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While that was going on, out in the backyard the ground started to crack and bones of a female came to the surface. After that had happened, it has started to pour down rain and the bones, had got washed into the pool.

When the bones was in the whirlpool, the lightning struck the water and it came alive, while making its way into the house through the portal. While that was going on, in town Larry had made it to the gas station and walked inside, and making his way to the ATM.

He slipped his card in flowood, as he put his pain in and pushed balance inquiry, while waiting on the receipt to come out. When it came out, Larry looked at it and notice the money was in there, as he put the card back in, to get some out.

After pulling five hundred out, he walked over to the counter and handed The Man behind the counter, a one hundred bill.

"I need a carton of Marlboro red shorts and I'm filling my car up with gas," Larry said to him with a straight face and walked out the door to his vehicle.

When he started feeling the tank up, the sheriff pulled up to the gas pumps and stepped out of his car, looking over at him. Larry tried to keep his cool, until Troy walked over and said something to him.

"How are you and your family liking the house?" Tori asked him with a smirk on his face. Larry tried to bite his tongue, but it was no use and exploded on him, letting him know how much of an a****** he was.

After the pump clicked off, Larry hung it up and told him to shove the house where the sun don't shine, as he hung the hose up. What was that about Troy thought to himself, as he started to laugh out loud and knew what was wrong.

Larry grab the carton of smokes, tossing them into the front seat and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He pulled out of the station and onto the road, as he headed back to the house.

While he was doing that, over at the house Kelly woken up to a weird noise and wondered if Connie was up. She got up out of bed, as you put her slippers on and headed to the door, stepping out into the Hall.

"Eek... eek!" She screamed out loud, when she saw a persons bones, walking in to Connie's room. Hope he gets home soon Kelly Thought to herself, while running across the hall.

When she was getting close to their daughter's room, Kelly slipped and fell to the floor. She was trying to get up, when she was thrown across the hall and into the wall.

Kelly went to get up, when she was forced up against the wall and tried to get loose, but she couldn't. While she was being dragged up the wall by a entity, over in Connie's room, the skeleton had walked up to her bed and reached for her.

When Connie woke up, she looked over to her write and solve a skeleton standing there. She was speechless and didn't know what to do, since Connie was scared out of her mind.

"Help... help me Mommy!" She screamed out to her, hoping she would come and help her. When coning jumped off her bed, she crawled under it and moved to the center, while trying to stay away from the skeleton until help comes.

While the both of them was fighting the entity, Larry was mad at the sheriff and lit a cigarette, thinking about his family. After he finished the smoke, Larry another one and looked at his watch, to see what time it was.

When he noticed it was five o clock in the morning and knew the sun would be up soon, as he pulled into the driveway. What the hill, not again Larry thought to himself, when he solved the forest and blue bubble around the house.

He drove fast up to the house, but didn't get too far in the car stalled. He didn't think about the car, Larry just jumped out and ran towards the house, not knowing what was going on inside.

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