt isn't that big on PDA but he will sometimes sneak kisses on your cheek. But when he sees a guy flirting with you he will walk up and crash his lips onto yours.

Minho loves PDA. He will always keep a hand in your back pocket or a have an arm around your waist. He wants to let everyone know you're his.

He is a little shy when it comes to PDA. He will mostly only hold your hand. He will kiss it every now and then. He has a slightly blushes every time.

Hands down, loves PDA. He will randomly kiss you on the street and wrap his arms around your waist. When he finally breaks the kiss he has a smirk on his face.

He kinda for PDA but really only when he feels threatened he will show PDA. He will grab your wrist and kiss you rough and sweet. You can practically feel the jealousy and love through the kiss. It has both of you smiling and starring into each other's eyes.

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