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Kelly and Connie look at each other, wondering what was going on with him and was stumped about it, then went back to watching TV. They couldn't stop, thinking about the way he was acting what is going on with him They salt to themselves.

Well the sun was going down, Kelly went into the bathroom, started the bath water and waited until it was done, shutting the water off. "Come get your bath," She said to there daughter with a kind voice.

She waited for Connie, but she never showed up and stepped out of the bathroom and noticed her eyes was stuck on the TV screen. Kelly walked over to the TV, shut it off and made her daughter get into the bathroom, to take her bath.

"No, let me finish what I was watching," Connie said to her mom. Larry was not happy, with their daughter and he got up from the bed and walked over to her, grabbing her by the arm.

He marched her into the bathroom, made her get undressed and helped her into the tub, before leaving the room. Larry made sure, that the door was left open and went over, grab some champagne.

When he was done, Larry walked over to the bed and sat next to his wife, handing her one of the cups. "What's going on with you?" Kelly asked her husband was a straight look on her face.

"We get to move in, next week," he said to his wife was a wink. Kelly was so ecstatic, about what her husband just told her and made a toast to the new house.

She realized after a few cups of champagne, Connie was still in the tub and he went to get her out, as she headed to the bathroom. When call me arrived, to find her daughter playing in the water and grab a tail color to get her out of it.

"No Mommy... No, I want to play a little longer," Connie said to her mom, hoping she would let her. Kelly decided to let her play, for a little longer and went back out, to talk to her husband.

While drinking the champagne, they noticed the bottle was about gone and she decided to go get their daughter out of the tub. Kelly helped her daughter out of the tub, dried her off and started helping her, get dressed in her pink nightgown.

After finishing up, she brush Connie's hair and started braiding it, before leaving the bathroom. when Kelly and their daughter stepped into the other room, she put her to bed and covered her up, before turning the lights off.

Larry knew she wouldn't go to sleep, with the cartoons on and decided to turn it off, so everyone can get plenty of rest. The days went by fast, as the Millers had just woken up and started getting dressed, before waking up Connie.

Larry put on a pair of tan khakis, with a white T-shirt and his wife, put on a green knee high dress. They finished up, when he woke up their daughter and Kelly was getting her clothes out, for their daughter to wear.

Well Larry was attending to their daughter and was helping her with her blue dress, her white little western boots. His wife was getting things packed up, that way they didn't have to do it later and when everything was ready, the phone started to ring.

Larry was starting to carry the luggage down to their car, when she was wondering who would be calling them and decided to pick up the phone. "Hello," Connie said to the person on the other end of the phone.

"This is Ken's movers, we will be there in a few hours," He said to her, in a hateful way and hung up on her. Ken Dupree age fifty years old, with grayish black hair and green eyes.

He is five nine and skinny, Ken is a hard-ass and don't like losing money. Kelly didn't know what to think but she was glad, it wasn't him delivering their stuff and hung the phone up.

She grabbed her makeup case, then her purse before walking to the door and stopped to look around, and she closed the door behind her. when Kelly arrived at the vehicle, her husband grabbed her case and put it into the trunk, before they got in.

The Millers pulled onto the road and started driving to the restaurant, to grab something to eat. Larry pulled into a parking spot, as everyone stepped out and close the doors behind them, then walked to the door.

They stepped inside, noticing there was no tables open or cleaned and decided to wait for one. While waiting for twenty minutes, the waitress came up to them and took them to their table, as she set the menus on the table.

They sent down, look at the menu and decided on what they wanted to drink. "We will have two copies and a hot chocolate please," Larry said to the waitress with a smirk on his face.

She smiled and went to get their drinks, while talking to other customers on the way and when she made it to the drink station, fifteen minutes had went by.

Learn daily was not happy, having to wait this long should we leave or stay They talk to themselves, while they waited a little longer. Jessica Sullivan age twenty one years old with short black curly hair and hazel eyes.

She is five foot six, medium build and dark complected as well as a kind person. She has lived in Apple valley, all her life and would never leave.

When Sally walked up, to the Millers table and wondered why they didn't have anything to drink. She was about to ask them, when Jessica walked up behind her, with the drinks in hand and set them on to the table.

"Can I take your order?" Jessica asked them, with a worried look on her face.

"We'll take three pancakes specials," tell her I said to her, while her husband was heated.

"Okay," she said to them, before walking away and went to put their order in. So she kept a close eye on her, to make sure that's where Jessica went and apologized to them, for what had happened.

She walked away, as Sally headed straight to the kitchen and make the Millers food a priority, before checking on the other customers. Well waiting on their food, Kelly let her husband know, about the phone call and didn't know how he was going to react.

Larry's eyes got bigger, after she told him i think, I shouldn't have told him anything She talk to herself. When can we noticed, the waitress coming in their direction and Jessica had a try, with the food in her hand.

She said the food down, with a straight face and walked away, without checking their drinks. Sally was outraged, when she saw her not checking their drinks and decided to have a talk with her later.

She walked over to we're the Millers work, checking on their drinks and noticed their cups were empty, as she went to go get some more drinks.

The Millers was so glad, to be able to move into their house today and wouldn't have to eat out, as much. Larry and his family finish their food, when they saw Sally talking to Jessica and didn't want to be there, when s*** it's a fan.

The Millers got up from their table, walk to the front door and waited to pay their bill, looking to get out of there quick. when they finally got to the register, Larry paid their bill and walked out the front door, as they headed to there vehicle.

They stepped inside their vehicle, closing the doors behind them and pulled out of the parking lot onto the road. Well heading to their house, they seen the movers a few car lengths ahead of them and was happy to get the stuff into their house.

After 30 minutes went by, the Millers pulled into their driveway and up to the front door, as they stepped out of the car. Well Larry talk to the movers, Kelly went to unlock the front door and Connie ran over to the swing, as she got on it.

When she finally got the front door open, Kelly notice there was apple and orange trees on both sides of the driveway. There was a dark blue brick pathway to the front and back door, with chain link fence on the outer part of the fence lines.

On the front left side of the driveway, was a blue house mailbox and oak trees on the front side of the fence. The outside of the house, was baby blue with white trim and the front and back doors was black.

When you step inside the front door, there is a coat closet on the left in the hallway is white with tan trim, with white carpet throughout the hall.

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