Gally for @MHBBELE

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Today, (enter any date) was mine and Gally's 1st date anniversary. We usually don't do anything special but, Gally had been planning something I just don't know what. I stood in front of my sink in the apartment and brought my hair into a braid on the side. I wore black and white dress with a black lace design over the white. The dress from my waist down was black with some white lilies. I also wore a bright sky blue belt just for a pop of color. When I was brushing a few strands of hair away from my face a knock came to the door. I rushed down to the door and saw Gally, in a suit! "Hi Gally." I said, moving out of the way so he could get in.

Gally just stood there, mesmerized at something. "Gally? You okay?" I asked. He widened his eyes from being snapped back into reality. "Yeah it's just wow! You look really good." He said, making me blush a bright red. "Y-yeah you too. Never seen you in a suit." I said, smiling back at him. "Well are you ready to go?" Gally asks me, extending his hand. "Yep let's go." I said, taking his hand. "So where are we going?" I asked him, sitting down in the passenger seat. "That is a surprise." Gally said, smirking at me giving me the jitters. I rolled my eyes and just sat back.

When we got to the restaurant I saw it was the exact same place where I met him. "Why are we here?" I asked him as he helped me out of the car. He just smiled at me and walked up to the host table. "Hi I had a reservation of two. The name's Gally." The hostess smiled and checked. "Ah yes two for seven thirty." She said. "Right this way sir." She grabs two menus and leads us up to the second level and a two seater table. "Your waiter will be here shortly." With that she leaves. "We're here because?" I ask after she leaves.

"Because I wanted to make this night memorable. And this is just the tip of the iceberg." Gally says, setting down his menu down. When we order Gally orders exactly what I wanted. Wonder how. "How did you know what I wanted?" I ask him. "You're easy to read. Like an open book." Gally says, smiling at me making my blush again. "Oh stop blushing every time I complement you." Gally says making me blush even more. "If I could I would." I said, smirking at him.

Once we were done with the dinner he led me out to a amusement park. "What the hell Gally? Why are we here?" I ask him as we walk in. "That's for me to know and you to find out." I groaned at him. "Now c'mon we've got a ride to go on." Gally pulled me along to the ferris wheel and bought two tickets. Gally escorted me in and we sat down next to each other. "So how's the night been so far?" Gally asks when we start moving. "Great." I said to him. Gally just looked at me and smiled. I was watching the color pattern.





Red and Green

And then again. This happened until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Gally's head on my shoulder. "Oh sorry I was just tired." Gally said picking his head up. "Nah it's okay. Just startled that's all." I said as his set his head back down. I rested my head on his and we just sat there. When we reached the top it Ferris wheel stopped. "Look at that view." I mutter. "Yeah it's so beautiful." Gally asks picking up his head. Now it's my turn to lean my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Gally." I said after a few a awkward minutes. "For what?" He asks, chuckling a bit. "Tonight." I said, looking up at him. His eyes looking back at me. So we just stared at each other until Gally brought his lips to mine. At first the kiss was a soft one but turned very passionate. When we saw we were about to get out we pulled away and intertwined our fingers.
@MHBBELE hope you liked this. I'm sorry sorry this sucks and everything. Everyone's imagines will be up soon. Hopefully.

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