Pure Little Pup [44]

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Chapter Forty Four


"Baby" I hear a soft voice say and I groan. I'm not getting up.

"Isaac let me sleep" I growled, burying myself back up in the duvet.

"No you can't sleep we are going somewhere today" He said, I just know he had a smile plastered to his face.

"We will go later" I said before I was suddenly picked up from my warm bed. I whimpered as the cold air hit me immediately, See this is why you shouldn't leave your bed!

I curled up in Isaac arms trying to fall back asleep. I was cut out of my little mission by being dumped into the bath tub.

"Isaac don't you da-" It was too late.

Freezing cold water hit me rapidly and I practically screamed as I jumped out.

I'm going to kill him.

"ISAAC! YOU ARE SO DEAD! YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL REJECT YOU!" I scream as I raced out of the bathroom chasing him. We ran down the stairs and ended up in the kitchen were most of the pack was just watching the mess I call myself.

"I see you're up then" Kyle laughed and I just shot him a look.

"Somebody's not a morning person" Katie laughed, Causing everyone else to laugh also.

"I'm not a morning person when someone pours freezing cold water all over you" I growled, sending looks to kill at Isaac.

"Come on Darcia, Let's get you dressed for your little trip with Isaac" Katie smiled, grabbing my hand as she leads me back up the stairs.

We enter my bedroom once more and she races towards my Wardrobe.

"What about this?" She asked, pulling out a short black dress.

"No thanks" I said, sitting down on the bed.

"YOU'RE GOING TO RUIN THE BED!" Katie shouts and I quickly stand up, Oh yeah I'm still wet.

"Come on let's find you a cute outfit"


What felt like millions of years later and Katie had finally found the 'super cute' outfit for me. But I have to give her credit as it is really nice. I am finally dried off and dressed. At the moment Katie is deciding which hairstyle would go with this outfit.

"Knock Knock" The familiar voice of Isaac says behind the door. 

"Come in" We both shout and the bedroom door is opened to reveal Isaac with a fruit bowl in his hand.

"Here" He smiled, handing the fruit bowl to me. 

"Thank you" I said, returning the smile as I dug into the healthy breakfast.

"Isaac I need your help!" Katie exclaims before pointing at me.

"Hairstyle? I need suggestions" She said and Isaac just shrugs.

"What does it matter" He laughed and Katie fell silent.

"Wha-What does it matter" She growled before storming out of the bedroom.

"DARCIA CALL ME WHEN YOUR BOYFRIEND STOPS BEING A MASSIVE JERK" Katie screams, walking down the hall and both me and Isaac burst out laughing.

"Here, Why don't you let me do your hair" He smiled and I froze.

"Do you know how to do a girls hair?" I ask and he just shrugged.

"Trust me" He smiled as he reached for my hair.


"Open" He says and I open my eyes and gasped.

He had done a fish tale braid, Literally it took me a while just to understand what to do let alone do it.

"Wow" I say and he just laughs.

"Don't underestimate us guys" He said before walking out of the room.

"I will be waiting down the stairs for you" He shouted and I mentally nodded and I grabbed my bag. I then threw on my black flat shoes and walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"Let's go" I said and Isaac smiled, grabbing my hand as we walked down the long flights of stairs before reaching the ground floor.

"Where are we going?" I ask and he just smiles.

"You'll see" He says before we walk out of the front door.


"Isaac where are we?" I ask and he just keeps smiling as we continue to walk through the forest.

Wait.. I've been here before.

I remember the scent, I remember running through here.

"Isaac why do I know these woods?" I ask and he keep silent as we continue to walk and then I see it.

The memories come flashing back.

Running in the forest..

My paws hit the forest floor quicker as I was now sprinting through the forest. Adrenaline was pumping quickly around my body making a large wolf-like grin appear on my mouth. I felt happiness, Finally I felt free for once. My fur stood up and my tail was moving in the direction of the wind, Making me keep the grin on my face.

Playing in the river..

 I spotted a river and a feeling of relief ran though me. I raced over towards the large river and jumped into the cold water letting the coolness of the water hit my hot fur. I began to purr due to the relaxing feeling which was emitting from my body.

I checked my surrounding quickly before I begin to jump and play in the cool water. 

The Rouge..

A wolf emerged from the bushes slyly and I knew it was a rouge by the colour.  

Warning The Pack..

I know Alpha and I am sorry but I was in the forest and there was a rogue there and he saw me has called for back up' I rushed through our pack mind link.  

The Attack..

Everything was destroyed.

Everyone houses, Pack house, The little park, Pack Hospital and everything else you can think off.

All ruined, All of it.

Silent fell across the pack due to everyone taking in the aftermath of this horrific invasion.

'I'm home.."


Chapter Forty Four– Complete

Next: Chapter Forty Five


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Natasha Morris


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