Newt for @imbloodyinspired

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We had just joined up with Thomas, Teresa, and Aris to find a stick in the ground that said,'Save Haven.' "This is it?! A stick in the ground?!" Thomas was expressing his angry. "Slim it Tommy." Thank goodness Newt is here to keep everyone calm. "




"What the bloody hell?" Newt mumbles under his breath. There are boxes of some sort and grievers like things come out. "One for all of us. Take your pick!" Thomas says earning a chuckle from Minho. Newt takes the on next to me and Minho is on the other side.

"Ready... Go!" Minho shouts and we all attack the monsters. We give it all we've got but nothing happens. Then I notice that when I hit the lights on the monster it slows down for a bit. "The lights." I mumble. "Ahh!" I scream out in pain as the thing pricks me with its spike. "Carter! Are you okay?" Newt shouts at me while helping me up. "Thanks Newt." I say to him. "Hey move it!" I yell and push him out of the way. I just barely miss the spike of the monster. "Thanks Carter." I smile at him. "Come one we got some monsters to take out." I smile kissing his check. I notice out of the corner of my eye I see him blushing. I've never seen him blush.

I come out of this barely alive and limp over to the sidelines to catch my breath. "Carter you okay?" Newt asks as he limps toward me. "Yeah just out of breath." I say. "Carter I know this is a bad time but there is something I need to tell you." Huh? "O-okay." I stutter. "Um well this is really weird but, I really like you. For a long time now and well I really hope you feel the same way or I'm really embarrassed." I giggle a little. "Newt I like you too." I breath out. He looks at me with wide eyes. "Y-you like m-me too?" I nod my head in response. He breaths out chuckled breathes. Then he leans in and sparks fly. The kiss was magical, exciting and wonderful. I'm glad my first kiss was with him.
Okay @imbloodyinspired I'm sorry it's short but I'm not the good at writing things for fights of any kind. So sorry and everyone's images are up! Now back to preferences.

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