Chapter 8

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Why he was looking for her, Kelly was walking to the other master bedroom and had the colorful towels in hand. She stepped inside the bedroom, then walked into the bathroom and put the towels on The rack, when her husband walked in.

"Do you need help?" He asked her with a small, then waited on her to say something.

"Yes please, check the other rooms and make sure they're completely done," Kelly said to her husband, before continuing with what she was doing.

"Okay," Larry said to his wife, before leaving the room and headed to recheck the rooms.

Meanwhile outside, call me was still playing on the swing and felt like someone was pushing her, as she turned her head to see. That's weird She thought to herself, since she didn't see anyone behind her and kept on swinging.

Well she continue to swing, Connie had that uneasy feeling again and decided to get off, but was having problems stopping it. The more she tried, the more the swing kept going and she jumped off it, then headed to the front door.

When she got to the corner of the house, Connie stopped in her tracks and looked around the corner, to see if it had stopped. The swing was standing still It's my imagination She thought to herself, before heading inside.

When she stepped inside, Connie went into the kitchen and grabbed herself a glass of water, since she was so thirsty. "Mom... Dad where are you!" She yelled out the kitchen door, for her parents with the water glass in hand.

After a few minutes went by, she decided to go upstairs and try to find them, we'll make it our way to the bottom of the steps. When she arrived there, call me heard her parents voices and ran up the stairs, in search of them.

While walking up the, she saw her parents coming out of the front right bedroom and decided to wait there, hoping they were coming downstairs.

Larry and Kelly walked over to the top of the stairwell, noticing their daughter standing on the middle step and wondered what she was doing.

"What are you doing?" They said to their daughter with a concerned look on their face.

"Can I go swimming please?" She asked her parents, wall standing there with a smile on her face and waited for a answer.

They stood there, looking at one another and trying to decide, what they were going to say. Kelly was talking to her husband, about having to go to the store and he decided to stay there, well she went grocery shopping.

"Go change into your swimsuit," He said to their daughter, while he kissed his wife and walked into the bedroom, to change.

Well the both of them was doing that, Kelly walk down the stairs and grabbed her purse, before walking out the front door. She stepped outside, close the door behind her and walked over to the car, stepping inside.

Kelly started the car, putting on her seat belt and pulled out of the driveway, onto the road. She headed into town, wondering where the grocery store was at and decided not to worry about it, until she gets there.

While driving she decided to turn the radio on, so she had something to keep her company and she started to sing. Meanwhile over at the house, calling was in her room and didn't know which swimsuit she wanted to put on.

Across the hallway Larry was putting on his blue swim trunks and wondering if his daughter was about ready, as he grabbed a couple of towels. After he grabbed it, Larry walked across the hallway and knocked on his daughter's door.

"Come in," She said to her dad was a whiny voice and stood there, trying to decide between two swimsuits. He open the door, to see his daughter standing by her bed and had a confused look on her face, as he walked up to her.

Larry put his arm around her while letting her know, everything would be okay and helped Connie pick out a suit to wear.

While she was about to put her pink two-piece swimsuit on, her dad stepped out of the room and close the door behind them, then waited for her to get dressed.

Coney started putting on her pink swimsuit bottoms, then the top and was having troubles, getting the strings tied. "I need your help!" She yelled to her dad, as she was getting upset with it.

Larry open the door, stepped inside her bedroom and walked over to where she was, helping her with her top. After he finished helping her, they walked into the hall and down the stairs, headed to the back door, to go swimming.

When they got there, the back door was wide open and Larry wondered, why it was open. Maybe my daughter opened it He thought to himself, while looking over at her, before walking out the to the pool.

He closed the door behind him, then headed over to it and stepped inside was his little girl. Connie got out of the pool, walked over to the diving board and was getting ready to jump, when she felt like someone was behind her.

She turned to look, but nothing was there and started to get scared, when she jumped off the board into the water. She was glad to be off there, as Connie swam over to where her dad was, to see what he was doing.

Before she got halfway there, her dad felt a tug on his leg It's my daughter doing that Larry thought to himself with a grin. When he turned around, he saw his daughter in the middle of the pool and realize it wasn't her.

I'm losing my mind He thought to himself, while swimming over to his daughter and started playing with her. He picked Connie up, put her on his shoulders and waited for her to stand up, before letting her jump off.

They were having a blast in the water and across town, Kelly had pulled into the store parking lot. she noticed the sign out by the road, that's said country market in Black letters and the background was red.

The outside of the building was red with black trim and had a sign above the entrance, which had electric doors. She stepped out of the car, then walked over to the doors and stepped inside, noticing the walls were white with red trim.

Kelly noticed ten different isles, would different stuff on there shelves and want to grab a shopping cart, when she was greeted buy a older woman. Jan Burton age fifty one years old with grayish red hair and brown eyes.

She is five foot four skinny, kind as well as carrying to everyone and has ran country Mart for five years. She took over, after her husband passed away and struggles to keep it open.

"Welcome to country Mart," Jan said to her with a smile. Kelly smiled at her, before leaving to get her groceries and decided to start on the first row, while she headed over to it.

She knew that it would take time, to find where everything was and hoped that it wouldn't take too long to shop. A few hours later, she had finally got through the whole store and headed up to the counter to check out.

When she got to the register, Kelly started unloading her basket and was ready to get home, to fix lunch. She stood there in mine, wondering what she was going to fix and decided to go get burgers, since she still had things to do.

Jake Martin age twenty five years old with medium length brown hair and hazel eyes. He is five foot seven skinny, he is kind and caring and has worked for country Mart for six years.

Jake loves cashiering, box boy and he wouldn't change anything about it. you let her know, how much it was and gave her a smile, before taking her money.

Kelly smiles back at him, as he handed her the change"Can I help you with your groceries?" He asked her, waiting for her to answer.

"Yes please," She said to Jake with a smile, then walked up to the door and waited for help, when Jan went to the register. She took his place, where we headed over to where Kelly was and push the cart, following right behind her.

When the both of them arrived at the her car, she pulled her keys out of her purse and unlock the trunk, opening it up. While he was doing that, Kelly went to unlock the driver side door and wanted to get back home, to put the groceries up.

She really wanted to join her family in the pool, but knew she had to grab some burgers for lunch and when Jake was done, she gave him a five dollar tip.

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