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On the left window, has a open sign and above it tells the days as well as times, that there open. When they walked up to the door, stepped inside and noticed the walls were lime green with yellow trim.

The floor was hardwood, with pictures from the 1800's hang on the wall's and there was dark wooden tables, chairs throughout the room.

On the middle left wall is a bathroom and on the far back wall is the kitchen, with a large wooden counter that sits in front of it. There is a old-fashioned cash register, that sits on the far right side of the counter.

There are dark wooden chairs, that sit in front of the counter with placements in front of each one of them and napkin holders on all the tables.

While the Millers were waiting to be seated, Larry notice the wooden sign and it white letters that said, please seat yourself. The whole family walked over to a table in the corner, sat down and started looking at the menu.

When the whole family started to get thirsty, when Kelly looked around the room and noticed someone behind the counter. She got up, walked across the room and let the lady no, that her family was thirsty.

May Brown age fifty six years old with long gray hair and green eyes, she is 5'6 as well as heavy set. She is kind hearted, loving and she has owned this business for twenty five years, but wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm so sorry, I'll be right over to your table," She said to her with a smile.

"Okay, can you please, bring us three large Lemonade's to the table?" Kelly asked her with a smile.

"Yes, of course I can," May said to her with a grin, as she turn to start getting the drinks ready for her.

She walked back across the room to the table, where her family was sitting and sat down beside her daughter Connie, that was waiting for her.

"Where is the bathroom?" She asked her mom, as she started to wiggle around in her chair.

"Over there, my little one," She said to her, as she pointed across the room.

She ran across the room as fast as she could, to get to the bathroom and when she got to the door, she stepped inside. She ran into one of the three bathroom stalls, sat down and started to use the restroom.

Connie noticed the three walls were white with beige trim and the floor tile was white, with old pictures that hung on the walls.

When she was done using the bathroom, she flushed the toilet and opened the door, as she headed over to the sink. Connie wash your hands, as she dried them off and noticed there was just a single sink, with a mirror.

To the right of it what is a soap dispenser and to the right of that was a paper towel dispenser, to the left of the sink was a tall metal garbage can.

She threw her use paper towel into the can and walk to the door, as she opened it and headed back to the table. When she got to the there, she noticed that the waitress was there.

Connie smiled at the waitress, sat down and took a drink of her lemonade, as her parents started to order.

"We will have two of your grandma's double cheeseburger baskets and one grandmas kids basket," Her parents said to the waitress, with a smile.

"Okay, I'll be right back with your," May walked away from the table and headed to the kitchen, to put their order in.

While Larry and Kelly sat there, talking about a contractor and Connie sat there quietly drinking her lemonade.

They didn't know who to get, or where to find them, as I sat there contemplating on what to do. The both of them knew, they had to find somebody fast and cheap, because they were tight on money.

When the waitress walked up to there table, with their food in hand and set the plates in front of them "would you like a refill on your lemonade?" She said to them, as she was about to leave.

"Yes please," he said to her with a wink, as a took a bite out of his Burger.

May walked away, as she headed over to get them three more glasses of lemonade and when she was done, she headed back over to their table and sat them down.

"Thank you," Larry said to Mey, as he went back to eating his food.

She smiled at them, as she headed back too waiting on other customers. The Millers was finishing up their food, when a gentleman walked up to them with a smile on his face.

"Hi there, how is your day going," The man said to them, with a smile on his face.

The whole family look at him, like he was nuts or crazy and didn't know which as they sat there staring at him for a second. They didn't know, if they should talk to him or not and took a drink of their lemonade.

"Everything's fine, thanks for asking," Larry said to the gentlemen, with a straight face.

The gentleman smiled and walked away, as a family took their last bite of food, as he set a ten dollar tip on the table for the waitress.

Larry and his family walked too the register, as they waited to pay the bill and hoping she would be there soon, because they had things to do.

When May came around the corner, noticing that they were up at the register and headed over to help them. She smiled as she took the money and the ticket, then handed him the change back.

"Thank you," He said to her with a wink, as his daughter notice him winking at the waitress.

"Come back soon," She said to them with a giggle, as she went back to work.

The the whole family walk out of the burger joint and headed to their car, as they were hoping to go search for a contractor. When they got there, they stepped inside the car closing the doors behind them.

The Millers headed out, in search for someone to help work on their house, that they just bought. Larry and his family searched throughout the town, with no luck at all.

He decided to turn around, as he was heading back to the hotel and seen a sign, that was pointing towards the edge of town. He decided it wouldn't be no loss to go check it out, as he headed that direction.

Larry hoped the sign was right, as he got closer to where it was supposed to be, when he look to his left and scene a big white trailer sitting in a dirt lot.

When he pulled in, the whole family seen all of the equipment, that was needed for tearing down houses as well as building them. When he pulled in, he headed up the dirt Drive and scene a older man standing outside the trailer.

Walter Peterson age sixty one years old with short gray hair and hazel eyes, 6'1 as well as skinny. He is a hard worker, as well as being strict on his employees.

He has owned his own company for twenty years, since he built it from the ground up and wouldn't change it for the world. He waved at The Miller's, as he wanted them to pull up to where he was at and park.

Larry drove up to where he was, stopped his car and stepped out closing the door behind him, as he walked up to Walter. He introduced himself to him, as they shook hands and headed inside the trailer to talk.

Larry look around the place, as he noticed the walls were Brown paneling and on the back wall, hung his license to do what he does.

On the left wall, sat a black wooden desk on each side of the room and to the right, is a hallway that leads to the kitchen.
To the right of the kitchen is a men and women's bathroom.

"Have a seat please," Walter said to him with a smile, as they both sat down at his desk to talk.

While both of them talked about what they needed done to the house they had just bought and decided on a price.

They agreed on the price, as well as how he wanted it built and Larry sign the papers, then wrote out a check to him for the amount.

The men shook hands and Walter reinsured Larry that they would be starting on the work in the next day or two.

He walked him out to his car, as he stepped inside closing the door behind him and waved to him as he headed out of the dirt driveway.

Larry and his family pulled out onto the road and headed back into town,as they were headed to the hotel, to get some rest.

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