#76 Something You've Never Known(AU)

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Newt published a book when he was younger. It was a 37 long chapter, 472 page adventure book. He put it under the pin name Alex Akodser. It was about a boy who was disowned by his family and then was taken in by the God Zeus and became a Demi God who saved the city of Pompeii.


When he lived in Korea, [basing this off of the actor, Ki Hong Le] he was in a fight club. [don't know if they have them in Korea] He was very competitive growing up, probably because of the strict way his father raised him. He was told, "if you're going to do something, be the best".


Thomas does drag. Sounds weird, right? Well, it's true. He first did it in his junior year of school as a joke, but then he actually got into it. So for a year or so, he made a living off of being a drag queen. His name was Misty Cologne.


He was bullied and abused as a child. He was a small kid and so he was often bullies for being weak, small, and unable to defend himself. His father was almost always coming home, drunk out of his mind and since his mother had the night shift for most of his childhood, his father beat him as a result.
Between junior high/middle school Gally finally reported his father and grew into the guy no one wanted to mess with in high school.


As a kid, Alby moved from foster home to foster home. He was the product of a teen pregnancy and so his mother decided to give him to a foster home when he was just a couple weeks old and from then, he moved from foster home to foster home. He was finally adopted when he was almost 14, by people he had spent about 5 months with who couldn't have children of their own.

People couldn't see Thomas's drag name, so I changed it and updated it. Hopefully, now you can see it.

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