#20 He meets your family (AU)

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Newt was nervous as hell. He keep wiping his hands on his pants and he got even more nervous when your sister and brother came in and started to intimidate him. Talking about how if he hurts you they will break him. It comes from you being the youngest child.

Minho was confident and bold. He was easily able to win the heart of your mother, but your father wasn't quite hooked until after they had a talk. Your bother and sister both took a liking to him right away. And they knew he would do everything in his power to keep you safe and happy.

Thomas meet your family one-on-one. First your mother, then brother, then your sister, and lastly your father. Thomas went through your family with no problems. They all liked him, and your mother and sister said, "he's cute." At the same time.

Gally being Gally didn't make the best first impression. But as the night progressed the family invited him in with open arms. Your father and him had a especially long talk together, in which some shorts and laughs came from the room and they came out, smiling.

Alby made a good first impression on your family. He told stories about his childhood and your brother, sister and mother all hung on his every word. Your father wasn't quite hooked until Alby proposed and he finally understood that his love for you is boundless. So he gave you two his blessing.

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