Newt for @Crystal_Heart35546

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"Hey the doors aren't closing!" Thomas yelled. "In the homestead! Now!" Alby orders. "Come on people lets go!" I yell. All the boys and Teresa go in and I go in last. "Newt anyone missing?" I ask as I get in and close the door. "Nope." Good. "Good that." After we gave everyone a blanket and pillow we went up stairs to settle down for the night. "God I'm so bloody tried." Newt complained. "Yeah well so am I. Get over it." I get cranky when I'm tired. "Okay I can see." Newt puts his arms up surrendering. "Oh haha." Sarcasm, of course. "Okay keepers wake up earlier. And Shannon." We all nodded and went back to the room we were assigned. Oh dear. This is going to be a long night.

That's when I saw it. The grievers. "Everyone quite and down!" I yelled and motioned Newt to come over here. "They're here." I whispered. "Remember that whatever happens I love you." Newt says. "Yeah yeah." I was too concreted on the grivers. "Hello Mrs. Hateful." Newt sounded annoyed at me again. "Shh!" I cover his mouth with me hand.

When the griever sounds came into the glade everyone on cue shut up. Then the grivers rolled toward us. "Everyone out!" Alby shouted and started to rush every glader out. Newt and I are the last ones out. I opened the doors to the box and told boys to jump in. Once it was full I shut the doors and got some boys into the slammer. All of the gladers were safe but the keepers and I weren't. "Scramble. Don't try to stay with someone the farther we are the better." Alby orders us and once everybody agrees I bolt into the deadheads and hide within the shadows. I heard someone scream and flinch.

Okay I'm going back out there. I've been here since the beginning and I'm not going to stand around and let people die. "Ahhhh!" Clint was grabbing a slicer and going to charge at the griever. I hold him back. "Shannon let me go!" He's trying to escape my grip but he can't. "Clint! We can't afford to lose someone else." I say sternly. "B-but they took J-Jeff." Now he was sobbing. "Come on. Go inside and just keep the boys in the space safe. Okay?" He nods and goes back to the box. Okay now we're dealing with violent monsters and now way of kill them. Great.

"Where the bloody hell is Minho?" Newt shouted at Thomas. "In the maze." He said it so calmly like nothing was happening. "Minho!" Alby yelled at he got back to the glade. "Um... hate to ruin this moment but I think we have bigger shucking problems than where Minho was." I say as I turn to face the grievers. Wait what if... I start running toward the grievers and Minho's on my tail. "What the shuck are you doing?" He yells. "Experimenting. Ever heard of it?" I ask. Right when a griever is about to stung someone(AKA Jack) I grab his arm and spin him around on the other side of me. Then I just nearly got stung. "Thanks Shannon." He flashed me a smile and I return the favor.

Newt had ordered everyone inside by the time I got back. "Shannon you okay?" Newt had a concerned look on his face. "Yeah just a cut here and there. Nothing to worry about." I assured my pale-faced boyfriend. "Good that." He brought us up to his real room and pulled me onto his lap. "Newt are you okay?" I never seen him this pale. It was freaking my out! Without saying anything he kissed me. His lips were soft like a baby's blanket and he didn't want me to go but I got up and check on the boys.

This was one crazy, wonderful night.
Okay so @Crystal_heart35546 I hoped you like it. Everyone's will be up hopefully this week if not I'm sorry.

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