#72 The Wedding

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[the wedding will be in the guys POV, so when that chances the wedding and guy chances. So for instance, when it says Newt's POV it will be his preference. When it says Minho's POV it will be his preference. And so on and so forth.]

Your POV

"Of my gosh, you look so beautiful.." My mother said, tearing up. "Mom, please don't cry." I said, going over and hugging her. "I can't help it darling, it's your wedding day," she said, kissing my cheek. My father came over and joined in the hug.

"I'm so proud of you, you've had a hard life, but I'm so incredibly proud of the beautiful young woman you've become."

"Dad, you're gonna make me cry," I said, hugging them more. "Ma'am, it's time," a man who worked for the church said. "Alright, thank you," I said, as he left; and as I looked at my parents. "It's time," I said softly, smiling a them.

Newt's POV
I stood at the altar, kinda bouncing on the heels of the shoes I'm wearing. "Dude, calm down," Minho said, patting my shoulder. "I just.. Can't!" I said, turning towards him. "Newt." Minho said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"She loves you. She loves you a lot. And nothing will ever chance that. No matter what anyone says, she will always be by your side forever after today, so don't worry so much. She knows what she's getting herself into, and she'll do it all over again is it meant meeting you  and falling in love with you all over."

I nodded, "yeah, yeah me too." I said, my nerves settling. "I'd do the same." I said, smiling softly at the memories that had surfaced.

"Hey, stop starring off into space man," minho said. I chuckled sheepishly and took three unsteady breaths in and out. "Minho, you've gotten married, how'd you calm your nerves?"

"I didn't, I just didn't show them." He answered. "Ugh, that doesn't bloody help!" I said, stressed out. "Newt!" He said, placing his hands on my shoulders. "You've got this. You love her right?" Nod. "You want to spend the right of you life with her right?" Another nod. "You'll do anything to make her happy right?" Nod. "Then stop worrying. She feels the exact same way about you and she couldn't love you more. You two will live a long and happy life together, passing way within days of each other." Minho told me.

"Yeah, you're right. I have nothing to worry about.." I said, smiling softly. "Exactly. Now, turn and face the other way, it's about to start and you better not be shaking."

I turned around and looked down the isle to see her, looking like perfection. When she saw me we both smiled. Her father gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed over to me.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love these two have for each other. The love of which the world has never seen. Now, I understand you two have prepared vows for each other. [Y/N], if you'd like to go first." The priest said.

"Newt. We met all those years ago as small children, and we grew up together. Both mentally and physically. I have never imagined you being the one I'm asking these words to, but now, I can't imagine it be anyone else. You are my life, and my light. And with this ring I promise to forever be yours. Even after death."

She slipped the wedding ring onto my finger and I took a shaky breath.

"[Y/N]. When we went into our freshmen year of high school together I realized that I didn't want anyone else by my side but you. I was scared when I first asked you out because I was afraid that you would reject my feelings, but here we are. 10 years later and still, I love you just as much as I did back then. I know that I'll love you more today than I did yesterday, and more tomorrow than today. With this ring I promise that."

I slipped the ring on her finger and we looked at the priest. "With these rings May god bless your marriage. You may now kiss the bride."

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me and crashed out lips together as family cheered for us.

Minho' POV

Newt stood next to me, as I twiddled my fingers.  Thomas stood next to him. "Minho? You alright?" Thomas asked me. "No." I bluntly said. "Calm down, it isn't a sacrifice or nothin', don't be nervous." Newt told me. "Yeah, you're right it isn't a sacrifice or something, it's just me and [Y/N] promising to love each other for the rest of our lives..." I said, that realization hitting my nerves and making them go up tenfold.

"Minho! She loves you. And only you. Just speak from the heart, and today will go completely smooth." Newt told me, being slightly harsh. "Yeah, yeah.." I said, as the music for the bride came on. I stood and looked down the isle. There she stood, dressed in the most perfect wedding dress, with a very light pink vail. My breath quickened in my throat. It was really happening, I was marrying the girl I love. As her father gave her away, she smiled at me and took my shaking hands and held them.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between these two young people. Who's love has no bounds. A love that challenges the God above. Now, I understand you have written your own vows. [Y/N]," the Priest said.

She took a deep breath, and looked at me.

"Minho, there are so many things I want to say, but then we'd be here for years, so I'll make this short and sweet. I love you, from now until I die. And, one day, we're both old and dying, and I'll still love you. My heart is yours for the taking. It will always be yours. Forever." She said. I glanced out of the corner of my eye. And saw her mother dabbing away some tears.

"[Y/N], like you, this is gonna be short and sweet. You are my home, and you are my everything. I don't want to imagine a future without, because that would be a dark future. So, if you'll let me, I will love you until the end of time. I will always be there for you, and I will never let you. I love you." I declared.

The Priest spoke once more, "Anyone who has any objections to their love, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one made a move, only to look around to see if anyone would stand up. "Now, by the power vested in me, and by God's great grace, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now, kiss the bride."

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a passionate yet gently kiss, as hoots and hollers came from the crowd. "I love you, Minho."

"I love you more."
Yet again, I am breaking this preference up, because just two took over 1,000 words. And Thomas's is going to be so freaking long it isn't even funny. So hopefully, I can get those published by thanksgiving, but with me you can never tell.

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