#53 Habit of yours they hate (AU)

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You always tap your foot. No matter where you two are. Tap tap tap. You usually don't know that you start taping your foot until he places his hand over yours and whispers softly, "tapping."

You're always clicking your tongue. When ever you start concentrating on something hard you start to click your tongue. And at the beginning it doesn't really bother him but after about an hour it gets really annoying. But usually he won't say anything.

The fact that you're Miss.Daredevil. You're always taking ricks and scaring him half to death. Once you did this stunt where you tried to jump to one side of a cliff to the other and you miscalculated and ended up with a broken arm, a couple broken ribs, and a sprained ankle.

You bite your nails all the time. He's always trying to get you to stop somehow but usually it doesn't work. Or it doesn't work for long. And he says the worst part of this habit is that once you bite the nail, you start picking at the skin around the nail. And it ends up making your finger or thumb red and it hurts you but you still do it anyways.

The fact that you always have your work area messy. It doesn't matter what work area. Now if it's baking he's okay with it 'cause you're suppose to get the kitchen messy but if there's a scatter of papers someone and he knows it's yours he has an overwhelming want to go and organize it. (AKA he's a little OCD about this.)

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