Let's Have A Chat :)

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Hello My Beautiful Readers,

I am Natasha Morris and I am a very shy, anti social teenage girl who writes books on a site called Wattpad. I started this silly profile because I was getting bullied and I felt like I had no escape. I was struggling with self harm and other issues.  The name 'Dream_Girls_X' was made up while I was sat down on my couch on a Sunday Afternoon. I wanted to create a profile which helped people and made them feel happy when they had no one. I stumbled across Werewolf Stories and fell in love instantly which is when I decided to write one by myself.

I got so excited when I got my first vote on Pure Little Pup I felt special because someone was taking the time to actually read my book. My first ever comment was 'This is amazing, Keep writing' and ever since then I have kept to that comment and continued to write. And now I have...

Nearly 3K FANS

Pure Little Pup reached 3 MILLION VIEWS

My Other Books are also doing well too! 

I have a blog 'Daily Natasha'

I have helped people who have been struggling like I was :)

I just want to say a huge thank you :) And even though I take ages to update you guys still support me day after day. It makes me smile how close we all are and how we protect each other. I have only received 1 negative comment through out this whole experience and you guys were there right behind me to defend me. So I just wanted to say something quite deep and personal. Most of you guys who read my books struggle on a daily basis. I have read your comments and I have read your lovely messages and I know it is hard but I want you to believe something for me.

Life sucks.

Two words which people are scared to say but is true.

No one's life will ever be perfect there will always be stumbles. No one will ever be perfect, everyone has flaws and everyone thinks there is something bad about themselves. Look I'm not the perfect Girl. I haven't got a flat stomach, I have spots, I have fat thighs and I am quite small.

But that does not make me ugly.

Once you start to think negative, You will always think Negative.

I hated myself. The way I looked, the way I speak and how 'dumb' I was.

And I will admit it, I self harmed and I have problems with self harming to this day. I tried to commit and it was the worse decision of my life.

Just imagine if I succeed, I wouldn't of made this profile and I wouldn't of made so many friends who love and support me everyday.

Basically all I wanted to say is,

'If you are going through hell. Keep going.' -Teen Wolf

Yeah thinks suck and you believe that nothing will ever go right for you. Well let me tell you that you are wrong.

You are a beautiful young man/women and to you are special to someone, You are special to me. You are beautiful in your own way and someday you shall get the fairly tale ending you have always wanted.

Until then, We all have to battle on. And I promise every single one that you will win this battle and this fight and come out on top. You are all beautiful so keep smiling because you are worth it!

'If You Keep Smiling Then I will :)' I want you to comment one positive thing about yourself just one with the hashtag #Dreams_Fighters and ALL of the comments shall be in the next update.

So many people are affected every day with the struggles of depression and self harm so I put together a little video, You might recognize some of the comments :) If you cannot click on the video the link is


Hopefully it makes you smile :)

Lots Of Love & Air hugs

Natasha x

P.S: Thank you so much for the encouraging comments, We have 100+ comments on just one chapter which blew my mind. It really means the world to me as I am still recovering so I will keep all of you guys messages in mind when times get hard :) x

Next: Chapter Thirty


Message From Author:



Vote, Comment & Share if you enjoyed!

Thank you! Xx

Natasha Morris

☼ FB: Dream_Girls_X Official

☼ T: @DreamGirlsXX

☼ Y: Dream_Girls_X Official

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