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After grabbing it, Larry headed back up to the door and stuck it in between the door frame, as he pried it open. When Larry got it open, his wife pushed him aside and started searching the house, for their little girl.

What is wrong with her, she is being so pushy He thought to himself with a red face, as he threw the crowbar down on the top step and stepped inside.

While his wife was searching the rest of the house, he noticed the back door was open and ran through the hall to the back door, as he stepped outside.

Larry looked around but couldn't see a thing, trying to figure out what he was going to do and forth the light switch to the backyard. Still too dark out there Hethought to himself with a sigh, before going to grab the flashlight.

Larry didn't get too far, when he thought he heard their daughter's cries for help and wondered if it was a trick or not, while walking back outside. When he got out there, Larry stood there listening for her voice and try to be positive about the whole thing.

"Daddy... Daddy help me!"  Connie scream to her father with a frightened voice, as she sunk deeper into the ground and felt something pulling on her legs.

What the hell Larrythought to himself with a confused look on his face and started taking small steps around the yard, hoping to find her.

While he was searching for her, Kelly stormed out the back door and started yelling at Larry, thinking he was just messing around out there.

"Shut up, I'm trying to hear something," He said to his wife with a stern voice, since he couldn't hear their daughter anymore. Kelly didn't like his tone in his voice and stuck her nose up in the air, as she headed back inside mumbling under her breath.

After his wife was gone, he went back to searching for Connie and hoped nothing had happened to her, since he wasn't hearing nothing from their little girl.

Connie kept looking around, to see if she could find her dad and a few seconds later, she saw her dad she use a foot step away.  "Daddy I'm right in front of you," calling cried out to him with a sigh of relief, while she kept on talking to her dad.

Larry decided to get down on his hands and knees, since it was the safe thing to do and he wouldn't step on her. When he was on all fours, Larry moved his hands one at a time and as he got closer to her, Connie coughed out loud.

He new that he was right on top of her, while talking to her and trying to keep her calm, when Larry felt Connie's hand. What the heck is going on here He go to himself with a strange look on his face.

Larry couldn't believe, that she had sunk into the ground and all that was above ground, was her head. He was frightened for their daughter, while trying to figure out a way to keep her head from going down and he knew his wife was madder than hell.

"Kelly... Kelly come here and bring a flashlight!" He screamed out to his wife, praying she heard his cries for help and would come out there.

While he was waiting, Larry held their daughter's head still and tried not to hurt her, as the ground turned a bright blue. Just like inside the room Hetalk to himself with a ear look on his face, to get Connie out of there.

Kelly came storming out the door, looking around for him and had a mad look on her face. "What the hell do you want!" She hollered out to him with a sigh and waited for him to respond to her.

"Come help me!" Larry yelled back to his wife was a urgent tone and waited for her to get there.

When she turned on the flashlight, Kelly started waving it around and noticed where her husband was, as she made her way towards him. It better be good, for having me come out here she thought to herself with a disappointed look on her face.

While walking up to him, Kelly was not ready to see what she's was about to see and when she was up on him, she saw their daughters body buried into the ground.

"Eeek!" she screamed out loud with terrifying look on her face, as she wondered why, her husband didn't get their little girl out of there.

"Stop... stop that, it's not helping her," He told her with a stern voice, while he had his wife hold Connie's head. Kelly started to cry, as Larry went to get a gardening shovel and while he was doing that, she couldn't get a grip on things.

Connie I knew she was going to do something, to get her mom to calm down and she couldn't handle the crying, as she started slipping down more. "Mommy... mommy please stop crying, it's making it worse on me," she told her mother, trying to keep her calm.

Kelly understood now, what their daughter was telling her and knew she had to get a grip on this, knowing she could fall apart later.

While she was calming down, Larry came running across the yard with a garden shovel in hand and went straight to work on getting their little girl out. Hours went by, when Connie's I started to get heavy and she fell asleep, as it was really quiet out there.

"What's wrong with her?" Kelly asked her husband in a low voice, since she was really concerned about their daughter and looked over at him, with tears in her eyes.

"She's just sleeping ," He said to his wife with a low pitched voice, as he kept on digging.

After working overnight, Larry had dug enough dirt out and noticed the sun starting to rise. When he was done, we're in Kelly was exhausted and had his wife go inside, to make some coffee for them.

She looked at her husband with tired eyes, while slowly releasing her hands around Connie's head and got up from where she was, as she headed inside to start the coffee maker.

How could this had happened to my little girl Larry thought to himself with a confused look on his face, since he had walked through this area a lot.

He kept clearing the dirt away from their daughter's legs and after five minutes, he decided to try to pool calling out of that hole.

While he was working on that, in the kitchen Kelly had started the coffee maker and went upstairs, to grab a blanket from their daughter's closet.

When she arrived at Connie's bedroom, Kelly was frightened to go inside the room and new she had to get the blanket, for Connie as she slowly open the bedroom door. Great, it's fine Kelly said to herself with a sigh of relief, as she stepped inside and headed to the closet.

While walking over to it, Kelly kept looking around the room to make sure that nothing crept up on her and when she got there, she slowly open the closet door. She stepped inside, grabbing one of the blankets and walked back out of it, wondering why it felt so cold in there.

Kelly shrugged it off, thinking it was because of being outside all night and made her way to the open door, stepping into the Hall. She walked over to the stairwell, looking around and made her way down the steps, as she thought someone was following her.

I wish this would stop She thought to herself was a anxious look on her face, while scurrying down the to the bottom. When she go to the bottom, Kelly walk down the hallway to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee to drink, before taking one to her husband.

While she was doing that, out in the backyard Larry was digging around Connie speed and finally got one of her legs free, as the dirt started to cave in.

"What... what in the world," He said out loud with a confused look on his face, since the dirt wasn't muddy. I need to hurry, before it caves in Larry thought to himself with a frantic face, as he started digging uncontrollably.

While he was digging fast, Larry knew their daughter wouldn't last another day of this and decided he needed his wife out there fast.

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