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Larry made sure he wasn't forgetting anyting and realized her underwear was not there, as he went back to get them. While he was doing that, downstairs Mike and his crew was about finished, as they sat down to rest.

When his phone beeped and realized it was a text message, as he started to look at it. There is another job waiting for you, two hours away The text message said.

"Guys, we have another job when we leave here," Mike said to Chris and Damous with a smile. We will be there tomorrow Mike texted back to the person and went back to loading the last of their equipment.

While they were doing that, up in the bathroom Kelly was helping their daughter dry off. When Kelly and Connie was about done, Larry walked into the room and set the clothes on the bed.

I think I shouldn't go and comfort him Them he thought to himself with a sigh. When he looked up, Connie and his wife was coming out of the bathroom, laughing up a storm and Larry let his wife know, to go get a shower.

"I'll get her dressed and put the TV on, before joining you," He told his wife with a smile.

"Okay, thanks," Kelly said to him, before going to grab her white PJs and new that was the best thing to wear, since she didn't know if anything else would happen.

While she went to take a shower, her husband was finishing up with their daughter and when she was dressed, he laid Connie on the bed. He turned the TV on for her, then made his way over and grabbed his black PJ's, as he headed to the bathroom.

Larry stepped inside the room, as he started to undress and knew their daughter would be okay, since the paranormal investigators was still there. When he was done, Larry stepped into the shower and Kelly was happy, everyone was okay.

While they were doing that, Carney got hungry and thirsty and didn't want to bother her parents, as she climbed off the bed. She made her way to the hallway, then walked over to the stairs and headed down to the bottom, noticing the men.

"Hi, thanks for helping me," Connie said to the investigators with a smile, while walking through the living room. they smiled at her, wondering where Larry and Kelly was and decided to keep an eye on her.

While Chris and Damous took the last of the cords out to the van, Mike walked with Connie and let her know, there was pizza in the dining room.

When Mike and Connie stepped into the dining room, they walked over to the table and let her grab some pizza, before going back to into the living room. After Connie got what she wanted, they both walked back over to the couch and sat down, as she begun to eat.

While Connie was doing that, Mike got up and made his way over to the ice chest, opening it up. He reached into it, grabbing a Coke or her and a iced tea for him, as he made his way back to the couch.

Mike sat down and opened her soda, before opening his drink when Chris and Damous walk through the front door. "Are we leaving, or stain?" They asked him with a smirk on their faces.

"We will in a little while," Mike said to his co-workers with a stern voice, since he wasn't going to leave The Miller's little girl by herself.

While the paranormal was waiting on the parents, upstairs Larry and Kelly stepped out of the shower and started throwing off. When that was done, they started getting dressed and Larry decided to go into town after all, to use the ATM.

Maybe I should change out of this He talk to himself with a straight face, as he decided to wear his PJs. When they were done with that, Larry and Kelly stepped into the room and noticed, their daughter was not on the bed.

They started to get frantic about it, when they ran out of their room and started checking all the rooms upstairs, not finding Connie nowhere. Maybe she was hungry, since Connie was gone for a long time They talk to themselves with a straight face.

Larry and Kelly ran down the stairs, as they looked over and saw Connie eating pizza with the paranormal crew sitting with her. "Thank God," They said out loud with a smile on their faces, as they walked over and thank them for everything they did.

"You're welcome," Mike and his crew said back to them, while they got up and headed to the front door.

"Wait," Kelly said to them, while she had went into the dining room and had Joshua come help her. While they were doing that, out in the living room mic was wondering what you was doing and started to talk to Larry, while he waits.

While they were talking about where they were headed next, as Larry talked to him about Joshua and how much he wants to do what they do. Mike smiled at Larry "I can use another person," He said to him with a grin and waited for him to come out.

While sitting there, in the dining room Kelly and Joshua finished getting the food together and stepped into the hallway, make it their way back to the living room. When counting Joshua arrived, setting stuff onto the coffee table.

"This is for you and your man," She said to Mike with a smile, before sitting down on the couch next to her daughter.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that," Mike said to her and her family with a wink, before getting up and grabbing the food.

After doing that, Larry want them to the front door and stood there, waiting on what Mike was going to say to Joshua. While that was going on, Kelly and Connie headed upstairs and went into their daughter's room.

She had their little girl crawl into bed, covering her up and waited for her to fall asleep, since it was so quiet around the house. When Kelly got her to sleep, she stepped into the hall and close the door partly in, as she made her way to the rear bedroom.

Kelly stepped inside, while making her way to the bed and slid under the covers, waiting on her husband to come up. While she was doing that, downstairs they were talking and Mike looked over at Joshua with a straight face.

"I would you like to come join our crew?" He asked him with a grin on his face.

"I would love to, it was my dream to do work like that," Joshua said to him with watery eyes. While Larry and Mike started to laugh, the guys went out and got into the van, as Joshua got on his motorcycle.

He put his helmet on, as he started it up and waited on my, to come outside. While he was doing that, Mike said his goodbyes and walked out to the van, stepping inside.

He closed the door, as they all pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, heading for their next appointment. When they were out of sight, Larry close the door and headed upstairs, to talk to his wife.

After he got up there, where we noticed it was two a.m. and knew it was too late, but needed to go to the ATM. He was curious, about if the sale of the other house came in and stepped inside the room, hoping his family would be fine since it was quiet.

Larry walked over to the bed, sitting down next to Kelly and explained what he was going to do, since a lot of stuff kept him from checking. "Are you serious, after everything that happened," She said to him was a high-pitched voice, while staring at him with evil eyes.

I know this was going to happen He thought to himself with a sigh, while waiting on her to calm down.

After Kelly had calmed down "Go ahead, but we are getting out of here later," She said to her husband with a sad look on her face. Larry kissed his wife on the cheek, as she turned over and he grabbed his wallet, making his way downstairs.

When he got down there, Larry saw his wife's purse and decided to put it in the car, for later that morning. After grabbing it, he walked out the door closing and locking it, before making his way to the car.

When he was done doing that, Larry walked over and stepped inside the vehicle, closing the door behind him. He started it up, as Larry pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, headed for town.

While he was doing that, back at the house Kelly and Connie was fast asleep. When there was paint footsteps in the hallway, pacing back and forth, as they were out of it.

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