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"No, I thought you did," he said Larry with a dumbfounded look on his face, wondering if his wife left it open earlier.

"Hum... I think my wife forgot to close it," Larry said to Joshua with a smile and walked over to shut it.

After closing the door, he walked over and sat down on the couch to watch TV with his friend. While they were doing that, over at the store Kelly was about to check out and realize, she should have grabbed some pizzas for everyone.

Kelly left the checkout line, as she made her way to the frozen food. When she arrived there, Kelly wasn't sure what to get and just decided on two of each kind, setting them into the cart.

When she was done, Kelly looked to see what time it was and noticed it was noon, making her way back to the checkout lane. While she was in line waiting, back at the house Larry and Joshua decided to grab a beer, as they made their way to the kitchen.

They stepped inside, making their way to the fridge and opening it up, grabbing two bottles out of it. After that, the two of them made their way to the backyard and Larry was wanting to show Joshua, how far their property line went.

"Are property line goes way past the trees," Larry said to his friend with a smile.

"Wow... that is big," Joshua said back to him with a grin on his face.

"Let's go check it out, if you don't mind," He said to Larry with a excited look on his face.

"I don't know, I guess we can," He said to Joshua with a uncertain look on his face, as they walked over to the trees, hoping the fog didn't come in again.

While Larry and Joshua was heading into the trees, he let his friend no, not to wander off from him. Joshua looked over at him with a confused look on his face, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Okay, but why?" He asks Larry was a sigh, not knowing what the big deal was.

"You'll see, if it happens again," He said back to Joshua, wondering if it would do it or not.

While they were doing that, over at the grocery store Kelly had just paid for her stuff and made her way out to the parking lot. When she arrived at her car, she opened the back door and started putting the stuff in.

Kelly just kept thinking about their daughter, as she was struggling to get the food loaded into the vehicle and that's when, Jake noticed her from across the parking lot.

Maybe I should give her a hand, since she doesn't seem like herself  He thought to himself, as he made his way towards her and hoped it was nothing serious.

When Jake arrived there "Let me help you Kelly," He said to her with a smile on his face, before grabbing two bags out of the cart and set them inside.

What's he doing, where did he come from She talk to herself with a stunned look on her face. While they were doing that, back at the house Larry and Joshua was in the trees, looking around and he let Joshua know, about the plans he had out there.

"That sounds like a good idea, you are going to stay then?" He asked Larry with a kind voice, while they stood there talking.

"Yes, of course," He said back to Joshua with a chuckle, as the two of them made their way towards the house.

While they were doing that, Joshua couldn't understand what his friend was talking about earlier and hesitated on bringing it up, since his family has been through enough chaos.

They kept walking, when Larry started wondering about the fog and couldn't understand, why it wasn't happening again. This is not right, I know I'm not losing my mind He thought to himself with a sigh, as they continued on.

When the two of them arrived at the edge of the tree line, Larry was really dumbfounded about it and continued on words. "I can't understand this at all," He said out loud with a confused look on his face, as he realized he would said that out in the open.

"Are you going to be okay?" Joshua asked him with a concerned look on his face, but knew what was going on and hoped, help would come soon. Larry didn't say a word, while they walked up to the back door and stepped inside, closing the door behind them.

After stepping inside, they walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few sodas and a few glasses, before making their way to the living room.

I wonder, when they will need to set their equipment up at Larry thought to himself and decided just to move things around in the living room.

"Joshua grab some chips ?" He asked him, before walking out and into the hallway. Okay, that's weird He talk to himself with a straight face, as he walked to the pantry and grab some bags of chips, not knowing how many to get.

While he was working on that, in town Kelly and Jake finished loading the groceries and close the back up, as she handed him a five dollar tip. "Thank you, hope your day gets better," He said to her with a kind voice and a smile.

Kelly walk to the driver's door, stepping inside and started the car, as she pulled out of the parking lot. She waited for a clearing, before pulling onto the road and headed towards home with tears in her eyes.

While Kelly we're on our way back, over at the house Larry said the step down on the coffee table and waited on his friend to get there. I guess I'll just grab one of each, I suppose Joshua thought to himself, while picking them up and headed to the kitchen door.

He stepped into the Hall, as he made his way to where Larry was and set the stuff onto the table and try to keep them from falling off. "What in the world, why are you bringing so many bags in here?" Larry asked him with a confused look on his face, as he started shaking his head.

"You didn't tell me how many," Joshua said back to him with a straight face and was about to carry some back.

"Never mind that, we have things to get done," Larry I said to him was a Stern voice.

I wish he would make up his mind Joshua thought to himself with a sigh and started helping him move the furniture around. While they were working on that, they heard a car pull up in the driveway and stopped what they were doing, thinking it was Kelly.

When Larry and Joshua go to the front door, they opened it up and noticed it was her, I was they went out to help her. He could tell, that his wife had been crying and had her go upstairs, to take a hot bath.

"What about the groceries?" She asked her husband with a depressed look on her face.

"We'll get it, okay," Larry said back to her, while walking her into the house and watched her go up the stairs. After she was up there, he walked back out and started grabbing bags, before making their way to the kitchen.

When they arrived, the two of them set them down, before returning back to the car, to get the rest of them. After thirty minutes, they grabbed the last of the bags and shut the door, before heading back inside the house.

While they were in the kitchen putting things up, upstairs Kelly was just stepping into a hot bath and started to relax, while leaning back in the tub. She started to have heavy eyelids, as Kelly fell fast asleep and downstairs, Larry and Joshua have finished putting stuff up.

Did  she buy enough food Larry thought to himself and was glad his wife had picked up pizza, for everyone tonight. When they were done, the two of them walk down the hall and over to the basement door, opening it up.

They walked down the stairs, to the basement floor and started looking around. "What are you looking for?" Joshua asked him, since he needed to know.

"The folding tables," Larry said back to him, as he kept looking around the basement. While they were looking for them, Larry looked at his watch and realize it was three in the afternoon, as they scurried around the room.

While they were doing that, upstairs Kelly had woken up and stepped out of the tub, grabbing a towel to dry off. When she was done, Kelly reached into the tub and pulled the plug, before going into the other room.

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