Video Games - Kokichi x Maki

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This was requested by @Sxioulrandom, I hope you enjoy it! Also, I need a prompt for a yandere x mentally ill, any ideas?


Kokichi and Maki were playing video games in the game room. Not the most likely scene to walk in on but it was happening nonetheless. Mostly because Kokichi hadn't stopped pestering Maki about until she finally agreed, even if it only was to shut him up. The red-themed caregiver was sitting criss-cross on the floor with a controller in her hands while Kokichi was lying on his stomach next to her.

They put in a co-op game and began playing. Maki, irritated beyond belief for allowing herself to play with the liar in the first place, wanted to get the game over quickly. Kokichi, however, seemed to be having none of it. The leader was doping around, going on every side path and never passed up a chance to get Maki killed.

"Stop it, Kokichi. We haven't even gotten past the first level." Maki grumbled as the familiar game over screen popped up.

"But it's so fun~!"

"Let's just get this over with," Maki grumbled.

"Whatever you say, Maki Roll~"

"I swear..."

Kokichi giggled as he dodged a whack from Maki. The pair continued their game for a few more minutes until they finally made it past the first level. But was when the real torture, or fun depending on how you look at it, began. Kokichi did everything wrong, screwing up their characters with potions, or getting themselves trapped and killed.

Maki grabbed Kokichi by his scarf and roughly shook him, though it wasn't as hard as she could have gone. The care-giver's face was extremely close to Kokichi's, enough for their noses to brush. If Kokichi wasn't so intimidated he might have made a flirtatious comment.

"Stop fooling around. I only agreed to play with you so you'd stop bugging me."

Her words seemed to jar something loose in his brain because he smiled up at her.

"I don't like your new shampoo." He snickered, a smug feeling rising when Maki dropped him with a growl.

"I never asked you."

"Aww, common Maki Roll--"

"Don't call me that."

"What are you gonna do? Taze me?"
Maki glared at him, whacking him over the head.

"Oww! That was mean!" He pouted.

Maki sighed, tempted to throw the controller to the other side of the room. Instead, making the wise and logical choice in this Killing Game, Maki began to leave the room. Kokichi ran after her, hugging her from behind to prevent her from leaving.

"Let go!"

"Can we at least finish the game?" Kokichi asked, ignoring her.


"What?! You're so mean!" Kokichi started crying, releasing Maki.

The cold-blooded care-giver glared at the crying leader, knowing they were fake.

"This is a waste of my time." She muttered as she sat down in front of the screen. Kokichi stared at her, the crocodile tears drying. Did they really work on her of all people? The Ultimate Supreme Leader sat down next to Maki and continued playing, finally allowing them to proceed through the levels.

They had gone through at least five when Kokichi stopped moving his character. Maki was about to turn and yell at him again when she saw that Kokichi had fallen asleep. Maki rolled her eyes as she shut off the game.

The care-giver easily lifted Kokichi off the floor and carried him to his room (Ignore the fact that they're probably locked - Author) where she left him on his bed and left the dorm. Maki returned to her room, her face buried in her pillow as she tried to think of a logical reason as to why she did that.


I hope I did you justice with this one. I had a lot of little scenes that I tied together to create it! Bye~onara!

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