Pure Little Pup [17]

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Chapter Seventeen

"You can't freak out" I say slowly as Isaac held my hand tightly watching my every move.

He saw the concern in my eyes, And slowly nodded. I didn't want to tell him, I didn't want him to be so worried about me. I am not worth getting worried about anyway. The familiar feeling of worry filled Isaac's features as soon as those words left my mouth and his grip began to tighten on my  hand.

I guess it's now or never

"I was walking through a part of the forest when I heard familiar voice" I began, Taking deep breaths in as I began my story


It couldn't be, Issac wouldn't of let them stay when he knew they bullied me. Would he? He knows how much pain they caused me

I turn around to see the familiar face Elissa, The main bully.

"W..Why are you here?" I stuttered moving back only to be pushed down to the floor by someone else.

"Oh didn't your big bad Alpha tell you we are still here" Elissa added before another familiar laughter filled the room.

I winced at the memories as they came flooding back.

"I see you are still the pathetic wolf you always will be" I tuned around and saw Lilly looking down at me in disgust.

"That is what she will always be" I snapped my head in the opposite direction to see Lisa looking at me with the same expression.

Oh no, Oh god no!

"She will never change she will still be the unloved, homeless pup" Lisa said before they all began kicking me, Hard.

"I mean look at this girls. The 'Luna' of the big bad Alpha can't even defend herself against us average wolves. Is that how your parents died. Where they too weak?" Lilly spat.

"He doesn't love you Darcia. He never will you are only the add on, The stand by. You are only here because of his wolf. I mean your wolf doesn't even talk to unless the alpha is around." She began.

"And who would blame them. You are a pathetic, fat, ugly, unloved, homeless pup who will never fit in. Everybody who you think likes you, hates you. You mate isn't even with you know and I bet he isn't in the slightest concerned about you."

Elissa continued and the rest laughed louder as they began to attack me once again.

"You know you should do us all a favor and leave, No one will care. YOU HAVE NO ONE!" Elissa yelled before her, Lilly and Lisa all walked off laughing and joking.

They left me there, Lying alone all blooded and bruised. Well I've had it.

I slowly stood up wincing in pain and her words echoed in my head over and over again. Like a repetitive loop circling in my head.

And then I realized something.

Why am I here? Why am I still fighting?

That's it..

I. Am. So. Done. With. Life

The thoughts were racing through my mind, Causing me to ignore every other thought I had and just focus on trying to die. I'll have to do it before Isaac calls me back, Or before anyone in the pack notices I am missing from our pack house and calls Isaac. I kept my head down, trying not to look too obvious on what I was about to do. I glanced up to see if I was headed in the right direction a women caught my eye

She smiled, And started walking towards me.

"Hello Luna what are you doing in these parts" The older looking women said smiling. 

"Just taking a stroll" I say, A fake smile was plastered to my face but she couldn't tell, No one knows how I truly feel inside.

"Ok Luna just shout if you need anything" she said smiling her final smile before taking off back towards her little cottage. 

And that's when I spotted a river. It was a fairly large river. The water was shimmering until the hot sun, This is it. I begin walking towards it and grabbed a rock which was laying around me and held it tight. I threw it in the river and counted how long it took to sink just to make sure it was deep enough.  It didn't sink for a good couple of seconds, I guess this is actually it then.

No more pain, No more suffering

Good bye Isaac, Kyle, Lillian, Wane and anyone else who actually cared about me' I mentally said as I stepped into the river. 

Don't chicken out now Darica you can do this.

And with that sentence circling around in my mind I just stepped in let my body sink. I didn't struggle, I didn't try to scream, I just let my body sink to the ground. As I closed my eyes I felt peaceful, I felt happy. Finally I will be able to see my parents again in heaven, And we can all be together. The pressure and the intensity of the water caused me to black out, But before my eyes closed for good I heard a ear pitching scream which echoed through the whole forest.

Flashback Ended

"So it was them stupid girls" He said, standing up growling.

"Just wait until I get my hands on them!" Isaac shouted as he heads towards the door.

"You lied to me" I whisper but I caught his attention as he turned around with a confused expression.

"What?" Isaac said, their attention brought back on me.

"You kept them here and didn't tell me" I whimper, which caused Isaac to run back over towards me.

"I-I" Isaac begins to stutter, Actually stutter.

"If they weren't there nothing would of happened." I said as tears filled my eyes.

"Darcia" Isaac said, taking my hand in his.

"I just need some time alone, Isaac. I'm sorry" I say slowly as I turn around, ignoring the world and closing my eyes.

Chapter Seventeen– Complete

Next: Chapter Eighteen


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Natasha Morris

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