Dreamy Nightmare - Kokichi x Maki

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As it turns out, "waking up to find a dagger pointed at your throat is exactly as terrifying as you'd think it is". Enjoy!


Maki eyed Kokichi across the room with a red-eyed glare of hatred. Kaito was talking to her but she didn't hear a word of what he was saying. She was too busy running potential murder plans through her head before cutting them off with a shake of her head. If she didn't kill Kokichi, someone else definitely would.

Even though Maki had tried to be nicer to him, she still couldn't stand him sometimes. His lying and inability to take anything seriously, his personality, the way it poked fun at everyone— it was infuriating.

Kaito poked her shoulder, snapping her attention away from the purple haired liar.

"Y'know, if you keep acting like that people might think you like him or something." Maki didn't have to ask who he was talking about.

"Do you wanna die?" Maki's voice was scathing as if he suggested she kill puppies instead of assassinating other people.

"I'm just saying." He dodged a punch at the last second.

"I'll prove it then." She muttered as she stalked away, the blood in her system nearly boiling.

After Monokuma's night time announcement, Maki sneaked into her Ultimate Lab. She grabbed a knife, the weight unfamiliar in her hand due to lack of use. She gave a few slashes and jabs to the air, gaining confidence with each one.

Maki had managed to get into Kokichi's room after her poor lock-picking skills, murderous intent radiating from her every move. She stood in the shadows for a moment, the memories of similar missions flashing in her head. She forced herself back into the present with a harsh shake of her head.

Maki started forward, clutching the handle of the knife tightly. She froze when Kokichi turned over, showing his face to her. His grape hair was draped over his pale face and she had to fight the urge to brush it out of his eyes. He looked so... different when he was asleep, almost like a child. Could she even kill a child?

"Get a grip." Maki muttered at herself, shaking her head again. You have to kill him. A tiny voice in the back of her head whispered, why?

Taking a deep breath she moved to the side of his bed, pulling out the knife she held behind her back. It glinted evilly in the scarce light. She held the icy blade to Kokichi's throat, a small slice appearing on his skin. She jerked the blade away when a few beads of scarlet appeared on his too pale skin.

Idiot! Just kill him already, you've killed hundreds of others! She scolded herself. Of course, she hadn't known those people that she killed nor did she— get a grip for Auta's sake!

While she was fighting her internal war, she failed to notice Kokichi's violet eyes had watching her carefully.

"Maki." Kokichi's quiet voice snapped her from her her thoughts. Crap!

Maki took an uneasy step back. What was wrong with her? She should have killed him while he was unconscious, better yet right now!

"How are you this fine night?" Kokichi asked sitting up.


"We both know why you're here," Kokichi shrugged, the tiniest hint of fear in his eyes before it was vanished, "You'll be doing everyone a favor."

"Why do you say that?"

"Not even you're that stupid." Kokichi snickered, lifting a finger to his lips.

Maki regarded him for a moment, "You woke up to find me about to kill you and you're not screaming for help?"

"Nope!" He shrugged again, "Why don't you just get it over with? I'd prefer a quick and painless death."

Maki snorted a laugh. He sounded like he was ordering pizza at some fast food restaurant, like it was completely normal.

"How are you still slightly funny even when I'm about to kill you?" She hadn't meant to say that. Obviously.

"If I have three minutes to live, they're going to be the best three God damn minutes of my life." Kokichi grinned, giving Maki the impression she had quoted that from somewhere.

"Here. Obviously you don't know how to kill someone, Miss Ultimate Assassin." Kokichi grabbed the knife and her hand, wrapping her fingers around the handle, angeling the blade against his neck where the other cut had already stopped bleeding. He leaned lightly against it, his eyes looking... almost soft.

Her heartbeat quickened as he positioned her hand. Moron! She internally screamed at herself.

"Are you okay?" Kokichi asked, glancing at the knife with a spark of fear in his eyes, as if he finally understood the weight of the situation. She noticed that she was staring at the place where the blade touched him.

"I came here to kill you... only to find that I couldn't..." Maki chose her words carefully as she moved the blade away.

"Killing someone is easy~ We are in a killing game after all!" Kokichi said in a voice that was frighteningly close to Monokuma's.

Maki glared at him.

"Fine, fine." He held up his hands in surrender.

"I had better go..." Maki quickly kissed the shocked liar's cheek before making for the door.

Two things went wrong with that mission, she reflected. One: she left him alive. And two: she kissed him! Great job, Maki... She thought bitterly as her lips tingled slightly from where they touched the leader's skin.

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