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Connie stepped outside, as she headed over to her parents and started to get teary-eyed Don't cry, please don't cry She thought to herself, then started to shake. "Mom... Dad," She said out loud to her parents, as she was about to drop the soda.

Larry and Kelly looked up at their daughter was a smile, when her father noticed the drinks was about to drop and he jumped up, grabbing them from her.

When they're little girl broke down crying, as she fell down to the ground and her mom got up, then ran to their daughter's side. When he sat the drinks down, he ran over to them and they wrap their arms around Connie, trying to calm her down.

"Sorry... I'm so sorry," she said to them, with tears rolling down her little face.

"Let's go get some ice cream from the kitchen," they said to their daughter with a smile, while her mom wiped her face.

The Millers walked inside, stepping into the kitchen and noticed all the cabinet doors was wide open, as Larry and Kelly looked at one another in disbelief.

While Connie looked at her parents, they had her go into the dining room and sit down, while they get the ice cream, bowls together.

When she headed over to the dining room, her parents was grabbing the bowls out and closing cabinet doors, before pulling the ice cream out. While they were doing that, their daughter stepped into the dining room and froze Where she stood.

Connie tried to scream for her parents, but couldn't and she hoped her parents would show up soon, since they wouldn't believe what she was seeing.

Larry and Kelly had everything in their hands, as they stepped out of the kitchen and walked over to the dining room, noticing their daughter standing inside the doorway.

What is she doing They talk to themselves, while stepping closer to the doorway. Her parents looked around the room, but didn't see anything and walked up to their daughter tapping her on the shoulder.

"Aaaaaaw!" Connie screamed at the top of her lungs, since she was frightened by her parents touch.

"What is wrong with you?" they asked her was a confused look on their faces, while waiting for their daughter to answer them. She looked up at them frightened half to death, not knowing what to say, as she stood there trying to come up with something to tell them.

" it ua I saw a big spider," Connie said to her parents, hoping that they would believe her.

"Okay, let's all sit down and have some ice cream," Joey said to them, while setting the stuff on the table.

While her parents was scooping it up, she slowly looked around the room and wish her parents would have seen what she did. Maybe it was in my mind, no I did see it She talk to herself and knew they would think she has lost her mind.

Connie decided not to tell them the truth, since you knew they would take her to the doctors and she didn't want everyone in the town, to think she was crazy.

The whole family sat at the table eating strawberry and vanilla ice cream, while trying to joke around with their daughter. She looked at her parents with a fake smile, wondering if her mom and dad would believe it, as she took her last bite.

"May I be excused?" Connie asked them, before getting up from the table. Larry and Kelly shook their heads yes, since they had a spoon of ice cream in their mouth and their daughter got up, grabbing her bowl.

She stepped out of the dining room, into the Hall and walked over to the kitchen, setting the bowl into the scene. When she was done, call me headed upstairs to her room and walked over to her toy chest, opening it up.

She didn't know which dolls she wanted to play with, as Carney sat there for a few minutes and pulled out her to China dolls.

Well company was brushing the dolls hair, down in the dining room Larry and Kelly was gathering the dishes and ice cream containers, to take to the kitchen.

The both of them was trying to figure out, why she had acted the way she did and headed towards the kitchen. When the two of them stepped inside, she started on the dishes and her husband put the ice cream back into the freezer.

What should I fix for dinner Kelly talk to herself, while renting the last dish off. When she decided on beef stew "Can you please grab the potatoes for me?" She asked her husband with a smile and headed over to the refrigerator.

Kelly pulled out the veggies, she needed for the stew and set them on the counter, before grabbing the big crock pot out.

Well she was doing that, Larry brought out a big bowl of potatoes and set them on the counter, waiting to find out if she needed anything more. When is wife didn't need his help, he kissed her on the forehead and headed upstairs to take a shower.

Connie heard footsteps in the hallway, as she got up from the floor and went to see who it was. Well she was walking to the doorway, her father had just stepped into his bedroom and walked over to the dresser for clean clothes.

When she looked up the door, her heart skipped a beat and that was because there was nothing out there. I must be hearing things She thought to herself before closing the bedroom door and went to put the dogs up.

When she had everything put up, Connie decided to go lay down and take a nap before dinner. She walked over to her bed, lay down on top of the covers and fell asleep in a matter of minutes.

While she was sleeping, across the hall Larry had grabbed his green pj bottoms and headed into the bathroom closing the door behind him. He opened the shower door, turn the water on and took off his swim trunks, before stepping inside it.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Kelly was dropping the potatoes, carrots up and in the Crock-Pot, she has the rest of the ingredients in it. After she had all of the stuff chopped, she added it into the pot and turned it on to 350 degrees, before covering it.

She went to the fridge, grab the chilled red wine and opened it and poured two glasses of it, before putting the bottle back inside the refrigerator.

Kelly stepped out of the kitchen, with the two glasses of wine in hand and headed upstairs to her bedroom, as she stepped inside. She set them down on the dresser, started looking for clean clothes to wear and started to shiver.

When she had her underwear and bra, she walked to the closet opening the door up, as he stepped inside.

Kelly was searching for one of her nightgowns, then realize she didn't hear any noise from her little girl and decided to go check on her, as she grabbed her blue gown out.

She said it down on the dresser and scurried across the hall, to her daughter's room, to check on her. When she stepped up to Connie's doorway, Kelly notice their daughters on the bed and she was sound asleep, as she made her way back to her room.

Well stepping inside, she grabbed the two glasses of wine and clothes off the dresser, after opening the bathroom door. "Who's there," Larry said out loud, not knowing who it was and waited for a answer.

"It's only me my love," She said back to her husband, as she set the clothes down. Kelly open the shower door, handing him the glass of wine and closed it behind her, as she got undressed.

"Thanks honey, for the wine," he said to his wife, and a kind and loving voice. When she was done getting undressed, she stepped inside with her glass and her husband close the door behind her, giving his wife a kiss on the forehead.

They were talking to one another, while Larry was washing his wife's back and things started to get heated up, after they took the last drink of wine. Kelly you open the door setting the glasses down, before closing the door and started making love in the shower.

When the water turn to ice cold, Calhoun Larry screamed out loud and jumped out of the shower. What happened to the water They thought to themselves, as they started to shiver and hurried to get dressed.

Well both of them dried off, they jumped into their night clothes and across the hall, Connie was startled by the noise. She jumped out of bed in terror, ran out of a room and into the Hall, feeling like someone was watching her.

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