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She started looking for something to put on, that's how I found a few sundresses and stood in the closet, wondering which one she was going to wear. Kelly decided to close her eyes and pick one, since she couldn't make a choice.

When she opened her eyes, Kelly had the yellow one in hand and stepped out of the closet, as you made her way to the bed, as you slipped it on. After she had it on, Kelly walked into the bathroom and plugged in her curling iron, as she started to brush her teeth.

When Kelly was done with that, she started on her makeup and it was something in the mirror. While she kept on looking, it seemed like it was in the distance and Kelly looked away for a brief moment.

When she looked back into the mirror, it had disappeared and Kelly realized she was just tired and went back to what she was doing. Meanwhile down in the basement, Larry and Joshua had finally found what they were searching for in the both of them, pick one up each.

While they went up the stairs, Larry was wondering what she was doing and didn't know, if he should check on her or not. I'll check on her in a bit, after getting things set up He thought to himself and walked back into the living room.

They suck them down, before setting them up and couldn't believe how quiet it has been all day, as they started putting them up. "Would you like a cold drink?" Larry asked his friend with a straight face, while sweat ran down his face.

"Yes, that would be nice," Joshua said to him with a worn-out look on his face, as they sat the last table up by the staircase.

While where we went to get them some sweet tea, upstairs in the bathroom Kelly had just finished her hair and was just touching up a few pieces, when she saw something running towards her in the mirror.

Kelly didn't have time, to do what she was doing and something reached through it, as she let out a horrible scream. She was startled by it, "Give me our daughter back, whatever you are," Kelly said you it was a high-pitched voice.

"No, you will never have her," The things that back to her in a evil loud voice, before fading away.

While she stood there in front of it This is not happening Kelly talk to herself, as she snapped out of it. Kelly dropped what she was doing, while running out of their room and down the staircase.

When Joshua saw her, noticing that she didn't look good and realize that was her, that let out that awful scream. "Where is my husband?" She asked him with a worried look on her face, as she started to shake.

Joshua was about to tell her, when can we started to paint and he grabbed her, to keep her from hitting the ground. While he was doing that, Larry had just gotten the three glasses and a picture of tea, when he heard his friend scream out to him.

What was that, is something wrong He didn't wait, as he ran out of the kitchen and down the hall, when he noticed Joshua holding his wife's limp body. "What happened!" He screamed out to him with a scared look on his face, as he ran over to where they were.

Larry snatched his wife out of Joshua's arms, making his way over to the couch and gently laying her on it. "What happened to her?" He asked his friend with a serious look on his face.

"All I know, is I heard her scream and came running down," Joshua said with a horrified look on his face.

Larry shook his head, before looking back at her and didn't know what to think, as he was lost for words. "When she got down here oh, she did ask for you and then fainted," Joshua said to him, hoping he didn't get blamed for this.

"Thanks for being here," He said to his friend with a sigh and Larry's eyes went back over to his wife. While he was taking care of his wife, Joshua was finishing up with what needed to be done.

When he was done, Joshua looked at the time and noticed it was five thirty in the evening. After doing that, he made his way into the kitchen and grabbed the tray with the t as well as the glasses.

Joshua grabbed it and stepped out the door, making his way back to where his friends was. He said the tree down, on the coffee table and was about to sit on one of the chairs, when his phone went off.

Joshua grabbed his phone out of his pocket, before walking towards the tea and when he looked at it, it was a text from the paranormal team. We are five miles away, as he asked for directions The guy texts to him and Joshua knew he would probably get lost.

Meet me at the edge of town, I'll be on my Harley Joshua texted him back, hoping it would be fine. He wanted to get some air, as he lit a cigarette and one for Larry, when he received another text.

Okay, that's fine The guy texted back to Joshua, as he let Larry know what was going on and he was going to meet them, to bring them back.

"Okay," Larry said to Joshua with a sigh of relief and went back to taking care of Kelly. Joshua scurried to the front door, opened it up and stepped outside, headed for his Harley.

When he got to it, Joshua started his motorcycle to warm up and stood there, putting his helmet on. While he was doing that, inside the house Larry was worried about his wife and didn't know, when she was going to come too.

Larry heard the motorcycle, pulling out of the driveway and knew, Joshua had left to meet the paranormal activity people. While Joshua was doing that, Larry decided to go get something to drink and a wet washcloth, for his wife's forehead.

He walked upstairs to the bathroom, grabbing a face rag and wedding it with cold water, then made his way back down to where his wife was. When he got there, Larry gently sat the  cloth on her forehead and made his way to the kitchen, stepping inside.

He walked over to the fridge, open it up and grabbed a beer, before walking back to the sink. While Larry was there, he grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with tap water for his wife.

He knew, that the other stuff needed to be brought out and decided to wait, for Kelly to wake up. While he was walking back to the living room, Larry was hoping that they would hurry and get there, to help get their daughter back.

When he was by his wife's side, he said the drinks down and put the cloth on his wife's head, before opening his beer. After he did that, Larry took a drink out of it and opened a bag of plain chips, since he was getting hungry.

While he was doing that, on the edge of town Joshua had been waiting thirty minutes, before they had pulled up next to him."How was your trip, any problems?" He asked him and his crew with a smile, as he somewhat filled them in on what was going on.

"It was a good drive, let's get going," The paranormal guy said to him was a kind voice.

Mike Durjan age forty years old with short black hair and green eyes. He is five foot eight, medium build and has owned origin paranormal activity for fifteen years.

Mike is a kind, loving person and cares about families a lot, he wouldn't change it for anything. After they were done talking, Joshua and the paranormal crew, pulled onto the road and headed for the Miller's house.

While they were on their way back at the house, Larry was enjoying his drink and snack, when Kelly came to. She looked over at her husband with his back towards her, wondering what had happened to her.

Kelly reached over, touching Larry on the back and when she did, he was startled. "Sorry hun, I didn't mean to scare you," She said to her husband was a kind voice.

Kelly didn't mean it, as she tried to let him know that and wasn't sure, if he understood what she was telling him. Larry didn't say a word to his wife, but after five minutes he looked at her and smiled, letting her know he had been worried about her.

While they were talking, Kelly sat up and noticed Joshua wasn't there, when she heard his motorcycle out front and realize he had went somewhere.

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