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When the door opened up, Kelly saw him and the paranormal crew walking into the house. "We set these tables up for you," Joshua said to them with a smile, wondering if him and Larry put it in the right spot.

"It's fine, where was your daughter at?" Mike asked the Millers was a kind voice.

"She could have been in the bathroom or her bedroom," Larry and Kelly said to him was a depressing look on their faces. While Mike's crew was setting up, he walked over and sat down on the couch next to them, as he listened to everything they had to say.

When the Millers was done filling him in, he got up and walked over to his crew. "Eric, set up cameras in the hall and bedrooms," He told him with a stern voice, as he looked over to his other man.

Eric Thomas age thirty eight years old with short blond hair and blue eyes. He is five foot six, skinny and is kind-hearted as well as caring, to all people he meets.

Eric has been with Mike for ten years, he loves what he does and loves the drenalin he gets from doing this kind of job. Eric grabbed what he needed, as he headed up the staircase to set up and went straight to work.

While he was upstairs doing that, down in the living room Mike told his other partner Damous, to go out into the backyard and set up cameras as well as video. "Okay, will do," Damous said to him with a straight face, as he gathered what was needed and walked to the back door.

When he got there, Damous open the door and stepped outside closing the door behind him. He went straight to work, starting with the swing and well and went from there, setting things up.

Damous Williams age forty years old with short brown hair and hazel eyes. He is five foot eight, skinny and is kind as well as loving, Damous loves doing what he does.

He has worked with Mike all his life, they had grown up together and they are the ones that started this business. While he was working by the swing What was that He thought to himself what is a wandering eye, since he was used to of this by now.

When he saw the swing moving, Damous knew there was no wind and he heard a little girls voice giggling, shortly after. I Wonder, could that be their daughter's voice He thought to himself with a curious look on his face.

Then he went back to work, hoping it was their daughter he was hearing and inside the house, Mike started working on the rest of the house. While every one of the paranormal was doing that, Larry and Kelly decided to get things started for the men.

The two of them got up from the couch, making their way down the hall and stepped inside the kitchen, wondering if anything else had happened in there.

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