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Troy ran across the road to where they were, looking at them and noticed their daughter was not responding, as he knew it wasn't good. He ran to his office, let the doctor know about it and the doctor got up from where he was sitting, as he ran out the door.

Tommy didn't stop for anything, as he ran across the street to his office and unlock the door. He held the door open for them, letting their man first and followed right behind, with a worried face.

Tommy had the Millers follow him in one of the rooms, said and Connie on the table and had them go to the lobby, to fill papers out. While the doctor was taking care of their daughter, Larry and Kelly was taking care of the paperwork.

While doing that, they notice the walls were yellow with tan trim and it had oak wood floors throughout the building. There is two rows of wooden chairs on both sides of the door and a wooden counter, that said a few feet from that.

He didn't stop for anything, as he ran across the street to his office and unlock the door. He held the door open for them, letting them in first and followed right behind, with a worried face.

Tommy had the Millers follow him in one of the rooms, setting Connie on the table and had them go to the lobby, to fill papers out. Well the doctor was taking care of their daughter, Larry and Kelly was taking care of the paperwork.

While doing that, they noticed the walls were yellow with tan trim and oak wood floors throughout the building. There is two rows of wooden chairs on both sides of the door and they would encounter, that's at a few feet from that.

Behind the counter is a dark wooden desk, as well as a wooden chair in front of it and to silver filing cabinets, to the left of it. To the right of the desk, is a brass lamp with a computer next to it and a blue coffee mug next to that as well as a clock, that hung on the wall.

There is a small wooden counter on the far right wall, with paper cups set to the right of it and next to it was a coffee maker, as well as condiments to the left of that.

While the Miller's was working on the papers, down the hall there is four rooms on both sides of the hallway and at the end of it, was two bathrooms. The one on the left said men's and the one on the right was for the women.

In the first room to the left of the hallway, is where the doctor and Connie was. The room was white with pink trim and black carpet, was a exam table in the center of the room.

On the far middle wall is a window with white blinds and a clock hung above it. Below the window is a wooden counter, on the right is cotton balls and next to it, is rubbing alcohol as well as Band-Aids.

Next to that is a stainless steel sink and to the left of that, is a paper towel dispenser that hung above it. There is a cabinet to the right and left of the window, with all kinds of medical supplies.

To the left of that is two wooden chairs, that's at up against the wall and on the right wall is a wooden cabinet. Inside it was arm braces, gauze and other stuff for broken bones, as well as fractures.

There is pictures of teddy bears, that hung all around the room and a candy dish sat on the counter, was all kinds of suckers.

When the Millers was done with what they were doing, they said down in the waiting room and wondered if their little girl was going to be okay. I wish we could go in there Larry talk to himself was a eager look on his face, as it was making him impatient.

While minutes went by, in the room the doctor was concerned about Connie and didn't know why she was not waking up, as he was debating to tell her parents.

Tommy Ryder age forty years old with short blond hair and blue eyes. He is six foot tall and skinny, Tommy is a kind person as well as a good doctor.

He has been a doctor for fifteen years and has worked in the town for seven years. Tommy loves what he does and wouldn't want to change any of it, for nothing.

While he was working on Connie's hand, she had started to wake up and Tommy knew that he had to work fast, before she woke up. He couldn't believe it didn't break any bones, while wrapping it up with ace bandage and a hand brace, to stabilize her hand as well as her fingers.

Tommy knew he was going to give her something for pain, as he walked over to the counter and loaded a syringe with a painkiller. When he had it filled, Tommy walked over to Connie and noticed she was starting to cry, as he gave her the shot in her arm.

After he gave her the shot, she started to calm down and looked at the doctor, wondering where her parents were. "Where... Where ... Where is my?" Connie said to Tommy with heavy eyes as she fell fast asleep.

He was glad that she came to, while walking over to the counter and started writing to prescriptions for her. Tommy where one for Tylenol 4's and one for penicillin, as he walked over to the door.

When he's out there, he opened the door and stepped into the Hall, leaving the door open. He waved at The Miller's, to come join him and waited on them, as they walked down the hall to the doctor.

While the doctor looked in on Connie, he handed the Millers the scripts and filled them in on what he found. After giving them the good news, as he walked back into the room and told them to be quiet, since their daughter was out of it.

Tommy whispered to the Millers "Go get the medicine and I'll stay with your daughter," he said to them was a smile, as they walked out of the room.

While standing in the Hall, The Millers realized they didn't know where the pharmacy was and the doctor noticed them standing there, making his way to them. I Wonder what the problem is Tommy talk to himself with a confused look on his face.

"We don't know where the pharmacy is," they said to the doctor with a straight face, while waiting for him to tell them.

"It's right next door," He said to the Millers with a smile, before heading back into the room. They walked down the hallway, to the front door and stepped outside, looking both directions for the drugstore.

When Larry and Kelly found it, they noticed the building was brown bricks and a window, on both sides of the glass doors. On the left window, had silver lettering and it read Greens pharmacy was a open sign on the door.

There is another sign on the right window, that says the days and times they're open and black. Larry and Kelly stepped inside the door, noticing the walls was tan with white trim and the floor was white tile.

There is all kinds of stuff, hanging on the right and left wall with two rows of shelving on both sides of the room. On the far back wall, is a white closed in counter and shelves of medicine sat behind it.

There is a register, that sits on the middle of the counter and a sign hung above it, that read drop off in Black letters. The rough side of the counter, has another sign and it hung above it, that read pickup in Black letters.

They walked to the counter, as they waited on the pharmacist to come help them. Stuart Greene age sixty years old with short white hair and brown eyes.

He is five foot six and medium build, he is a good person that would help anyone that needs it. Stewart has lived there, since he was born and has on his business for thirty years.

While Larry went to look around, Kelly saw the pharmacist working on somebody else's script and didn't know if she should say something to him.

Why is he not looking this way She thought to herself with a upset look on her face and knew he heard the Bell, when they walked in. "Excuse me!" She yelled out loud to him with a mad look on her face, hoping it would get his attention.

Stuart looked over at the counter, while finishing up with what he was doing and put the scripts into a white bag, then walked over to the counter. "May I help you?" He said to her with a smile, as he apologized for the wait.

Kelly handed him the two scripts, before walking away and hope it wouldn't take two long, because she wanted to get back to their daughter.

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