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"That's what I thought," Joshua said to Larry with a weird look on his face, as he let him know about the marks on his arm.

What is he talking about Larry thought to himself, as he looked at both of his arms. When he had noticed, the fingerprints and try to figure out, how he had gotten them.

Larry was wanting to find out, what Joshua knew and decided to talk to him a little longer, hoping he would be able to find out more. "Would you like to grab a cup of coffee?" Larry asked him was a smile, wondering if he would say yes.

"I can't, but I will be off in a hour," Joshua said to him with a chuckle. While he stood there, Joshua prayed that Larry would say okay, since he had a lot to tell him.

"Okay I'll be back, meet me at the restaurant," Larry said to him with a smile, as he walked to the front door with a shovel in hand.

"I'll be there," Joshua said to him, while waving goodbye to him and went back to work. Larry waved back at him, as he stepped out the door and headed to his car.

When he arrived at his vehicle, he opened the back door and sat it into the seat, as he closed the door behind him. After he had done that, Larry open the driver's side door and stepped inside, noticing the two sheriff's walking into the office.

While he was closing the door is that how they serve this Town, by wandering off  He thought to himself with a crazy look on his face. Larry pulled out of the parking spot, as he headed to the grocery store.

He couldn't get that God, out of his mind and at the house, Kelly notice everything had stopped. She slowly got up from the floor, praying it wouldn't start again and started to clean the mess up, as she was glad it wasn't the knives.

While she was close to having it done, Kelly thought she heard Connie and stop what she was doing, hoping she would hear it again. Come on, do it again She thought to herself with tears in her eyes and wondered if she was wrong, about what she had to herd.

Kelly was really confused, about what she heard and went back to what she had been doing. when she was done, Kelly wondered why their daughter was not up yet and looked over at the clock, realizing it was past lunchtime.

Where is the time gone Kelly talk to herself and walked out into the hallway call my hearing some noise in the dining room. She wasn't sure, if she wanted to go in there and stepped over by the doorway, as her mouth dropped open.

"Wha...wha... What the hell," She said out loud with a white face and couldn't believe, this was happening again. Kelly stood there, wishing her husband was there right now and at the grocery store, Larry had stepped out of the car.

He stretched, before closing the car door and started walking to the front of the store. When he got there, Larry stepped inside and walked over to grab a shopping cart.

After grabbing it, Larry headed off to the meat department and when he arrived there, he was confused by what he saw. There was two meat sections, that had roasts and didn't know which one to get, since they had lean as well as regular.

Larry did what he could do, by picking up one of each and made his way to the produce area. When he got there, Larry grab two fifteen pound bags of potatoes and wondered if there was something he was missing.

While making his way to the front, he realized they needed beer and soda. Larry noticed he was right on top of the soda, as he grabbed to twenty four packs of root beer and two of the cokes.

After grabbing that, he went searching for the beer and saw some, as he grabbed two of the twenty four pack bottles. When he set them in the cart, Larry was parched and went over to the refrigerator department, as he tried to decide what he wanted to drink.

While trying to figure it out, he noticed it had been a half an hour since he left the hardware store. He reached over to the refrigerator, as he pulled out a bottle of water and a bottle of sweet tea, before making his way to the front.

When Larry arrived at the checkout counter, he knew he was not going to make it on time and try to find the shorter Lane. While standing in the shortest line there was, he looked at his watch and noticed, he had fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant.

Please hurry up Larry thought to himself with a anxious look on his face, as he looked around and noticed someone was opening the express lane. He didn't waste a minute, while he just get it over to it and started checking out, with a sigh of relief.

When the cashier finished, the girl told him the total and waited on him to pay her. Larry handed her the money, but didn't wait for it strange and rushed out the doors to his car, sending the stuff in the back of the vehicle.

After he had finished doing that, he pushed the cart away and stepped inside his car, closing the door behind him. He pulled out of the parking lot, waiting on a couple of vehicles to go by and when they did, Larry get it onto the road.

Larry knew he was cutting it close, as he down the bottle of water I didn't think I was that thirsty He thought out loud, as he pulled into a parking spot. He glanced at his watch, to see what time it was and jumped out of his vehicle.

He ran to the front door, noticing the person he was supposed to meet and stepped inside, making his way to the table. When he got there, Larry should Joshua's hand and sat down, waiting to order something to drink.

"So tell me some more things, about the house my family lives in?" Larry asked him was a curious look on his face.

Joshua was about to say something, when the waitress walked up to them "What can I get you to drink?" She asked them with a wink, as they took a second to decide.

When they were ready "We'd like two copies and two pieces of pecan pie please," they said to her was a grand. The waitress read it back to them, before leaving their table and went behind the counter, as she started cutting the bike.

She finished cutting it, then grab two small plates and set the pie on them, while grabbing the coffee pot. When she has everything in her hand, the waitress walked back to their table and set the pie in front of them, before filling their coffee cups.

The waitress smiled at them, as she made her rounds to the other tables, refilling their cups. While Larry and Joshua was enjoying their pie and coffee, the two of them was talking about the house and how Joshua's parents knew her, as he continued on.

Joshua went on to say, that he didn't know the girl and only knew what happened, from what his parents had told him. When is he going to get to the point Larry talk to himself with a board look on his face, while taking a drink of his coffee.

"I'm sorry for carrying on about the girl oh, I'm just so mesmerised about her and I was wanting to get out of this forsaken town," He told Larry with a sad look on his face.

"It's okay, I understand," Larry said back to him with a kind voice, waiting for him to calm down and get his self together.

While they were sitting there waiting, over at the house Kelly was still standing in the same spot and she couldn't get the strength to move away. She was amazed by the table and chairs, being upside down, as it made her Wonder, if she was upside down instead.

She stood there, watching it levitate to the ceiling and started to see a female figure, sitting at the table with her hair down. Kelly felt so bad, that she started to cry, as she was trying to calm down and talk to her.

Maybe I should call my husband She thought to herself with a wandering eye and decided, to try talking to it first. "Hi there, my name is Kelly," She said to the girl at the table and noticed she would not say a word to her.

Maybe I should try again She thought to herself with a whisper and prayed it would work. "Who are you," Kelly said out loud, since she thought she heard their daughter's voice.

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