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When the Millers walked a little closer, their lunch was thrown all over the place and a old entity was laying in a fetal position. Larry and Kelly didn't know, if their daughter should see this or not and stepped in front of Connie, shielding her from it.

"What the hell is going on here," Kelly asked her husband with a strange look on her face.

"I don't know, but get our daughter away from here," He said to his wife with a Stern voice. While Kelly took their daughter's hand and made their way outside, to take a walk around the yard.

When they were out of sight, Larry started to get closer to it and notice it was bleeding, as it was growing. What the hell, it's changing forms He thought to himself with a concerned look on his face, before getting closer to it.

He took his time, moving slowly towards it and when Larry was on top of the entity, he knelt down to check it out. Larry reached over and touched the entity, when it started to let out a horrific screeching sounds, that he has ever heard.

He put his hands over his ears, because it was a horrifying sound and when he did that, the inity disappeared into thin air. While he was looking around the room for it, he was done by what had happened.

Larry decided to clean up the mess on the floor, when he noticed the impression on the floor and started to worry, about how save his family was.

Wall continuing to clean up I don't know what to think, it hasn't hurt anyone He thought to himself with a straight face and took the stuck into the kitchen.

He was washing the dishes, when the windows started to rattle and Larry jumped with a start, because of what he had seen a few minutes earlier.

When he had finally calm down, Larry wondered if it was a earthquake that caused it and he shrugged it off, as he finished up the dishes. While he was doing that, I'm sorry Kelly and Connie was having a blast, since they were playing tag.

When it was Connie's turn to hide, Kelly covered her eyes while facing one of the trees and started to count. ", ready or not here I come!" Kelly yoga to her daughter with a Stern voice.

She started searching for her daughter, while Connie was sneaking through the trees and hoped she didn't make too much noise.

Kelly started to look around the yard, thinking where she could be at and walk towards the pool, praying their daughter wasn't there again.

While she was doing that, Larry had finished up and headed out back, to let his wife know it was safe to come back inside. When he stepped out the back door, he saw his wife headed for the pool area and started to freak out.

"What are you doing, where is our daughter?" He asked her with a high-pitched voice.

"We're playing hide and seek," Kelly said back to her husband with a sigh, trying not to let him know she was frightened. He started working on the other side of the house, thinking she might be at the swing.

When he got there, Connie wasn't there and decided to check the front yard, not noticing the water well. While he was doing that, in the backyard Kelly had arrived at the pool, as she looked around.

There was no one around the pool, as she started to get teary-eyed and Kelly knew, she couldn't let her husband see her like that. She wiped her eyes off, as she noticed her husband up front of the house and rushed over to where he was.

When can we go to the front yard please don't let our baby girl be hurt She thought to herself with a worried look on her face. She stood there, waiting for the bad news and pray that Connie was okay.

While they were doing that, their daughter had fallen asleep in the trees and while she was sleeping, the mist started rolling in fast. Connie's body started to shake, as she curled up into a fetal position, trying to stay warm.

While she was sleeping, in the front yard Larry was searching out by the road and Kelly was patiently waiting, for some news.

He searched up and down the side of the road, since he couldn't check anymore and Larry needed the car, to continue searching. When he arrived back to their driveway, Larry notice his wife standing at the top of it.

Why is she not searching for our daughter He talk to himself with a confused look on his face, as he walked up to her. Larry put his arms around her, as they walked over to the car and let his wife know, everything will be okay.

I hope everything will be fine Hetalk to himself with a eager look on his face. While he was calming his wife down, Larry knew time was of the essence and needed to get going.

"Stay by the phone," He said to Kelly, as he gave her a kiss on the lips and stepped into the car. He gave her a wink, before closing the door and pulled out of the driveway onto the road.

When he was out of sight, Kelly walked inside the house and grabbed her cell phone, before going back outside. Wait, i should check upstairs first Shetalk to herself with a curious look on her face.

Kelly walked over to the staircase, making her way up and skipped a step, trying to get up there. When she got there, Kelly made her way to the first bedroom and started searching them one by one.

Meanwhile out in the backyard, Connie was startled by someone "Come with me child, I won't hurt you," The voice said to her with a crackly voice.

When she opened her eyes, Connie saw her mother's best friend from back home and saw her looking down at her. I  think I can trust her, can I Conniehesitated for a few minutes, while noticing all the mist.

The spirit extended her hand to Connie, as she took it and stood up, then started walking through the trees. While they were talking, calling noticed her hands was cold and started to wonder, if she made the right choice.

I'm just overreacting, but why would she be here for Connie talk to herself with a cautious look on her face. While they were walking for a while, she started to get scared and knew she shouldn't show fear.

Connie realized they had been walking for hours and looked up at her with a grin. She had to find a way, to get away from her and debated on what she was going to do.

"I'm tired and need to pee," Connie said to her with a eager look on her face.

"Okay, we will rest here," The spirit said to her was a low pitch voice, trying not to scare her off.

They sat down on the ground I'llwait a few minutes, before saying something to her She talk to herself with a straight face. While she was waiting, inside the house Kelly had searched every room upstairs and noticed it was getting dark outside.

Kelly started making her way down the stairs, when the phone began to rain and she hoped it would be good news, as she sat down on the stairs. She answered the phone "Hello, honey is that you?" Kelly as the person on the other side.

"Yes my love, I'm on my way back," Larry said to his wife with a kind voice, not wanting to say anything until he got home. Kelly was about to ask him about Connie, when he let her know, he could wood to her shortly and hung the phone up, on his wife.

How rude, She thought to herself with a confused look on her face, as she hung the phone up. She continued the rest of the way down, until she got to the bottom and realized if their daughter fell into the well, she wouldn't survive.

Kelly knew it had been hours, since they had started looking for her and all she could do is wait. When she was heading into the living room, Kelly decided to go check the basement and turned around, walking back to the door.

She opened it up, walking down the steps and was about to turn the light on What was that I heard She thought to herself. What was that, did I hear something Kelly thought to herself with a curious look on her face.

While she stood there listening, there wasn't no noise around the house and decided she was just hearing things, as she made her way down to the bottom. When she got there, Kelly started looking around and heard a door slam.

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