Newt for @whovian3135

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I've been here for so long. I haven't had anything to eat yet because of Winston. He cut his arm to kill the pig. "Come on. Do you have to wrap a bandage around it? It's not even that big." Winston complained. He really hates having to do this. "Not even that big? Are you kidding me?! This went down your whole arm below your elbow. It needs to be wrapped up." I say, finishing up. "There. You can go back to killing helpless animals now." I said with a smile as he walked out. I sighed out and started to clean up the room. I changed the sheets, washed the towels and sat down on one of the beds.

I didn't get that much rest until Minho rushed in. I looked behind me and saw Newt there, arm slung around Minho's shoulder. "What the hell happened?!" I said to him, getting the materials back out. "Well he was helping Winston and Winston dropped the knife and cut his leg really shucking bad." Minho explained. "Okay thanks. You might want to get out." I said, I knew things will get worse. He nodded and left the room, leaving me with a bloodied Newt, not to mention a sickening feeling in my stomach that this is going to be bloodier than usual.

I opened the cut of his pants and saw the wound. It was still gushing blood and Newt just groaned louder. "Shhh. It's okay now." I said to him as I pushed his hair back. His breathing slowed down and he looked at me. "It's okay. Just a little bit more." I said, injecting numbing liquid into his leg where the wound was. I grabbed the stitches and thread. His drew in a sharp breath. "It's okay Newt, you won't even feel a thing." I said to him. I started the stitching. To keep his mind off this I started talking. "So... What's new?" I asked him. "Well nothing. You?" Newt asked. "Other than seeing open cuts and possibly worst? Nothing." I said, making him chuckle.

"So why were you helping Winston?" I ask him, finishing up the stitching. "Well Alby said he needed some help with the pigs so he told me to go and help." Newt said, sitting up in the bed. "Hm... I've never heard of Winston needing help but okay." I said, starting to wrap up his leg. "Oh you haven't been here long enough. But trust me, you'll hear about people getting but 'cause they're helping Winston." Newt says, making me laugh. "I guess I will." I said, looking up at him once I was done. We locked eyes and just stared at each other. Before my brain could comprehend what was happening, Newt's lips had found their way to mine. The kiss was soft and tender, but just for a moment before he deepened the kiss. He placed his hand on my neck and pulled me closer to him. My arms wrapped around his neck. He wrapped his other arm around my waist, again, pulling me closer.

We pulled away for air and placed out foreheads together. "You have no idea how much I love you." Newt said, smiling at me. "I think I do." I said, smiling back. I see him smiling like a freak. "You okay?" I ask him, snapping him back to reality. "Oh! Yeah, just fine." He says, a blush creeping on to his face. "Aw! Is that a blush I see?" I teased. He only blushed deeper. "Alright, come on, you've got to sleep." I said, standing up and leaving to get a blanket for him. I came back to see him, just sitting there, smiling like a maniac. "What?" I asked him, stopping in my tracks. "Nothing. Just thinking about how cute you are." Newt said, standing up, walking-limping-over to me. He ran a hand through my hair and we stayed like that for a while. He finally stopped and he spoke. "You are so adorable." He whispered in my ear. "You are too." I said. He then tilted my hand up and kissed me again. I kissed back immediately and wrapped my arms around his neck again.

It was only about three seconds later we heard a cough. We turned our heads to see none other than Minho, smirking. "I'm gonna kill you." I said, chuckling a bit. I ran out after Minho, Newt sorta following us. Luckily for me, Minho was worn out and was easily caught. We both grabbed his wrists and spun his around to look at us. He was standing there, laughing. "You're insane! A madman." I said to him, shaking my head. "Bloody hell Minho. What were you thinking?" Newt asked him, a serious expression on his face. "Well I was going to check in on you to see if you were alright but I could see you were doing perfectly fine." Minho says, smirking again. "Besides that was a great heartfelt moment, but next time do it with a little more feeling please." Minho said, acting like a director. "Bloody hell no Minho." Newt said, nervousness in his voice. Me and Minho start to laugh, Minho much more than me. Newt's face blood red with embarrassment.
Hoped you liked it @whovian3135 and I'm working on everyone else's imagines.

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