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Connie heard someone walking up the stairs, as she walked over to her door and looked out hoping it wasn't a shadow again. She saw her mom walking up the stairs, she was hoping it was her and not anyting else.

"Mom can I go swimming!" She hollered to her with a anxious voice, as she was hoping her mom would say yes.

"I guess you can, I'm not going anywhere," Kelly said to Connie with a smile, before walking into her room.

She was happy to be going swimming, what closing her door to get changed and outside in the backyard, Larry was doing some measurements for a treehouse.

Maybe I should make room for a garden and some chickens He talk to himself with a smile on his face. Larry had all these plans, but he didn't know if the sale of their old house came in and he needed to check on that first, before he continued on.

While he was heading towards the house, upstairs Connie was putting on her blue one-piece swimsuit and across the hall, Kelly was putting on her a pair of white short pants as well as a pink halter top.

When Kelly was finished, she stepped out of her room and met their little girl, at the top of the stairs. They headed down the stairs to the bottom, well Kelly went into the living room and started to clean house, as Connie ran down the hallway to the back door.

While Connie open the door, she stepped outside and her fingers was on the door frame and before she could move her hand, the door slammed shut on her.

"Help me, Mom... Dad help me please it hurts!" She screamed in agony, as she tried to reach the door handle but could it.

While she was screaming for help, in the living room her mom had the vacuum going and couldn't hear her daughter's cries for help.

What is that a here Larry thought to himself as he heard his daughter scream for help and dropped what he was doing, then ran to his daughter's side.

When he got there, Larry was surprised at what he saw and tried to get the door open but couldn't, as his daughter's hand as well as her fingers turn bluish black.

He knew he had to do something fast, before she loses her fingers and possibly her hand, as he started yanking on the door again.

"Kelly come and help me!" He yelled through the closed door, since he didn't want their daughter to hurt more than she was.

While he was hoping his wife would come, but didn't know if she heard him and when he looked over at their little girl, she was about to pass out. Did I hear my husband Kelly thought to herself with a weird look on her face, when she decided to go look.

When she got close to the back door, Kelly noticed their daughters fingers caught in the door, as she screamed a statically and ran over to help her husband. Kelly grabs ahold of the door, as her and her husband started pulling on it, but it wouldn't budge.

While standing there, call you had passed out and Larry ran over to catch her, so it wouldn't do more damage to her hand. He was praying, that their daughter wouldn't lose her fingers or hand and out of nowhere the door opened up.

"Go get some ice, now!" He yelled to his wife with a worried look on his face.

Kelly ran into the kitchen to get what her husband had asked her to do, while he carried Connie into the living room and laid their little girl down on the couch.

"Baby wake up for Daddy," He said to her with tears in his eyes, waiting for his wife to bring the ice.

What is taking her so long Larry thought to himself with a frustrated look on his face, when his wife ran into the living room and handed him a towel full of ice.

When he pulled the coffee table closer to the couch, as he grabbed a pillow and set their daughter's hand on it. He set the ice on to her little hand, wondering if Connie would be okay and had his wife, go get a wet cloth for their daughters for hand.

Kelly came back with the wet towel, laying it on her forehead and hope she would wake up. While they were sitting there twenty minutes, their daughter started to come to and started screaming in pain.

"Go grab some aspirin, for her?" He asked his wife with a straight face. Kelly ran over to the staircase, as she looked over at their little girl and scurried up the stairs, to grab the medicine she needed.

When she arrived at the hallway, Kelly went straight to the hall bathroom and stepped inside. She walked over to the medicine cabinet, opening it up as she grabbed the kids aspirin and closed it behind her, before heading over to the stairwell.

When Kelly got there, she didn't hesitate a second and ran down the stairs to the living room, while opening the bottle. She was struggling to get it open, so she was scared for Connie and couldn't focus on what she was doing, as tears started rolling down her face.

"Give it here," Larry said to his wife with a anxious look on his face, as they tried to subside their daughters pain. When Kelly handed him the bottle, Larry opened it up quickly and pulled out two of them, as he went to put them in Connie's mouth.

Larry decided that they were taking her, as he got up from the couch"go grab the keys and our wallets," He said to his wife with a Stern voice.

While Kelly ran to grab they are things, Larry was still looking after their daughter and still trying to get her to take the aspirin, but Connie still refuse to take it.

When his wife got back,"Stay here, I'll be right back," He said to her with a sigh, then headed to the front door and stepped outside, leaving the door wide open. He continued to walk to his vehicle, I'm locking the doors and stepped inside, starting it up.

While it was warming up, he stepped back out and opened the back door, before heading back inside. When Larry got back inside, he walked over to their daughter and picked her up, as he carried her out to the car with his wife right behind them.

Kelly closed and lock the front door, before running over to the car, as she stepped into the back seat. Her husband laid their daughter on to the seat, closing the door behind them and stepped into the driver's seat, as he closed the door.

Larry pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, as they headed into town to the doctor's office. While he was driving, Larry didn't stop for signal lights or stop signs and hoped he wouldn't get caught, because their daughter was the important one.

He was close to getting into town, when a cop turned his lights on and Larry pulled over, with a pissed-off look on his face. The cop stepped out of his vehicle, as he made his way to the driver side door and started talking to him, about how fast he was going.

"Sorry officer, or a little girl is hurt badly," Larry said to him was a upset look on his face.

"It's okay, follow me," Tony said to him with a straight face, before walking back to his cop car. Tony stepped inside, as he turned on the sirens and pulled onto the road with Larry right behind him, until they arrived at the doctor's office.

Tony waived at them, then headed back to work and Larry jumped out of the car, grabbing their daughter as a headed to the front door. Kelly pounded on the door hard, hoping the doctor would answer and tried to open it up, but it was  locked.

"Help... Help... Help us please!" Kelly screamed out loud with a terrified voice, hoping the doctor would answer his door.

The building was a single-story building with green Walls and white trim. There is Black widow's on the building, that says writers clinic and a glass window, on each side of the glass door.

While standing there, the sheriff heard the commotion and stepped outside of his office, to see what was going on. he looked around the town, but didn't see anything and started to step back inside his office, when he heard it again.

"Please help us!" Kelly screamed out loud with tears in her eyes. When sheriff Troy turned, he saw the Millers across the street and knew something was wrong, by the way Larry was holding his daughter.

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