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Kelly and Larry took a bite out of their sandwiches, as they looked at one another and when they went to take another bite, the sun was shining through the window.

"Maybe we should wake her, to eat," She said to her husband with a wink, while the taking a sip of her drink.

"No, let her sleep," He said to his wife with a kind voice, before taking a bite out of his sandwich, as his wife agreed with him.

While they were finishing up, the Millers was enjoying themselves and was glad, that their daughter was okay. When the both of them was done, girl we gathered up the dishes and headed across the hall to the kitchen.

Larry sat there for a second, before getting up and walked over to where his wife was, stepping inside. He walked over to the coffee maker, grabbed a cup out of the cabinet and poured himself a cup, before going out back to cover the hole up.

"I'll be out back," He said to his wife with a kiss on the cheek, before walking out of the kitchen. Kelly smiled at him, as she continued to clean things up and try to figure out what to fix for later that day.

I should make a pot roast She thought to herself, before walking over to the fridge and open the freezer door, looking inside. When she looked around, Kelly noticed there wasn't one and thought about going into town, to pick one up.

While she was thinking about that, in the backyard her husband was covering the hole in and realize it was taking too long to do. I should go into town and get a bigger shovel Hethought to himself with a angry face, since his big show was broken.

Larry dropped the small gardening shovel and made his way back inside the house, as he stepped inside. He realized, he had dirt on his shoes and stepped back out, to stomp his feet.

Kelly was trying to figure out, why her husband was in and out of the back door for, while she went to peek out of the kitchen door.

When she looked out, she saw her husband stomping his feet and went back inside, as she went looking for the other ingredients for the roast.

Larry made sure his shoes were cleaned, before stepping back inside and when he did, he went straight into the kitchen. He left his wife now, that he would be back and went to leave, when his wife looked over at him, wondering what he was up to.

"What are you going to get in town?" Kelly asked her husband was a curious look on her face, as he stopped and looked over at her.

"Need to buy another shovel, the other is broken," Larry said to her with a straight face. What is with her, asking me all these questions and He thought to himself and waited to see what she was going to say next.

"Can you pick up a pot roast, for me and some potatoes please?" Kelly asked her husband with a smile, while looking into his eyes. Larry looked at her, as he shook his head yes and made his way to the front door, opening the door up.

He stepped outside closing the door behind him and headed over to the car, stepping inside. He closed the car door, as he pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, headed for town.

While Larry was driving, he realized that he didn't know where the hardware store was and knew it had to be there somewhere. While he continued on his way and hoped his wife didn't wake their daughter, since she has been through a lot.

Meanwhile back at the house, Kelly was starting on the carrots and realized how quiet it was around there, as she continued on with what she was doing.

Connie was in pitch Black, trying to see what was around her and couldn't see nothing, until she saw a dim light in the distance. Where am I Shethought to herself with a confused look on her face, as she started running towards the weak light.

She kept running and running, but couldn't get to it, as she was getting tired. Connie was out of breath, as she sat on the ground and noticed it was cold, as well as slimy.

"Mommy... Daddy... Where are you, I'm scared!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping her parents would hear her cries for help. When she felt something grab her hand, as she tried to pull away and couldn't, while she got teary-eyed.

Coney kept screaming out loud, when down in the kitchen, Kelly looked around and wondered, if she was hearing things again. She kept looking around the room, when pots and pans started flying out of the cabinets, as she ducked down to keep from getting hit.

While Kelly sat there with her arms around her legs, she couldn't believe what was happening and hunger head down, praying it would stop.

While she was sitting there, on the outskirts of town Larry had just arrived into town and started looking for the hardware store, but couldn't find it.

He decided to go over to the sheriff's office, to talk to him about what had happened to their daughter and notice the hardware store next door.

Larry stepped out of this car, making his way to the sheriff's office and hoped he could shed some light on what was going on at the house. He better tell me the truth Larry thought to himself, as he stepped inside and noticed, no one was there.

He decided to come back later, after he was done with what he needed to do and Larry stepped out other building, making his way next door.

Larry noticed, the outside of the building was white with yellow trim and a sign hung above it, that said hardware supplies in Black lettering. There is a small window, on each side of the wooden door and on the right window, it said open, as he stepped inside.

He saw the inside was yellow with white trim and the floor was a dark hardwood, with a shelf on each side of the door. On the left outer wall, was shovels and hoes and on the right wall, had racks as well as gardening tools.

The shelves had all kinds of screws and bolts, as well as other stuff. On the far back wall, was a storage area and in front of that, was a small counter.

There was a old register, that sat in the middle of it and sacks, on the left of that. While Larry was looking around, he had this uneasy feeling and didn't know why, as he grabbed a shovel.

After grabbing the shovel, he made his way towards the counter and notice the young man, standing behind it. Larry couldn't understand, why he was staring add him for and continued over there, as he started to feel pressure on his arm.

Joshua Willow age twenty nine years old with black medium length hair and hazel eyes. He is five foot five, medium build and kind-hearted, as well as caring.

Joshua has lived in that town, for ten years and wishes to leave the town, to study paranormal activity. When Larry arrived at the counter, Joshua's smiled at him and noticed the fingerprint on his left arm.

"Will that be all?" He asked Larry was a kind voice, as he couldn't stop looking at his arm.

"That's all," He said to Joshua with a Stern voice, wondering what was his problem. While Larry stood there, he started to get a headache and didn't think much about it, since everything that had gone on at the house.

Should I asked him what he's staring at He talk to himself with a straight face, while waiting on the total.

"It'll be fifteen dollars," Joshua said to him with a smirk on his face and couldn't get his eyes off of Larry's arm. Larry handed him a twenty dollar bill, as he couldn't handle Joshua staring at him and decided to say something about it.

"What is your problem?" He asked him with a pissed-off look on his face and waited for him, to tell him what it was. Joshua look at Larry with a scared look on his face, as he handed him his receipt and change.

"I...uh...uh... Do you live in that old house?" he asked where he was a curious look on his face, before saying anyting else to him.

Larry stood there, with a confused look on his face and wondered what he was getting at, since he knew about the house. While standing there, he wondered if Joshua knew more than he was told Larry talk to himself with a eager look on his face.

"Yes, me and my family do," He said to him with a straight face and wondered what he was going to say next.

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