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When he arrived there, Larry handed Joshua a beer and sat down on the couch, as they open them up. While they were talkin, upstairs Kelly was done and walked across the hall, to check on their daughter.

When she got there, Kelly turn the door knob and opened it up, to find their daughter missing. "No! No!" Kelly screamed out loud with a frightened look on her face, as she ran down the stairs crying and wondered where she could be.

Larry and Joshua heard the screams, jumping up from the couch and ran over to the bottom of the staircase, as Kelly fell into her husband's arms. The both of them looked at each other, while Larry was comforting his wife and try to get information from her, while talking softly to her.

There was no use, because Kelly was out of her mind about their daughter and wondered if his new friend could help them. While everyone walked over to the couch, Joshua went to the kitchen and stepped inside.

He started opening cabinet doors, in search of a glass and when he found one, Joshua made his way to the sink. When he was turning the faucet on, Joshua got sidetracked by the whole he had saw in the backyard and filled the cup up, before turning it off.

I need to find out what happened out there He thought to himself with a curious look on his face and walked into the hallway, making his way back to the living room.

Joshua's at the glass down on the coffee table, waiting for the right moment, to ask them about what he had saw. "Wha... What the hell," Joshua said out loud, when he saw the coffee table rise off the floor.

That's not right He talk to himself with a interested look on his face, as he started to ask questions. Larry and Kelly explain everything that happened and what was going on to him, before getting quiet again.

"Can I look around?" He ask them with a straight face, hoping they would say yes. They didn't answer him right away, as he stood there waiting and after ten minutes, they told him to go ahead.

Joshua started down stairs with a dagger look on his face and was glad, they had said yes since he always wanted to experience it up close and personal. He made his way down the hall to the dining room, stepping inside and didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Joshua had one foot out of the doorway, when he heard a little girl's voice and he stopped, as he turned around. Woosh...woosh, Joshua felt something go buy him twice and started to wonder what went past him.

While he stood there, woosh...woosh Joshua belt it again and started to hear a faint voice. "Help me... Please help me," She said out loud with a frightened voice.

He knew, that he wasn't losing his mind and the Millers wasn't either, when Joshua heard the little girl again. "Stay away... Leave me alone!" She yelled out loud to whoever was following her, when he could hear her start to cry.

"What's your name sweetie?" Joshua asked a little girl with a kind voice and waited for a response.

"Connie... My name is Connie," she said to him with a crackly voice, as a voice faded away. Wow... that's amazing Joshuathought to himself with a amazed look on his face, as he stepped out of the dining room and heard some rattling.

He looked back into the dining room, to see the chairs rattling and Joshua didn't want to stay in one spot, while making its way into the kitchen. Joshua stepped inside, as he started to look around and was scared at what he saw.

There was nice moving around in midair and he didn't wait around, as he run out of the kitchen, into the hall. They really need help, but I need to see more and that way I can let them know, what to tell them.

Wait, or let them call over there Hethought to himself, with a worried look on his face, while making his way down the hall. Joshua didn't make it far, when he noticed the chairs stacking themselves into a pyramid and that was so weird, but exciting to see.

While making his way back to the living room, whoosh... whoosh he felt it go by him and couldn't believe he felt that again.

This is the first time, I ever felt something like that before Joshua thought to himself, as he made it into the living room and noticed the lights were flickering through the whole room.

"No... Not again," the Millers said out loud with a unpleasant look on their faces, noticing Joshua standing beside the couch.

"Uh...uh," Joshua said out loud with big eyes, since he was speechless and couldn't move. Larry and Kelly was wondering, if Joshua was okay and started to wonder, if it was the right choice to bring him here.

They kept looking over at him, wondering what to do and decided to wait a minute, before trying to talk to him. While waiting, I hope he is alright They thought to themselves with a concerned look on their faces and started to pray.

When Larry and Kelly realized what they could do and they made their own way over to Joshua, grabbing a hold of his arms. They walked him towards the front door, stepping outside and tried not to startle him, while shutting him down on the step.

After doing that, a few minutes went by and he snapped out of it, as he looked around. What am I doing out here Joshuatalk to himself with a confused look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Larry and Kelly asked him with a straight face, trying not to show him the fear in their faces. He didn't say a word, as he just sat there and stared across the front yard.

Am I going crazy, just like them Joshua thought to himself with a sigh. The Millers didn't know what to do, as Joshua looked up at them. "How...uh... How did I get out here?" He asked them with a stunned look on his face.

"Well we brought you out here," They said to him with a sigh of relief, as they were glad about it. After he rested, Joshua stood up and headed back inside, to check the second floor.

He started up the stairs, when he started to shiver and the further Joshua went up, the colder it got. While he was doing that, Larry and Kelly was standing by the front door, wanting a cigarette.

They knew that they had stopped smoking, a long time ago and didn't want to start again. While they were debating over this, Larry had gave up and handed Kelly the keys, to go get some.

She gave her husband a kiss, before walking to the car and when Kelly was there, she stepped inside closing the door behind her. After she was in, Kelly sped out of the driveway and onto the road, since part of her was glad to get out of there.

While she was going to do that, her husband went back inside and headed to the kitchen, to get another two beers from the fridge. He stepped into the kitchen and made his way over to the refrigerator, pulling two of them out.

When he had them in hand, Larry made his way down the hallway into the living room and decided to go check on Joshua, knowing he could use a drink. While Larry headed up the stairs, his new friend was going into their daughter's bedroom and stepped inside.

Joshua was starting to have a weird feeling, the room started glowing blue and he tried running to get out, but he was thrown across the room. He didn't like this at all, but tried not to show fear and that's when he heard something.

"Get out, you don't belong here," A unseen voice said out loud to him, as he was thrown out of the room and the door slams shut. This is not good He thought to himself with a concerned look on his face, when he saw Larry coming up the stairs.

"Here you go," Larry said to Joshua, while handing him a cold beer and wondered what had happened, since his face expression said it all.

"I just got thrown out, of your daughter's room," He said to him was a stunned look on his face.

While the two of them walked over to Larry's bedroom, woosh... whoosh as something brushed up against them and started to wonder how many of them there were.

Larry didn't know what to do about it and just wanted their daughter back, while looking over at his friend. "I know what you're thinking," Joshua said to him was a sad look on his face, as it was breaking his heart.

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