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While she was pulling the bottles out of the bag, Joshua was going upstairs to clean the glass up and wanted to get it done, so he could join them in a hard drink. When he arrived, he started sleeping the broken glass up and he thought he had heard something, but wasn't sure.

After sleeping it into the dustpan, Joshua dumped it into the garbage and made his way down the hall, to the stairs. While going down the stairs, he felt like someone was following him and it was getting stronger, as time went by.

Joshua knew time was of the essence, as he ran down the stairs to the living room and set the stuff down, while he grabbed one of the hard drinks. "You okay?" Kelly asked him with a straight face, while he down the drink and made him another.

After making it, Joshua started to drink it, when his hands started to shake and decided to text some people that he was going to train with. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and started to text the paranormal investigators.

While he was doing that, Larry and Kelly was wondering what he was doing. They sat there with a confused look on their faces, while trying to figure it out and made themselves another drink.

I need your help over here, it's a real emergency Joshua texted them and hope, they would get back to him. He sat his phone down on the table, noticing them staring at him and realize they were probably wondering what he was doing on the phone.

"Okay, I'll let you know what I was doing," Joshua said to them with a word look on his face, hoping it wasn't going to be too late for for their daughter. After filling them in, Larry and Kelly was hysterical about what he told them about their daughter and made them a shot of whiskey.

Joshua did a shot of whiskey as well, while he kept looking at his phone and let them know to find something to do. "Okay, we will and thanks for helping us," Larry and Kelly said to him was a kind voice.

The Millers grab the broom and dustpan, before making their way into the kitchen, to start cleaning the mess up. While waiting on the text back, Joshua made himself another drink and grab this phone, before making his way to the back of the house.

When he arrived at the back door, Joshua stepped outside and started looking at the big hole, in the middle of the yard. Joshua walk over to it, noticing how deep it was and wasn't sure, what had happened there.

He only knew, that is friend had pain to buy a shovel and didn't know much more, about it. Joshua looked it, while looking around the yard and realize how amazing it was.

It would be great to have one like this He thought to himself with a smile. He decided to start over by the well, while making his way to the other side of the house.

While he was doing that, inside the kitchen levering girly had almost finished cleaning up and wondered, what to fix for dinner. "I bought enough roast," He said to his wife with a kind voice, while opening the freezer to show her.

"Okay, but it won't defrost in time," She said back to her husband with a sigh, while she started to tear up because it was their daughter's favorite.

Wait, I put one in the sink for tonight Larry thought to himself, while making his way over to it. Kelly went into the pantry, to see what she had to work with and outside, Joshua had just made it to the well.

He stared down the deep well, wondering if their daughter could be down there and wasn't sure about it, as he started bringing up the bucket.

While Joshua was doing that, he was having some troubles with it and out the corner of his eye, he noticed the swing starting to move. He didn't know what to think really, but knew there was no wind and continue to bring the bucket up.

When he finally got the bucket up, all he saw was water and Joshua let the bucket go back down and in the kitchen whoever made it to the sink, noticing the roast was just fine.

"Honey, come here," He said to his wife with a sigh of relief, knowing he would have to help her. What now Kelly thought to herself, as she made her way over to where her husband was and looked into the sink.

Kelly was surprised, about what she saw and couldn't believe it, after cleaning up the mess from earlier. While they were working on dinner, the house started to get cold and Larry went to get their jackets, noticing the temperature change.

"What is going on here," he said out loud to himself, while opening the closet door. Please, give us a few hours to our self Larry thought to himself with a upset look on his face.

He grabbed their jackets, while making his way back and hoped, they would get dinner cooked, before anything else happens again. When he stepped inside the kitchen, Larry handed his wife her jacket and they put them on, as Larry went to pull the roast pan out.

After setting it on the counter, him and his wife started on the carrots as well as the potatoes. While they were working on that, outside Joshua started to walk away from the well and notice the swing was standing still.

He made his way over to the other side of the house, when is phone started to beep and when he looked at it, it was from the paranormal team. It will be a day or two, before we can get there The person said to him, since there were working on a case.

Okay, will be waiting Joshuatexted back to them, as he was somewhat disappointed. After doing that, he made his way over to the pool and noticed, a whirlpool in the middle of it.

What the hell Joshua thought to himself with a confused look on his face and didn't know what to think. He just stood there, thinking if they knew about this and inside, Larry and Kelly had finished what they were doing.

They stuck it in the oven, as they put it on 350 degrees and walked into the hallway, wondering where their friend was. Larry and Kelly made their way into the living room, to make some drinks and when they started to make them, there was a bad feeling that came over them.

When the drinks was done, the two of them made their way to the backyard and as they looked around for him, they saw him fly across the yard.

"What the f*** is going on!" The two of them said out loud, well Larry handed his drink to his wife and went to check on Joshua. While he was doing that, Kelly walked over to the patio table and said the drinks down, before taking a drink out of her glass.

It has to be the alcohol Shetalk to herself, when she noticed the whirlpool and she just froze, since the water turned a dark glowing blue. Kelly was frantic, when she heard Connie's voice and started making her way into the pool, trying to reach their daughter.

Larry and Joshua noticed what she was doing, as they ran towards it and hoped they would get there in time, but they were too late. When Kelly was being dragged out of it, she started to scream to her husband and when he try to get to her, Larry was thrown into the wall.

He hit his head, as he slid to the ground and was knocked out, while Joshua dashed over to help here. While he was trying to get to Kelly, the thing that was dragging her, was trying to pull her over the wall.

Joshua wrapped his arms around his waist, as he held on to her for dear life and out of nowhere, she was released. After checking her out, the both of them ran back to Larry and hoped he was okay.

They picked him up, making their way to the back door and stepped inside, walking down the hall to the living room. When they got there, Joshua and Kelly laid him on the couch, while he went to the kitchen for some ice.

While he was doing that, Kelly started looking at his head and notice it was just a bump, when the TV turned on. Kelly looked around the couch and floor, for the remote when she saw it on the table.

"Wha... What the hell is going on," She said out loud while trying to turn it off. Kelly finally turned it off, as she said the controller down and went back to paying attention to her husband.

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