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While the both of them was checking the rooms, in town Kelly had picked up a carton of Marlboro red shorts and headed back to the car, opening a pack. Great, I forgot a couple lighters She thought to herself with a upset look on her face, while making her way back into the store.

Kelly walked up to the counter, as she grabbed a package of two and check out at the register. After paying for it, she walked out the door and let a cigarette, while making her way back to the car, as you pulled out of the parking lot.

Kelly pulled onto the road, when she decided she needed a stiff drink and decided to stop at the liquor store. When she saw the sign for it, Kelly pulled into the parking lot and pulled up to the door, as she stepped out of the car.

While she was walking in What what the guys like She thought to herself and new whiskey was the most popular. Kelly went straight to where it was, thinking it was a breeze and noticed there was so many on the shelf.

She stood there, trying to figure it outI'm back at the house, Larry and Joshua had finished checking all the rooms, except the bathroom. When Joshua started to think "Where was your daughter at last?" He asked Larry was a curious look on his face.

"In the bathroom I think, we don't know if she went back to her room or not," He said to him with a sad face, as he started to cry.

"Let's check it out," Joshua said to him with a caring voice, while making their way over to it. When they reach the bathroom, the door slammed shut and they could see a blue glow, coming from underneath it.

While Larry and Joshua try to open the door, it was like a battle, wondering if they would get in there. They weren't giving up, as they took a big drink of beer and over at the liquor store, Kelly grabbed four different bottles.

She walked over to the counter, sitting them down and waited while he run them up. When the man finished, he let her know how much it was and she handed him the money, before walking out the door.

Kelly stepped into her car, closing the door behind her and when she started the car, the radio came on. She jumped, when Kelly heard the loud music and she tried to turn it off, but couldn't.

She put her hands over her ears, hoping it would stop in thirty minutes later, she saw the radio knob move. Kelly watched, as the knob turned off and she was happy about it, except scared about it happening.

How can this be She talk to herself with a confused look on her face, as she tried to figure it out. While Kelly was thinking, she pulled out of the parking lot and onto the road, making her way home.

Meanwhile over at the house, Larry and Joshua was still trying to get in and they finally got it open, a few minutes later. They stepped inside, to find the blue glow was still there and while they stood in the middle of the bathroom, they heard a gurgling sound.

"What is that noise?" Larry said out loud to Joshua with a horrifying look on his face.

"I'm not sure," he said back to him with a curious look on his face, as he slowly made his way to the sink and looked in it, finding nothing.

When he was about to walk over to the tub, the mirror on the medicine cabinet broke into a thousand pieces, as Joshua grab Larry's hand. He pulled him to the ground just in time, when the glass flew across the room and stuck into the wall.

That was a close call Theytalk to themselves, wondering what would happen next. They tried to figure it out, since the two of them still heard that sound and Joshua knew it had to be the tub, since that was the only thing left.

When he walked over to it, he could tell the floor was wet, just by the squeaking of issues and Joshua news that they do that when he walks through water. While he was checking that out I  think my wife is back Larry talk to himself, before walking over to the doorway.

"I'll be right," Larry tried to tell him, as the door slams shut and he was really scared, not knowing what was going on in there. Larry try to open it, but couldn't and on the other side of it, Joshua reached his hand into the tub.

When he did that, the water from the drains first it upwards and out in the hall, something grabbed him by his leg. Larry reached for the door knob but it was no use, because whatever had a hold of him, dragged him across the hall.

He started clawing the carpet, trying to get back to the bathroom and help his friend. Larry didn't have a chance in hell, when the thing dragged him back over to the stairs and continue down them, while he tried to hold on to the rail.

While he was fighting it, Joshua had being hit with all the drain water and he had enough of it, making his way to the door. Joshua was trying to get out, when the blue light had faded away and the door opened up.

He stepped into the Hall, looking around for his friend and while looking, Joshua's saw Leary laying in the middle of the staircase. Joshua ran over to his side, hoping he was okay and when Larry didn't move, he started to panic.

"Are you okay?" He asked him was a concerned look on his face and prayed he would be okay. While Larry started to come around, Kelly walk through the door with the cigarettes in hand and when she looked over, she saw her husband laying on the stairs.

She dropped the cigarettes on the floor and ran over to him, as Kelly started checking him out. "Honey... Honey are you okay?" She asked her husband with tears in her eyes.

"I'm okay... I'm okay," Larry said to Kelly with a straight face, even though he was hurting. Larry so we got up, while holding on to the rail and they all walked over to the living room.

When the three of them arrived there, they sat down on the couch and Kelly realize the smokes were over by the door. "Would anyone like a smoke?" She asked them with a sigh and walked over to grab them.

After picking them up, she made a way back and set them down on the coffee table, before lighting a cigarette. While they were talking, Kelly walk down to the kitchen and stepped inside, as she made her way to the cabinet.

She grabbed three drink glasses, set them on a tray and made her way to the fridge, to grab some soda. After grabbing that, Kelly check to make sure she had everything needed for mixing the drinks.

When she was done, Kelly walked to the door and was stepping into the hallway, she started having a bad feeling come over her. Kelly didn't know what was going to happen, as she took a step away from it, she heard banging sounds from the cabinet doors again.

Not again She talk to herself with a upset look on her face, while Kelly made her way to where her husband and Joshua was. When she got there, Kelly said the stuff on the table and headed to the front door, stepping outside.

While she was going to the car, her husband finally decided to go up to the hall bathroom and sweep the glass up, so she wouldn't have to do it later. "Are you sure about doing that?" Larry said to him with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, I'm sure!" He yelled back to him with a sigh, while making his way to the kitchen, to grab the broom and dustpan. Joshua wasn't sure about anything, while he was close to the door and stood there, hoping it would stop.

Hey it's calming down He talk to himself with a sigh of relief and stepped inside, rushing over to grab the stuff. When he got there oh, it was a mess and he had to watch every step he made, since it looks like a tornado hit in there.

Joshua found what he was looking for, while making his way back to the door and when he got there, he stepped out into the Hall. What, that's their daughter's voice He thought to himself with a grin, knowing that she was still with them.

He made his way down the hall, when Kelly walked in through the front door with a bag in hand and set it down on the table, while Joshua just arrived.

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