#56 Valentine's Day Gifts

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Newt.. Let's just say, he doesn't really know a thing called limit. He went all out. First he sent you, a dozen roses, and a clue saying, "come and find me." He sent you all over town, giving you chocolates, some semi-expensive rings, and last but not least, when you finally found him, he gave you some concert tickets you your favorite band.

" He sent you all over town, giving you chocolates, some semi-expensive rings, and last but not least, when you finally found him, he gave you some concert tickets you your favorite band

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Minho didn't know what to get you. But after talking with newt, he decided to get you a giant teddy bear, a box of chocolates, and a card saying, "God must have put you in my life, so there would always be LOVE in my heart." (Picture ^)


Thomas and you weren't dating very long but he still wanted to show you he loved you. Since he knew that you weren't in your hometown, he gave you plane tickets you visit your family for Valentine's Day. When you got back he picked you up from the airport and took you out to a romantic dinner.


Gally isn't that romantic but he did give you a card saying that he loves you and that you were the best thing that has happened to him. That night you and him went to the movie 'Choose Love' and had the best time.


Alby and you had been dating for server all years and he didn't know how to express his love until he got the perfect idea. He took you out shopping for clothes, shoes, ect. And then later that night you two went on the boardwalk as you talked. When you reached the end he had asked if you loved him and of course you said yes. And for a few moments he asked you to marry him. And of course you said yes.

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