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While the sun was setting, Larry and Kelly had her go inside and get her bath, before dinner. Connie started to cry, as she ran inside and up the stairs, slamming her bedroom door shut.

I never get to do anything with my hand like this she thought to herself with tears rolling down her face, while getting her stuff together. When she was almost done, Connie said on the floor and cried her eyes out, when she realized something.

Larry and Kelly walked inside, stepping into the kitchen and she let her husband no karma to go check on their daughter. She started on lunch, as her husband went upstairs to their daughter's room.

Larry arrived at Connie's room, knocking on the door and waited for her to say come in, but there was no response. He knew something was not right, as he walked down to the end of the hall and stepped inside the bathroom.

Hope she is in here He thought to himself, then noticed she wasn't in there, while making his way back to the room. When he got there, Larry didn't knock this time and open the door, as he walked inside.

He noticed Connie, sitting on the floor with her head in her hands and was crying her heart out. Larry walked over to his daughter, said down next to her and put his arm around her.

He tried to comfort their daughter, but Connie was not having it and pulled away from her father, while looking over at him.

"You both got mad at me, for being in the pool and yet I'm supposed to take a bath," She said to her father with red eyes, as she knew she was right about this.

"You're right about that, my little one," Larry said to Connie with a grin on his face, as he continued to let her know the difference between the two.

Connie finally understood, why she was not allowed in the pool and gave her dad a hug, before grabbing her clothes. They stepped out of the room, while making their way down the hall to the bathroom, stepping inside.

After inside the room, he turn the bath water  and started helping their daughter get undressed. When the that was ready he picked Connie up, as he gently said her into the tub and made sure, her hand didn't get wet.

After she was in the water, he let their daughter for a few minutes and walk to his room, stepping inside. Larry decided to watch a little TV, while Connie was taking a bath and a minute later, he realized that she would have some bathing problems.

He jumped up off the bed and onto his feet, scurried into the hallway, before making his way to where Connie was. He stepped inside the bathroom, walking over to the tub and notice their daughter, just sitting there.

She looked up at her dad with a sad look on her face and hung her head down, because she had gotten her bandages wet as well as her brace.

"Sorry Daddy... I'm really sorry," Connie said to her dad, as she hung her head back down and stared into the water.

Larry looked at her arm, noticing it was really wet and let his little girl no, everything would be okay. "I'll be right back," he said to her with a smile on his face, as he stepped out of the room.

He walked down the hall to his bedroom, stepping inside and headed over to the closet, as he went digging through the bags from the drugstore.

Larry was glad, that they had picked up all this stuff and found everything that was needed, before heading back into the hall.

I couldn't find another brace, this will have to do for now He thought to himself, while making his way back to the bathroom and stepped inside. When he was next to Connie, Larry took the brace off her arm and set it aside, before letting her finish her bath.

While they were doing that, down in the kitchen Kelly had finished the stuff for lunch and wondered what was taking them so long, while she made her way into the living room.

She had everything in hand, as Kelly said the cold cut sandwiches on to the table and went back for the drinks. When she arrived at the kitchen, Kelly grabbed a tray and started putting the glasses with ice and the soda on to it, before heading back.

While walking back to the table, she was wondering what was going on and realize their daughter had probably got her arm wet, as she sat the drinks down.

After setting it down, Kelly walk to the front door and stepped outside closing the door behind her, well she made her way to the car. When she got there, Kelly and lock the door and write each into the back seat, grabbing the bag that was left in there.

She looked into it, making sure it was the arm braces and Kelly closed the car door, before making her way back inside the house.

Well she was walking up to the door, Kelly thought she felt someone staring at her from a distance and and as she turned around, she saw a silhouette walking down the driveway.

What is going on here, I must be seeing things Kelly talk to herself, while opening the front door and slammed it shut. She dropped the bag on the floor, as she peeked out the window and realize nothing was there.

Kelly picked up the bag, they made her way upstairs and walked over to the bathroom, setting the bag inside the doorway. "Lunch is ready," She said to them with a white face, before walking away.

"Okay, we'll be right down in a minute!" Larry yelled out to his wife, wondering what was in the bag she dropped off. Kelly didn't say a word, while making her way over to the staircase and kept on thinking about what she had saw.

When she got there, Kelly started down the stairs and looked up, as you saw a spirit at the bottom of it. She stopped in her tracks, when it looked like her daughter and knew it wasn't her.

"Leave us alone, you hear me!" Kelly screamed out loud to the spirit with an angry voice. While she looked onward, the spirit slowly disappeared in front of her eyes and she shook her head in disbelief.

What was that Hetalk to himself, while taking Connie out of the bathtub and put a towel around her, before running over to the doorway. Where we saw his wife standing on the stairs and knew something was wrong, as he looked over at their daughter briefly.

"Stay here, I'll be right back," He said to her with a Stern voice, stepping out into the hall. Connie look homeward, as she tried to get dried off and was helping everything was okay out there.

She decided to take a peek out the door, while making her way over to it and saw her dad walking over to the stairwell. Connie saw her mom standing there, without budging and her dad stepping down towards her, wondering what had happened.

Connie you about the yelling she had heard a few minutes before and decided to get dressed, while waiting on her dad's come back to help her. While she was doing that, out on the staircase Larry Kelly was talking to each other, about what had happened.

When they were about done, Connie stepped into the hall and wondered if she should say something or not, as she just stood there for a few minutes.

She decided to walk over to them, since Connie didn't want to scare them and when she got there, her parents noticed her standing there a patiently. They decided to get their daughter's hand done, before continuing down the stairs to eat.

Kelly decided that she wasn't going down, until they were done and followed her husband into the bathroom, as he and Connie's hand.

When it was all unwrapped, they knew it was getting better and new they would have to take her back to the doctors, to see how much longer she would have this on her.when that was done, the whole family headed downstairs to eat and made their way to the living room, as they couldn't believe what they saw.

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