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Greta put the containers into a sack, before handing them the cocoa and smiled at them, while the kids waited for a ticket. "How much for the chocolate?" He asked her with a worried look on his face, since they were in a rush to get home.

She just waved them on with a smile, they didn't smile back and headed for the front door, stepping out into the snow.

While the wind was making it more difficult, Mark knew they would never make it home and decided to turn around, as they headed to the old run-down building.

When the kids finally got there after twenty minutes, they stepped inside and tried to close the door, but he couldn't get it close all the way. "I'm cold," Shirley said to her brother, while shaking really bad.

"I know, hold on," He said to his sister, well his teeth started to chatter. He took his sister's hand, while walking away from the open door and heard his sister's teeth, start doing the same thing.

The kids walk down the hallway, turn the corner and sat down next to one another, as they tried to stay warm. Mark knew it wasn't going to work, since they were shivering and he had to do something fast.

"Stay here sissy, I'll be right back," He said to her, as he couldn't stop shaking. Shirley looked over at him with a sad face, while he got up from the hall for and notice his sister was about to cry.

"You'll be okay, I'm just trying... Nevermind come on ," He said to her with a disgust look on his face. Meanwhile over at the bar, Scott and Rhonda had just pulled into the parking lot, trying to find a spot to park.

When he found a place to park, Scott pulled into it and turn the ignition off. He lit a joint for both of them and Rhonda didn't know if she should tell him, about the four hundred dollars she had in her pocket.

Maybe I could, but he probably wants to get more money for the drugs She thought to herself, and she kept quiet about it.

Connie didn't hesitate a second, she ran straight to her parents room and tripped at the doorway, as she called the rest of the way. What was that bang  Larry and Kelly talk to themselves, rushing to open the door to find out what was going on.

When they open the bathroom door, saw their daughter crawling towards them and wondered what was going on, as they ran over to her.

Her dad swooped their little girl into his arms, carried her to the bed and set her down, as both of them noticed her face was white as a ghost. "What's wrong sweetie?" They offer with a concerned look on their faces.

She didn't say a word to her parents, since she was staring out into the hallway, looking to see if there was anyone out there. "What's wrong with her?" Kelly asked her husband with a concerned look on her face.

"I don't know," Larry said back to his wife, while trying to figure it out. Well she was comforting their daughter, her husband went in search of what caused their daughter to react like that and stepped into the Hall.

Larry started looking around upstairs, but couldn't find nothing and wondered if she got scared, from a bad dream she had. He went back into the bedroom, to check on his family and found his wife walking their daughter in her arms.

"Did you find anything?" Kelly asked her husband, not knowing what he was going to tell her.

"I didn't find anything, but I think she just had a bad dream," He said to his wife with a concerned look on his face. They just started to take the daughter downstairs with them, so they could keep a close eye on her.

Larry Grubbs call me from his wife's arms, as they stepped out of the bedroom and headed downstairs to the living room, setting their daughter on the couch.

Kelly's and headed into the kitchen, to check on the food and Larry stayed with their daughter, as he reached for the TV controller.

He turned it on, then started flipping through the channels and found the history channel, before setting the controller down on the table.

While he was watching the program, in the kitchen his wife was checking the food and noticed a Crock-Pot was off, turning it back on. I think I need to get another one, sometime soon She thought to herself, before tasting it.

"Yuck... It's raw," Kelly said out loud, before putting the lid back on and knew, it was going to be a late dinner tonight. I better fix something to snack on, until then She talk to herself, as she walked over to the fridge.

Kelly open it up Let's see what I have She talk to herself, while looking around in it. She decided to make some hors d'oeuvres, as she pulled out some cheese and different meats, before heading to the pantry to grab the crackers.

When everything was together, she started slicing some of of each meat and cheese, before assembling them.

While she was doing that, in the living room where we was watching his program and out of nowhere, the TV volume started to get louder by the minute.

He grabbed the remote from the table, trying to turn it down and Connie woke up screaming, that she jumped into her dad's arms. He held her in his arms, trying to calm her down and in the kitchen, Kelly heard the screams of their daughter.

She dropped what she was doing, running out of the kitchen and down the hallway, to the living room. "What happened, is she okay?" Kelly asked her husband with a devastating look on her face.

"The volume on the TV just started going up, it might be the remote button sticking," Larry said to his wife, while shutting it off. His wife walked over to the couch, sat down and try to help calm their little girl down, before she went back into the kitchen.

Now that's weird He side sighed the volume was back to normal and found some cartoons. Connie started to settle down, after the cartoons was on and started laughing, while her mom made her way back into the kitchen.

Kelly started back on what she was doing, when her husband got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen, to get something to drink.

Larry stepped inside, noticing his wife working on some hors d'oeuvres and wondered why she was making those for, since she was making stew for dinner.

I don't know if I should ask her, why she was making that for Hethought to himself, as he walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer out of it.

Larry close the door, as he twisted the top off the bottle and walked up to Kelly "What are you these four?" He asked his wife with a confused look on his face.

"The stew isn't going to be done on time," She said to him with a smile and continued with what she was doing. I can't tell him what had happened, he would go and buy another one She talk to herself and knew they didn't have the money to do that.

"Okay," He said to her, as he gave his wife a kiss and let her know, he was going outside to look around. Kelly shook her head, before continuing on with what she was working on and in the living room, call me was enjoying herself.

While the family was doing their own thing, Connie was getting thirsty and hungry, as she got up from the couch. She made her way down the hallway, as she started to feel cold and scurried into the kitchen, to her mom's side.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Kelly asked her daughter, before handing her a hors d'oeuvre.

"Nothing mom, can I have another one?" She asked her mom with a smile, as she went to grab a soda. Connie open the fridge, grabbed a root beer and closed it, then returned over to her mom.

Kelly smiled at her daughter, when she kept grabbing horderves one after another "Save some room for dinner," She said to her daughter, before going to check on the stew.

While she was doing that, her daughter grabbed four more and snuck out of there, and she made her way back to the living room. Connie was about to sit down on the couch Where did Dad go She talk to herself, as she went searching throughout the house for him.

Meanwhile outback Larry was enjoying the scenery, while drinking his beer and wondered about making a pathway through the trees, to make room for a treehouse for Connie.

Larry started walking into the trees, looking to find the right spot for it and when he did, is when the wind started to blow.

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