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While everyone was eating and talking, the pizza started to levitate and the paranormal investigators mouth dropped open. They said they're looking at it, but wasn't ready for what might happen next and that's when it started to get cold, as the chairs slid away from the table.

When they just stayed seated, the dining table levitated off the floor and the room started glowing a bright blue. "Does this happen a lot?" Mark as the Millers with a straight face, as he kept on looking around the room.

"You don't belong here, go away and never come back," This horrific evil voice said out loud to them. After that, everything got quiet and the table and chairs went back into place, before the blue glow started to fade away.

This is going to be one hell of a night Mike talk to himself, as he took a bite out of his slice of pizza. He knew someone was going to stay up, but decided on taking shifts and that way everyone can get some rest.

I think it would be a great idea Mike talk to himself, while grabbing a few more slices. Everyone was enjoying their food, when they heard loud footsteps and knew something was going to happen next, but didn't know what.

While Larry and Kelly was finishing up, the man got up and headed to the doorway, when out of nowhere the room started to get hot. What the hell is going on The paranormal men talk to themselves and wondered if this has happened before.

"You Two, go check the equipment," Mike said to Eric and Damos was a Stern voice, as little beads of sweat rolled down their faces. After telling them that, they screwed to the living room and sat down in front of the monitors.

While the men were doing that, my turned and looked at Larry and Kelly with a uneasy look on his face. Larry and Kelly wipe their faces with a napkin, as they noticed him standing there in the doorway and wondered, what he was about to ask them.

"What?" Larry and Kelly asked him with a curious look on their faces and waited for him to say something. He knew the Millers was going through a lot, as he decided to take it easy on them.

"Has this happened before?" Mike asked them with a kind voice, while he stood there waiting on them to answer him.

How rude The Miller's talk to them self and realize he was only asking a question. The Millers took a deep breath "No, this is the first time it's happened," They said to him was fear in their eyes.

"It's okay, everything will be okay," Mike said to them with a sensitive look on his face, trying to reassure them.

Mike stepped into the hallway, when he started to hear the heavy footsteps from up above and went to check it out, as he headed to the staircase.

When he got there, he slowly made his way up the steps and notice the whole second-story floor, was glowing a bright blue. While he was doing that, in the dining room Larry and Kelly knew there was a lot of pizza left and decided to cover it up for later.

The both of them got up from where they were sitting, walked over to the doorway and stepped into the hallway. They walked across the kitchen, stepping inside and Larry was grabbing some plastic containers, as Kelly went to The pantry to grab some plastic wrap.

After the stuff, they made their way back to the dining table and started to cover things up. While they were working on that, Mike made it upstairs Whoosh... whoosh and he could feel something go by him, as he just stood there.

"Wow," He thought to himself with a surprised look on his face and try to figure who it was, when he heard a little girl's voice behind him. Could that be their daughter Mike talk to himself with a side, hoping she would tell him something, about how she was taken and we're at.

"Are you Connie?" Mike asked out loud with a kind voice and waited to see if she would say something. While he was doing that, in the dining room Larry and Kelly had finished up with the food and made their way into the living room.

When the Millers arrived, they looked over at the monitors and saw two figures. Larry and Kelly noticed, one was a child and the other was so massive, as they stood there with fear in their eyes.

While that was happening, upstairs Mike said in the middle of the floor and try to communicate with the child, since he knew he could get the information faster. "Yes, teehee," She said to him was a low pitch voice, as she stood still and started to talk to him.

While that was happening, Mike was getting important info from her and now he knows it was the bathroom dream, as Connie started screaming in a high-pitched voice.

"It'll be okay, I'll get you out," He said to her with a straight face, as he could hear her fade into the background. Mike picked himself off the floor, then made his way to the hallway bathroom and didn't know what he was going to find.

While he was heading over to it, Mike started to feel some pain on his leg and when he pulled his pants leg up, he was surprised at what he had saw. There was a bite mark on his leg That is unusual He thought to himself with a worried look on his face.

He tried to figure it out, but he couldn't worry about that now and continued over to the doorway. When he stepped inside, Mike wasn't prepared at what he saw.

There was a little girl's hand sticking out of the bathtub drain and a big ugly inity, hovering over her. While he was dealing with that, downstairs learned Kelly decided that they had seen enough and made their way to the couch, as his wife started to cry.

When he was comforting his wife, the light started to flicker and went pitch black, as Larry got up from the couch.

"I'll be right back, need to get the flashlights," He told his wife with a low pitch voice and before Larry could get anywhere, the paranormals backup lights came on.

Kelly was so happy about that, as her husband sat back down and put his arm around her, while lighting a cigarette for both of them. After that, over in front of the monitors Eric and Damous was noticing the net heat coming from the pool.

While watching that, the whirlpool started getting bigger and bigger, as it turned a fluorescent blue. Could that be the entrance or exit They talk to themselves, wondering if one of them should go and check it out.

Damus decided he would, since he had been the first to see it and got up from his chair. When he started to walk to the back door, there was a big bang from upstairs and it echoed throughout the house.

Damous changed his mind, as he knew Mike was up there and didn't know what had happened, since the monitor went down for a few minutes. While he turn directions, Damous headed for the staircase and screwed up to the second floor.

When he arrived, Damous saw Mike being thrown out of the bathroom and up against the wall, as he went to check on his friend.

After getting to his side, Damous didn't have a chance to ask him anything and Mike was back up on his feet, as he ran towards the doorway. While he was doing that, the house started to shake and you could hear the crackling sound of glass, throughout the house.

He knew that there was no more time to waste and let damous know to get the metal cable. "Okay," Damous said to Mike with a worried look on his face, as he made his way downstairs.

When he got to the bottom, Damous went straight to the front door and out to the van. He unlocked the van, as he stepped inside and started looking for the metal cable.

While he was doing that, inside the house Chris was seeing a bright light coming down the stairwell on the monitor. When he saw that, Chris Howard up to Mike to let him know and there was no answer from him, as he kept looking at the screen.

Chris was looking at his watch and noticed it was eleven p.m., then went back to writing it down after he did that, Larry and Kelly got up from where they were sitting, resume the way over to where the monitors were.

When they arrived, the Millers could not believe what they were seeing and stood there, as their eyes didn't move from the screen.

Poltergeist : The Beginningजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें