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Larry sat down at the table, while they waited for Joshua to come down and upstairs, he had just finished getting changed. He made his way down the steps, when Joshua got to the bottom and he didn't know where they were, while walking towards the kitchen.

I hope I don't get lost He thought to himself with a confused look on his face. While he was getting close, in the dining room Larry and Kelly was starting to get impatient, because the food might get cold.

When Joshua finally made it, he stepped inside and walked over to the table, as he sat down. "Sorry I'm late," He said to them with a wink, while making him a drink.

"It's fine, let's eat before it gets cold," Kelly said to him with a grand, while her and her husband started making their plates. When Joshua finished making his drink, he started working on his plate.

While he started to eat, they were talking about what was going on and also about Connie. When they were talking about her, the chairs pulled away from the table and up against the wall.

What in the world They said to themselves with a worried look on their faces, since this was the first time it had happened this way. Joshua was speechless, he never thought this would happen and Joshua saw what had happened earlier that day.

While everyone went to get up, the chairs moved and they fell back into the seat, as they moved back to the table. After that had happened, they quickly ate their dinner and made a stiff drink, to take the edge off of what had happened.

When they were done, Larry and Joshua gave Kelly a hand cleaning the table off and they walked over to the kitchen, setting the stuff down. Kelly started on the dishes, while Larry and Joshua was putting things up in the fridge.

Everyone was so quiet, about what had happened and continued on with what they were doing, when Kelly jumped back away from the sink.

What is going on Shetalk to herself with a worried look on her face and wondered how much more she could take. The soapy water started to boil, as the water started to get hotter and begin to turn red.

Larry and Josh would notice Kelly jumped away from it, as they ran over to see what had happened and when they got there, they were stunned at what they saw.

While they stood there, trying to figure out why this was happening for and Larry decided everything was done, except a few dishes. "Let's go in the living room and relax, this could be finished tomorrow," Larry said to her with the wink.

While Larry and Kelly stepped out of the kitchen, their friend decided to stay and finish up. Joshua walked up to the sink, noticing it had stopped and continue to finish what dishes was left.

While he was busy doing that, Larry and his wife had just sat down on the couch, as he turn the TV on. Where is Joshua He thought to himself, while looking towards the hallway.

He didn't see him and wondered if he was doing the rest of the stuff in the sink, as he went back to watching the news. "Where is he?" Kelly asked her husband was a confused look on her face, as she looked over at him.

"He's probably in the kitchen," Larry said to his wife with a grin and they went back to what they were watching. Meanwhile down the hall, Joshua have finished what he was doing and grab the glasses, from the cabinet.

After grabbing that, he grabbed the soda and whiskey, making his way to the living room. When he arrived"everyone ready for a drink?" Joshua asked them with a smile, as he started working on them.

They looked over at him with a straight face "yes we are," They said to him, while waiting on them. When everyone had one, Joshua sat down on the couch with them and join them and watching the nightly news.

While it was getting late, they all decided to call it a night and walked upstairs, when Joshua's phone went off. He knew it was a text, since the dean's was different and when they were at the top, Joshua stop to check it.

While Joshua was checking his phone, Larry and kelly didn't wait around, they just wanted a hot shower. They walked over to their room, shutting the door behind them and Joshua was reading the text.

We have gotten done early then we expected and we'll be there tomorrow night The paranormal investigator had text him. That's good news, I think I'll get a shower and tell them later He talk to himself with a grin, before walking to the hall bathroom.

He stepped inside closing the door behind him, as he turned the water on and started to get undressed. When he was done, Joshua stepped into the shower and across the hall, Larry and Kelly grabbed their night clothes.

They made their way into the bathroom, stepping inside and Kelly started the water, while her husband got undressed. After she had it on, Kelly started to get undressed and her husband walked over to the sink, as he started to shave.

While Larry was doing that, his wife stepped into the shower and shortly after that, he stepped inside with his wife. They started enjoying their shower, as they started making out and in the other bathroom, Joshua was done with his.

After he got dressed, Joshua made his way to the bedroom he was staying in and sat on the bed, waiting to talk to them. He turned the TV on, to country videos and waited patiently for them to get done.

Meanwhile across the hall, Larry and Kelly finished making love and after that, they started rinsing off. When they finished, the two of them got out and grabbed towels, before driving off.

After that, they got dressed and Kelly crawled under the covers, as her husband went to check on his friend. He didn't get far, when Joshua saw him coming over and got up, making his way into the hallway.

When Joshua got there, the two of them headed down to the living room to have a drink and talk, so his wife could get some rest. While making their drinks, he was explaining to Larry about the text he had received an about them coming tomorrow.

Larry was glad about that, as he wondered what time they would arrive and that's when his friend looked over at him. "Oh... By the way, they should be here in the evening," Joshua said to him with a sigh of relief and couldn't wait to help them, if they would let him do so.

After finishing their drinks, the two of them went upstairs and went to bed. While everyone was sleeping peacefully, hours went by and that's when all three of them was suddenly woken up, as they check what time it was.

"Wow... It's four in the morning," they talk to themselves with tired eyes, while stepping out of the bed and headed to their doors.

"Eeek... Stop... Leave me alone!" The voices of a little girl screamed in the war, as you could hear stomping feet

"You can't get away from me," It said back to her with a old boys, as they kept running up and down the hallway as well as the staircase. When they open their doors, they saw a little girl running away and Larry and Kelly realize it was their daughter.

After seeing her run by, there was a old glowing woman coming up fast and got close to their little girl, as Kelly was about to say something. "Don't honey," He told his wife with a Stern voice, since they wasn't sure if it was her or not.

"That's our little girl, I know it is," She said out loud with an angry voice and when she did that, the both figures turn towards them.

"Help... Help me," The little girl said to them with teary eyes and ran towards them. The other figure, slowly faded away and when the girl got closer to them, she had some horrible looks about her.

"Get back!" Joshua yelled  out to them from across the hall and the little girl, transformed in front of the rise. He was right Kellytalk to herself with cherry ice, as she turned to look at her husband with watery eyes.

She apologized to her husband, when they saw what was the little girl, was something under scribal and they stepped back from the door. When the creature started running up the wall, as it started to make screeching sounds.

The window started to shake, when the hall light started to pop one by one.
When the last one was gone, it got dark and couldn't see a thing, as they slammed the door shut.

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