Excuse any grammatical errors, it published early through editing


I let out a quiet sigh, when I saw the truck. For some reason, I got annoyed. I looked next to me, Dominic stared at Darius hard. I turned to look back out the windshield, Darius dropped his hand that's holding his phone and turned to look at the car. His eyes fell on Dominic and I saw the dark look cross his face.

I get the feeling that this could get ugly. In the distance I can see Kas and Nina, with the twins coming down the block.

Ok.....there's gonna be some typa buffer.......

"Um......" I dunno why, but I felt the need to find an explanation, but nothing was coming up. Darius walked up to the car, slipping his phone in his pocket and his other hand occupied by a bag of obvious food.

I turned to look at Dominic, who was stepping out of the car. Darius got to my side and I can see him reaching for the door handle. "I got it......"

Dominic walked around the front of the car. His body was tense, face set in a look of low key aggravation.

The fuck I'm missing......?

Darius stopped and sneered at Dominic. Now I know I was really missing something. They met before?

Dominic opened my door and Darius looked at me with a smile. "Hey baby.....I brought you guys some food." He lift the bag up.

Getting out I looked at Dominic and gave him a small smile. His face that was set in aggravation, fell a lil bit and a small smile appeared. In some way I felt good. Good, because he didn't look so aggravated right now. Pulling out my keys, I walked to the front of the clinic doors and unlocked it. Looking up sideways at Darius, I gave him a strained smile. "Thanks......you really shouldn't have. I just ate....."

I looked back to make sure Dom had followed us, but he stood back leaning against his car. His eyes fell on me, while pulling out his cigarettes and he lit one up. Watching me. My eyes travelled down the block, they were crossing the street.

"What you mean bae..... ? You know I always bring you something to eat. My girl gotta be fed." Darius reared his head back in confusion.

A beautiful woman should be fed.......

I looked at Dominic again, he watched us carefully, still smoking his cigarette. I kinda blushed. I know I'm cute, but for Dominic to outright tell me I'm beautiful.......in a foreign language.......? It did something to me. I can't even remember when Darius called me beautiful. I let out a deep breath and looked at him.

"It's just......I ate already and I'm not really hungry." Darius followed me in and I turned to face him. I really was watching Dom through the glass doors, he turned to look the opposite direction.

"You went somewhere with this niggah to eat? How you know him?" Darius pointed his thumb back at Dom, who was now talking to the twins. Mischa and Tennessee were circling around them. Kas and Nina to the side talking quietly.

I looked back at Darius a lil caught off guard. "And what if I did......? I eat with whoever I want......" I crossed my arms, now getting really aggravated.

The clinic door opened and the two dogs ran in. They came up to my legs and I gave them each a greeting, scratching behind their ears.

"Hi Darius."

"Wassup D.......?" Nina and Kas came in, with the three guys calmly walking in behind them.

"I'm not saying that bae.......you going somewhere with someone you should be careful of." Darius looked back down at me.

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