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She waited a few minutes, waiting to see if she heard the little girl again and Kelly didn't hear her. While she was about to try again, the silhouette looked over at her from above and let out a evil laugh.

Kelly started to shake, when she heard the little girl's voice again It's me, or is it She Mumble to herself with watery eyes.

"Mommy... Mommy help me," The little girl said out to her, as it echoed throughout the dining room.

Kelly was about to say something, when all she could hear was "Noooo... Help me, I don't want to go!" The little girl screamed out loud with a fearful voice, as it faded away.

After it was over, the table and chairs came down and slid back into place, while Kelly walked back into the kitchen. She grabbed the phone and  picked it up, found out there was no dial tone, as she made her way to the living room.

When she got there, Kelly looked on the coffee table for her cell phone and noticed it was not there, while she continued to look around there. While she was doing that, Kelly heard a little girl screaming and she headed to the stairs, when the sound faded away.

Kelly was so confused, as she went back to looking for her phone and when she found it, she dialed her husband's number. While waiting for him to answer, telling you it was unusual for him not to answer and hung it up, before trying to text him.

Honey what's taking so long, you need to get home now She texted him, hoping he would get it. Kelly decided to go up and get a shower, while she waited for her husband to text her back, as you made her way up  stairs to their room.

When she made it to the bedroom, Kelly stepped inside and walked over to the dresser. She grabbed her underclothes, before grabbing a pair of gray short pants and a pink tank top, as she made her way to the bathroom.

When Kelly stepped into the bathroom, she sent her close down and phone down, walls starting to get undressed. While she was doing that, she reached over and turned the shower on, before finishing getting undressed.

After she was done, Kelly stepped under the water and wondered if she would hear her phone. While she was enjoying her shower, over at the restaurant Larry was intrigued, but what Joshua was telling him.

He sat there listening to him, when he started checking his pocket and wondered why his phone never rang. Larry realize he had left his cell phone in the car, as he was about to tell Joshua, that he would be back and that's when Troy Anderson walked in.

Troy Felder table to sit at, as he made his way over to it and sat down, facing Joshua with a strong stare. While he was waiting to order, Larry wondered why Joshua had a fearful look on his face.

"Are you okay?" Larry asked him with a kind voice, but his eyes was focused on the sheriff.

"I'll be right back," Larry said to Joshua before getting up and made his way out to his car, to grab his phone. While he was getting his phone, Troy was ordering his food and when he was done, his eyes went back to Joshua.

Meanwhile outside, Larry had found his phone and headed back into the restaurant. When he walked by the sheriff's table, he couldn't let him keep doing that to Joshua and decided to stop off, as he walked up to him.

"How's it going?" Larry asked him with a curious look on his face and waited for a reply.

"I'm good, how are you?" Troy said back to him with a outrageous look on his face, while his eyes went back over to Joshua.

"Me and my family is doing good," Larry said back to Troy, hoping to get his eyes focused on him. When he finally got his attention, the sheriff started talking to him and wondered, what those two were up to.

Where is he going with this, or is it something he didn't want me to know Larry thought to himself with a straight face. The sheriff knew he was not getting anywhere with Larry and decided to just ask him, as he looked up at him.

"What are you two talking about?" Tony asked Larry with a impatient look on his face.

"Well, we've been talkin about," Larry said, as Tony interrupted him and started to say some other things. What the hell is wrong with him Larry thought to himself with irritated look on his face, while standing there listening to the sheriff.

"I hope he's not talking about my sister," The sheriff said to him was a sigh.

"Okay, if you want to know, I'm talking to him about helping me with building a treehouse," Larry said to him with a nervous look on his face. I hope he believes me He thought to himself, as he stood there thinking about what he would do next.

Larry I heard the beeping on his phone and he knew that it was probably his wife, when he said bye to Tony, then walked away. He looked at his phone, noticing it was Kelly that tried calling and send her a text.

When he got back to where Joshua was, he sat down and let him know, he had to read the text from his wife. Joshua shook his head yes, while he patiently waited for him to get done and decided to get a refill on his coffee.

While he was waiting, Larry couldn't believe what he had read and when he was done, he looked at Joshua with a weird look on his face. Larry look back at his phone, as he was about to send a text message back to his wife.

Are you both okay, I'm on my way He said with a terrified look on his face. "I'm sorry, I got to go," Larry said to Joshua with a word tone in his voice, as he got up from the table.

"It's okay, do you want me to come with you?" Joshua asked him with a sincere voice, since he really wanted to help.

"If you like," Larry said back to him, while he walked away and headed up front, to pay the bill. when Larry got there, he handed the lady a twenty dollar bill and started walking to the door.

"Keep it," Larry said to her, since he was in a rush and stepped outside, while making his way to his vehicle. He stepped into his car, closing the door behind him and noticed Joshua coming out.

Joshua walked over to the car, letting him know he would be right behind him and walked away, to his motorcycle. He got on his Harley, starting it up and pulled onto the road, waiting on Larry to pull out.

After Larry pulled onto the road, they headed out of town to his house and they hoped everything was okay. While Larry and Joshua was heading there, at the house Kelly was finishing her shower and heard her phone go off.

She was praying that it was her husband, as Kelly turned the water off and stepped out, grabbing a towel. When Kelly was drying off What was that Shetalk to herself with a concerned look on her face and didn't like the loud footsteps in the hall.

Her body started to quiver, when it started to get cold and Kelly was in a hurry to get dressed, as she's hoped that Connie was okay. When she was about dressed, Kelly heard a motorcycle pulling into their driveway and she wondered who it was.

While she was finishing up, downstairs Larry and Joshua walked through the door, with everything in the hand. "Have a seat on the couch, I'll be right back," Larry said to him with a smile.

Joshua sat down, while waiting on him to get back and Larry headed down the hallway to the back door, setting the shovel up against the house. When he was done, Larry close the door and made his way into the kitchen, shutting everything down.

He carried the drinks into The pantry, before heading back for the roast and potatoes. Larry walked over to the freezer, settings six of them into it and after he was done, he was about to take the bags into the pantry when he knew his wife would be using them.

When he had everything put away, Larry relies he forgot to leave one of them eats out and made its way, grabbing one out of the freezer. Larry carried it over to the sink, shutting it down and walked over to the refrigerator, grabbing two beers before heading into the Hall.

Hope everything is put away He said to himself, as he made his way to the living room.

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