Pure Little Pup [38]

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Chapter Thirty Eight [2/2]


Isaac shifted Immediately curling around Darcia, guarding her off from everyone else. Katie soon ran in and she gasped looking at her best friend lying on the floor knocked out.

"w..what happened?" She asked and I just shrugged.

"I don't know but don't go near her, Xavier is in full wolf mode right now" I said, moving Katie behind me slightly.

I will not let Isaac/Xavier hurt her!

"Right everyone out!" Katie shouts to the pack members which have entered the bedroom. 

We are ok if we keep our distance as our scents are mixed with Darcia's. As long as we don't touch her we are safe. Katie pushed them all out of the room and shut the door in their faces.

"Where is my son?!" The familiar voice of Lillian shouted.

She hasn't been out of her room much as she hasn't been very well recently so she has been tucked up in bed. Katie opened the door for her along with the pack doctor. Xavier's heckles went up as the doctor walked into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh my, What happened!" Lillian gasped and both Me and Katie just shrugged our shoulders.

"Hello Isaac, May I see Darcia for a minute?" The doctor said walking towards Isaac before I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back.

I don't recognize this doctor, He must be new.

"Dude are you trying to get yourself killed?" I asked and he shook his head with a confused look on his face.

"I only want to see the patient" He said and I nearly slapped him.

"The patient is protected by the most over protective Alpha you would ever meet. On top of that he has no control over his wolf at the moment which is why ,if you haven't noticed already, we are all standing a distance away from him. If you just walk up to him and touch his mate he will kill you." I said and the look on the doctors face was priceless but I had to tell him the truth.

"But if you want to go and 'see the patient' be my guest, I just hope you have another doctor on stand by to take your place when he kills you" I finished and he froze, glancing over at the growling wolf.

"W..What should we do?" He stuttered.

"Let him calm down for a bit" I said and the doctor nodded, Standing the furthest away from Xavier.


I could hear people talking in the distance causing me to groan.

My head is killing me.

I open my eyes slowly to be blinded with a bright light and I closed my eyes before opening them once more.I sat up in a panic but soon calmed down when I saw everyone around with a relief expression on their face.

Wait where is Isaac?

I then hear a whimper coming from beside me and I looked over to see a wolf head resting on my lap.

"Xavier" I said, causing his ears to perk as he then began licking my face repeatedly. I heard someone slowly walking over to us and I look over to see a doctor.

"I need to check you over" He said, trying to sound confident but the look in his eyes held fear as he continued to walk forward. Xavier stood up snarling, showing his sharp canines and the doctor froze in fear.

"I'm sorry" I apologize before taking Xavier's head in my hands.

"Let Isaac back in control please Xavier" I said and a growl sounded from Xavier before the familiar sound of clicking bones echoed in the now silent room. Isaac then crawled towards his wardrobe quickly putting some boxers on before walking back towards me.

"Can you stand Darcia?" The doctor said, I shakily stood up but my vision soon blurred and the room began to spin.Oh god I feel sick. I stumble backwards and fall into a pair of strong arms.

"I've got you baby" I hear Isaac say putting a smile on my face.

I leaned off him and took shakily steps towards the doctor. He then held me causing Isaac to let out a low growl.

"I'm lifting up the back off your top Darcia, Ok?" The doctor said and I nodded. He slowly pulled up my top and everyone behind me gasped.

"Your whole back is bruised"The doctor said and Isaac growled, his claws digging into the wall.

"Isaac, Calm down" I said but he just lost it.

"You're telling me to calm down when someone touched my mate! Someone hurt you Darcia! And I'm going to kill him, I'm going to rip him to shreds!" He shouts and I slowly walk over to him, his black eyes watching my every move. 

I take him into a tight hug and he wraps his arms around me lightly, trying hard not to hurt my back.

"You guys can go now" He says and everyone walks out of the room.

"Get some rest mum" He says as Lillian walks out of the room, she just smiles and nods. He then gently picks me up and walks over towards the bed and places me down.

"I'll have someone clean up the mess later" He says as he lies down next to me.

"He said he's coming back for me" I whimper causing Isaac to growl, pulling me closer.

"He won't touch you I won't let him" He said and I nodded weakly.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, I love you so much" He said, kissing my forehead gently.

"Now get some sleep" He said and I nodded, closing my eyes.

'We are a fucked up couple, Living a fucked up life style. But a normal life is boring'


Chapter Thirty Eight – Complete

Next: Chapter Thirty Nine


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Natasha Morris

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