Pure Little Pup [36]

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Chapter Thirty Six

Katie helped me calm down after the incident and now we were in her room getting ready.

"This?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom in a lovely dress.

"YES GURL YES!" She shouted, Causing me to laugh.

"Go on, Your turn" I said and Katie grabbed something from her wardrobe before skipping off into the bathroom. I smiled sitting down on her bed. A bang sounded from the bathroom before laughter echoed in the bathroom.

"Katie?" I shouted, running towards the door.

"I fell, I'm fine now though" She laughed and I did the same. She opened the door causing me to gasp.

"You look amazing!" I exclaimed, Causing her to spin around laughing.

"WE'RE SEXY AND WE KNOW IT!" Katie sang and I burst out with laughter. 

She then ran over towards her bedside table and pressed play on her IPod. Songs began playing loudly in the room and the both of us ran on her bed and began dancing.

"AND GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN! OH GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN!" We sang, Well I wouldn't exactly call it singing. More like a blur of sound.

I suddenly got a hit with something soft and I looked up to see Katie holding a pillow.  I laugh, picking up one of my own before hitting the pillow in her direction. We continued to do that for a while, laughing and shouting while we hit each other. We then fell on the bed causing us to bounce for a little while before we laid flat.

"Hair Time!" Katie shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the bed and towards a chair which was facing a rather large mirror with plenty of make up bags.

"Yeah, You are not putting that on my face" I laugh and Katie just threw me a shocked look.

"No we are going to show Isaac who is mate is" She exclaimed, Like she was making an important statement.

"Fine" I growl, Thinking about the bitch who was all over Isaac.

"We'll show him not to mess with us" She smiled before opening her make up bags and grabbing her brushes.

Oh god.


"One more spot..." Katie muttered for about the 50th time. 

"Done!" She exclaimed and I looked up at Katie.

"Can I look at myself now?" I ask and she shook her head repeatedly.

"We still have the hair to do!" She shouted, Excitement noticeable in her tone.

"Oh god" I groaned as I repeated what I said once more.

"Now stay still and let me do my work" She instructed and I muttered something under my breath before sitting still.


"I cannot believe you are putting this much effort in what I look like for a pack dinner" I groaned but she slapped shoulder tightly.

"Because we need to show that bitch who's Isaac's mate" She growled before her expression soon changed.

"Ready!" She shouted and a knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Who is it?" Katie shouted out and I heard a familiar voice.

"Kyle, I am looking for Darcia. Isaac is worried" He shouted and Katie raced towards the door. She opened the door and Kyle took her in a tight hug.

Pure Little Pup: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now