Pure Little Pup [34]

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Chapter Thirty Four


My jaw dropped.

There stood my beautiful mate, She looked like a Princess. 

My Princess.

"Is that really you Darcia?!" Kyle shouts, wolf whistling at my mate.

'Pun Intended'  Xavier growled, I pounced on Kyle growling.

"Keep your eyes to yourself and off my mate" I growled causing him to laugh and push me.

'Oh no he didn't'  Xavier said, I pushed him back and before you know it we were wrestling on the lit up garden floor.

"Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything between you two" I hear the familiar voice of my mother say and I shot Kyle a look. 

She stormed over and hit us both over the head, Hard. 

"Ow! Control your anger woman!" Kyle shouted causing Darcia to giggle.

"Move it Kyle before I drag you" She says with a straight face causing Kyle to scramble to his feat before being pushed out of the scene by my mother. Another giggle caused me to look back towards Darcia, a smile still stuck to my face.

"Darcia" I say softly, Darcia moved her attention towards me and she blushed immediately and looked downwards.

'Typical Darcia' I smiled.


I look up slowly to be caught my the breath taking decorations. The path leading into the forest was lit up with little lanterns. Rose petals covering the path and Isaac stood at the bottom watching me with a smile on his face. He was dressed appropriately too. He was wearing a buttoned up shirt along with some jeans which fitted him nicely and black boots. He walked along the rose petals towards me and finally reached an arms reach distance away from me.

He held out his hand slowly,

"I know I haven't been the best mate since we both mate. I have ruined your experience of having a mate with me being so over protective and controlling. Along with the certain incidents which have happened recently I thought it was time to have a night which is all about you." 

He smiled looking over, I was lost for words.

"If you would do me the honor of joining me tonight Miss Howard" He smiled causing me to as I reached out towards and joined our two hands together. He pulled me closer together and I smiled from the contact as we walk together along the pathway and through the forest.

"You didn't have to do this you know?" I said, looking at him catching his attention.

"Look, Ever since you came here both mine and your life changed dramatically and I know we haven't been able to do the little cute and adorable things most mates are able to do. I didn't want to ruin your dreams Darcia so now I am going to treat you like the princess you have always wanted to be." He smiled and I could feel my eyes becoming quite teary but I held back my tears, I'm not going to ruin this night with some stupid tears.

"And with the more recent incident I want you to realize how important you are to me and how valued you are in society and the pack" He said and I couldn't help the tear running down my cheek.

"Thank you Isaac" I say hugging into his chest.

"Anything for you little one" He smiled.

We walked deeper into the forest until we reached a little waterfall.  This along with the scenery before was lit up and beautifully decorated. Isaac stood up on the wall which separated the waterfall from the forest ground.

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