Newt for @yeetjenny13

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"What the hell Newt?! Why did you hit him?!" I yelled at my boyfriend, Newt, who just slapped Minho, my running partner, for 'dating my girl.' "Because you two are dating!" I rolled my eyes and groaned. "WE ARE NOT DATING YOU LITTLE SHANK!" I yelled at him in his face. "YES YOU ARE!" He yelled back. "You and me hardly spend time together anymore 'cause you spend almost all day with Minho! Why should I not think you're cheating on me with him?" Newt asks me. "Well (1) it's not my fault YOU recommended me to be a runner,(2) I kinda have to I'm still new to this, (3) I would never do that to you, and (4) why would I? I love you." I say, putting my hands in my hips. "Well you... You..." Newt was having trouble on how to put this.

"Ughhh! If you can't trust me why are we dating then?!" I shouted at him. "Well maybe we shouldn't then." Newt said back.



I run to the guy Newt knows NOT to look in. Gally's. When I walk in I slam the door behind me and slid down to the floor. "You okay there?" Gally asks me. "Yeah just... slightly angered." I said standing up, running a hand through my hair. "Um.... Do you mind if a sleep in here tonight?" I ask him. "Not at all but why my room? Why not Minho's?" Gally asks, motioning me to sit down next to him on his bed. "Well me and Newt got into a huge fight and we kinda... broke up." I said, on the verge of tears. "Hey it's okay you'll get back together. Promise. I'm gonna go talk to him and get a spare blanket. Get some rest. I'll be back in a coupe minutes. Sleep you'll need it in the morning." Gally said, patting me on the back. I laid down on the bed and closed me eyes. Soon I fell into a deep, dark sleep.
I was woken up by shouting. "Where is she?!" A think accent shouted. "She isn't here! She hates me!" Gally said, holding his hands up in defense. "Gally I've been to all the keepers rooms. I know she's in here." Newt shouted. "Shut the shuck up she's sleeping." Gally said, calmly. "No. I'm not leaving until we talk." Newt said, not shouting this time. "Newt.... I really think you should leave." I said, pecking around the corner. "Please Hope." Newt said. I looked up at him. He had bags under his eyes, blood shot eyes, and his eyes were red from what I think was from crying. I sighed in defeat. "Five minutes." I said, closing my eyes. "Alright I'll leave you two alone. But keep the shucking PDA out of my room."

Once Gally left it was just me and Newt. "Hope look at me." Newt finally said, breaking the silence. "Newt... I can't." I said, still looking down. "Look at me Hope." Newt said but this time he brings my chin up so I'm looking at him. "Look me straight in the eyes and say you don't want to be with me and I'll leave." Newt said with the most melancholy look. "Newt.... I-I can't." I finally said, adverting my gaze. We just stood there like that before he finally spoke up. "I'm sorry." He said, looking into my eyes as if he'll find something he needed there. "No I'm sorry it's just I felt like you wouldn't , couldn't even trust me Newt. Relationships are suppose to be built on trust and love but you just threw those things out the window." I said, closing my eyes as if to see if the tears wouldn't come. "Hope I just was scared to lose you. You know that." Newt said, and yes I did know that but the fight didn't seem like he didn't want to lose me. "Newt are you sure?" I asked him.

Just then he put his lips onto mine in a passionate kiss. When he broke the kiss he rested his forehead on mine. "I so bloody sorry. I promis not to do that again." Newt said to me. "No Newt I'm sorry. I shouldn't have blown up on you like that." I said to the boy in front of me. He crashed his lips back onto mine. "What did I tell you about the PDA in my room!!" Gally shoutd at us. "Sorry Gally, won't happen agin." Newt assured him. "Alright now go do you shucking jobs!" Gally shouted at us. We both just looked at each other and smiled.
Okay so @yeetjenny13 hoped you liked it and if you didn't in sorry it sucked. Everyone's imagines will be up soon.

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