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While that was going on, upstairs Mike was fighting to keep himself in the hall bathroom and was struggling to do so, when he was thrown across the hall into the stairwell.

While he was trying to get to his feet, outside at the van Damous headphone the cable in gloves, as he shut the damn door. When that was done, he ran to the front door and stepped inside closing it behind him, making his way up the stairs.

He made it to the top, no to see Mike next to the rail and stopped to help him up, before going into the bathroom. After helping him up, the two of them ran towards the doorway and hope they could get inside, before something else happens.

Are we going to make it They talk to themselves, as the door started to shut. When Mike and Damous arrived, they stop the door from closing and realized a few more seconds, they wouldn't have gotten in.

Whhile they were pushing the door open, the room was getting really hot and the two of them was not going to quit, as they made their way over to the bathtub.

When Mike and Damons will you put in the metal cable down the drain, there was a fierce full wind and heat come over them. They grabbed the tub and held on for dear life, knowing they were not going to let this entity win.

While their hands was slipping, the both of them was feeding the cable down the drain, as it went through a porthole and downstairs Chris notice what was going on. When he saw what was happening, Chris got up and started looking for the end of the table, in every room downstairs.

"Let us help," Larry and Kelly said to him with a kind voice, as they were tired of just sitting there. Chris started to debate, if that was a good idea and decided it would go faster, with extra hands.

"Okay, while I'm looking in here, you can look outside," Larry and can only walk down the hall and stepped out the back door, closing the door behind them. When they got there, the two of them started searching and didn't know what to look for, except the cable.

While they kept searching downstairs and in the yard, up in the bathroom Mike and Damous was running out of cable. "Go help check, for the cable coming out of the porthole," Mike said to him, after putting it around his waist and securing it.

Damous ran down the hallway, as he made his way down the staircase and kept looking around, for the porthole. While everyone was searching everywhere, Larry and Kelly decided to check the pool, since they had checked everywhere else.

When the Millers walked around the corner of the house, they saw the cable and it had blue glowing goo, as they hollered out to them. Larry knew they didn't hear them, as he told his wife to stay there and ran to the back door, stepping inside the house.

"We found it, it's the pool!" he screamed out loud to Chris and Damous was a overwhelming look on his face. Larry didn't stop, as he flew past them and up the stairs, to let Mike know.

When he arrived, he told him about it and Mike knew he would be going down, to get Connie out of there. "You need to go back to the pool, to help us through," He said to Larry with a kind voice.

"No, she will never come to you, I'll be the one to go," He said to Mike was a Stern voice. While he wrapped the cable around Larry's waist and secured it, as he hollered down to his crew.

"Go out to the pool and wait for my signal," he said to them with a high pitch tone. While him and Larry was waiting patiently, Mike reached over and open the window, before letting him know where he was going.

"Okay," Larry said to him was a deep voice, hoping he would hurry back. While he stood there waiting, Mike ran across to The Miller's bedroom and went straight to the bathroom, turning on the water.

He had put the plug-in, as he waited for it to fill up with warm water and when it was ready, Mike ran back to Larry side. "Everything ready?" Mike asked them with a high-pitch voice, as he waited to hear from them and to give the go-ahead.

While waiting, he heard Chris's voice and let him know it was a go, as he waited for the signal. After waiting a few minutes at the poolside, the three of them was starting to worry and knew they only had one chance at this, for the porthole closes.

While waiting for Mike and Larry to say something, he stepped into the tub and waited for the go-ahead. I hope I can find her Larry thought to himself was a terrifying look on his face, not knowing what the outcome will be.

"Okay, pull!" Mike hollered out to them with a Stern voice and let them know, to go slow until he gets down there. After telling them that, Mike stood there and waited until Larry was out of sight.

When he disappeared, Mike ran out of the bathroom and down the staircase, until he was at the bottom. Mike ran to the back door, opening it up and stepped outside, making his way to the pool.

After arriving there, everyone started pulling slowly and my gave them the signal to stop. "What are you doing!" Kelly screamed at them with a pissed-off look on her face, as she grabbed the cable and started pulling again.

While she was pulling, Kelly was tearing up her hands and blood started dripping down, at poolside. Cris and Damous looked over at my, waiting for him to do something and that's when he ran over and grab the cable, as the other two joined him.

While they were pulling, a big blue entity lashed out at them and it had cuts all over its body, as well as red eyes. They kept on pulling, when they were blown down to the ground and still kept a hold of the line.

They bought to get to their feet, as each of them took turns getting up from the ground and kept on pulling. When they felt a tug on the line and knew Larry and Connie, as they started pulling faster.

While pulling on the cable, a few minutes later the two of them was out of that danger and noticed they were not moving, while the guys picked up Larry with their daughter.

They all ran through the back door, making their way to the stairs and when they got there, Mike had Kelly go first. Why do I need to go first She thought to herself what is a confused look on her face and realize, she needed to get the face rags together.

Kelly ran up the stairs, making their way to their master bedroom and grabbed stuff together, as she waited on them to arrive. When they got there, Larry and Connie was set into the warm water, as Kelly started clearing the slime from their mouth.

After doing that, she started wiping their eyes and started talking to them, hoping her husband as well as their daughter would wake up. "Please, breathe for me," Kelly said out loud to her family with a frightened look on her face.

Larry gasped for air, as he started to open his eyes and looked over at his wife, noticing tears running down her face. "Don't cry, I got our daughter," Larry said to his frantic wife with a kind voice, before looking down to his chest.

He realized Connie was not breathing, as he started to get upset and started rubbing her back hard, hoping she would wake up. While he was doing that, a few seconds later Connie gasp for air and looked over at her mom with a smile on her face.

"Mommy... Mommy I missed you and Daddy," She said to her parents. Larry and Kelly was relieved, about their daughter coming through this ordeal and the paranormal team was ecstatic of the outcome.

They decided to give the Millers some space, as they headed back down and started packing their stuff up, while noticing it was quiet. While they were doing that, upstairs in the tub Larry and Connie stepped out of the tub, as they started draining it.

When it was empty, Kelly turn the shower on and started getting their daughter undressed. After doing that, she helped county into it and while she was helping her, Larry went to get some clothes for her.

While Larry went over to their daughter's room, he was not happy about everything that had happened and decided to go talk to Troy about this. when he arrived there, Larry walked into the room and grab Connie's blue pajamas, before walking into the Hall.

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