#65 His Favorite Book/Series (AU)

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Gone With the Wind - you never asked why this is Newt's favorite book, and you've never questioned it. All you do is watch him as he sits next to you in bed, reading the book before going to sleep.


The Maximum Ride Series - Minho has always loved this series, ever since he was a kid. You think that's why he began doing lots of athletic things, to be more like the Flock.


Call of the Wild - he's never explained why, but you and the guys have your theories. But he has always said when you two finally have a child he's gonna read it to him/her.


The Outsiders - Gally says he can relate to this book tremendously. He always says he's like Dally, tough on the outside but a giant teddy bear on the inside. And it's true.


Series of Unfortunate Events - Alby has always loved he mysterious and unexplained. So when you two went to the book store one day he automatically found these little gems. And he was so excited when he saw the series had 13 books in it.

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